Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I loved the Danny/Flack scene last night! :D How cute were they???

Flack actually said, "6.5, Mess..." He has yet another nickname for his baby. :D He also called him Dan at one point in that scene. Methinks someone is asserting his claim on a certain Kinkapoodle. ;) :devil:

I also loved his "hmph" when Lindsay said it was good to be back. :lol: My thoughts exactly, Flack. ;)

I think it's cute that he teases Danny, gently, about his jokes. Flack is very clearly the funny one in this relationship. Danny tries, but he just doesn't have Flack's sharp tongue. Flack clearly finds it adorable that he tries though. ;)

Ooooh, the "ya like that?" scene? Danny, Danny, such a tease. :devil: And Flack? Totally and completely hooked. :lol: The man's in love! :D

Oh, and that pic from "Rain"? I think Flack wants to cuff Danny, not the suspect. ;) :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Hehe! The pic from the interrogation. Look at the smirk on Danny's face. He's so proud of his Flack. The handcuff picture just needs no words and the pic of Flack from when Danny is taking the fingerpring. Look how he's trying to puff his chest out and shoulders back. So relaxed! Down boy, you're at work.
I love how many nicknames Flack gets away with. I do wonder if they are ad-libs on Eddie's part? Mess is probably the cutest though!
Thanks Fay for clearing up the meaning! I was just coming off a double shift when I read it and I was like hmph.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

The Crotch picture kills me everytime! :lol: it never fails to make me laugh, everything about it is funny, Danny face and the way his sitting, its almost as if Flack pointing it out makes danny sit/stand to attention! ;)

Yeah, no one else ever does it, but he never questions it, or even comments. Yeah (sorry my mind again) the nickname Mess , sounds innocent doesn't it, just a shortened version of his last name, but it could refer to perhaps the Mess he make whilst he's screaming Don's name. Or the Mess they leave in their wake whilst undressing to get to the bedroom/sofa/coffee table/bath/ the list is endless, just a dirty thought :devil:

Yeah cheers for the context as it was a little confusing - i'll be looking forward to seeign it!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I never thought of the mess comment beforehand but I like where you're heading Sammy! Danny never questions it does he? We've have Dan, Danno and Mess. Danny calls Lindsay Montana and she always kicks up a fuss.
I can't wait for the episode!
Does anyone have anymore episode where they have fabulous pics or screentime together!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

The two main D/F episodes as far as I can think at the moment would definitely be "Blood, Sweat and Tears" from season one and, of course, "Necrophilia Americana" in season two. :D "On the Job" has a great little D/F scene, and pretty much any episode that they're in together will provide some incriminating screencaps, especially of Flack (that man staaaaares sometimes, doesn't he? :devil:)

Speaking of "Blood, Sweat and Tears" and "Necrophilia Americana":







:devil: Have I ever mentioned that I love these two? :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Thanks Faylinn for the pics :)

To be honest and this does sound like an odd thing to say, but i seem to get more subtext from the cases they don't work just together, although i would love to see more D/F pairings.

They seem to do more telling things in those episode than they do when its jsut them, like in BS&T flack tells Danny that if he is jonesing for a sandwich at 3 in the morning he phones the deli, if Danny stayed over surely he'd know this. where as in the cases that they work on but with other people, like, Trapped, Rain, Live and Let die, and Night, Mother - when Flack jokingly acusses Danny of trying how to tell him to do his Job. Or in Stealing Home (i think) when Him and Danny look at each other, when Lindsey tells them they arrrest Vackner, you pick more hints that there is something going on between them.

Maybe thats just me...

Hope all that makes sense.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Yeah I understand. It's like when they work a case together, just the two of them, there is major staring and complimenting, they seem to just know what the other is thinkng and relax and kinda show off in what they know. Whereas when they are with other CSI's they snark and joke round as if they are only friends and nothing more. Trying to throw people of the scent.
Fay those pictures are so good. I love how when it's just Danny and Flack they have no idea about each others personal space. They are always standing so close together.
You know for aure in Dancing with the Fishes that Cindy person calling Danny was Flack. He said he'd call 'her' back later because he was with Hawkes. He didn't want the secret out.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Sammy11 said:
... like in BS&T flack tells Danny that if he is jonesing for a sandwich at 3 in the morning he phones the deli, if Danny stayed over surely he'd know this.

Ahh, but that's easy. BS&T was the episode they got together. 'Course Danny wouldn't have known that yet, would he? ;) Flack was giving him hints about his eating habits ... after all, Flack is a big boy who likes his food!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

It could also be that Don is dropping hints about being awake in the middle of the night. *whistles innocently* Besides, if Danny was over, would Don really take time out to order a sandwich? ;)

But yeah, I can see why you'd think that, sammy. ;) I just tend to look at it as their relationship might have started but not been serious at that point. ;) And I also love the moments between them when they're working with other people. :p

If you look at the diner scene in "On the Job" in a slashy way (as I am wont to do ;)), it seems like maybe Danny is a bit unsure of his standing with Don. Like maybe their relationship has changed recently and he's not sure what it means. So maybe things didn't take a romantic turn until well into season 1, or maybe things had been that way for a while but had only recently gotten more serious...or something. :lol:

Kimmy, it's a given that Don would have to make sure that Danny knows all about his food preferences. What better way to get back in Don's good graces after a fight than by bringing food to him? :D

*Danny walks up to Don's apartment and goes to knock on the door*
*The door flies open before Danny can even knock*
Don: Is that a cinnamon twist I smell?!
Danny: Yeah, you want some?
*Don inhales it*
Don: *eyes narrow* You brat.
Danny: *innocent smile*
Don: Ok, fine, I forgive you...

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Faylinn said:
It could also be that Don is dropping hints about being awake in the middle of the night. *whistles innocently* Besides, if Danny was over, would Don really take time out to order a sandwich? ;)
Hell yes! The boy needs to refuel the tank for round 2. :devil: I can easily imagine Flack's post-coital conversation beginning with: "I'm hungry. You got anything to eat in this place?"
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I would imagine that anything Flack does has to involve food.... or at least eating :devil:

Faylinn - Yeah that does make sense, if you've just got together with someone you are still unsure and Danny definitely shows signs of that. I think that they give more away in the episodes that don't pair them (as in just them) like Michelle says, they are trying not to be obvious, but we all know that never works! :lol: Especially if Donnie is gonna stare like that!

Perhaps when Flack is "Jonesing for a .... (can't remember the sandwich)" and he calls Annie down at the Deli, it's all subtext, Maybe he is implying that when he fancies a bit of Danny (lets face it the man is good enough to eat) "Annie down at the Deli" - i don't think i need to explain that euphamism, just think meat - well "annie" makes him give Danny a call to ask him over, hence the you can anything deleivered ... :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

ooh I love all this subtext! BST does seem like the episode where it all began. I love how it's always about food with the two of them. (pops to watch the episode again).
They both drop in lil comments like Don wanting a sandwich at 3am - (post-sex eating go Don) and Danny saying about his apartment and his neighbours and whatnot. They are still learing the basic stuff about each other.
In OTJ it seems like Danny called Don cos he wanted to know that he believed him and that he had his back and supported him. When Don couldn't answer him that's when Danny lost it and left. I guess Danny has had people not trust or believe in him in the past and when Flack couldn't look him in the eye at that point it spoke volumes. The one person Danny was beginning to let his guard down around couldn't console him. Danny looked like he'd been hit in the gut.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

thought i'd provide a brief interlude with voile! the boys...matching coat style!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

That picture is so sweet! They both look like naughty school boys! It looks like they are trying not to laugh!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Yeah fooling about in science class! I just hope Mac doesn't get to strict on them... or their behinds :devil: :eek:
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