Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Flack is very frisky, that's for sure. Copping a feel, leaving pervy messages on Danny's phone, jumping him in the locker room...the list goes on and on. :lol: How on earth could the rest of the lab be oblivious to what's going on?...Or maybe they aren't as oblivious as Danny and Flack think they are? ;) Naughty boys. :devil:

So, to get some discussion going that I've been thinking about:

In the chat this past Wednesday, Eddie told us that Flack wouldn't have the patience for the back-and-forth crap that Danny and Lindsay have had on the show. Regardless of how you feel about that relationship, etc, I thought it was worth mentioning in here.

If Flack wouldn't wait around for Lindsay, what is it about Danny that would keep him interested? Danny is, by all accounts, either confused, in denial, stubborn, or a combination of the three and then some. :lol: At what point would Flack lose the patience necessary to pursue Danny in a romantic way? Or might he give up and then continue to be pulled back in because Danny is, well, Danny? I'm sure he'd want to stay friends, so perhaps he tells himself that he and Danny are nothing more, only to waver later on...

Thoughts? :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Or might he give up and then continue to be pulled back in because Danny is, well, Danny?

I don't think Flack is a strong as he'd like everyone to believe especially when it comes to his Danny. I think the senario is that just as Flack talked himself out of his feelings for Danny, something would happen (danny in a dangerous situation, Danny upset, danny stripped to the bare minimum - sorry don't know where that came from :rolleyes:) that would bring them flooding back...
Danny isn't oblivious to Flacks feelings (how could he be, the man can't take his eyes of him?!?!) so my feeling is that Danny would realise that Flack is pulling back and would keep enticing him back, the little TEASE ! :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Hmm, very good point. Danny might not be sure about how he feels about Don, or about what he wants from the other man, but I can definitely see him making an effort to keep Don attentive, just because Danny doesn't want to see what would happen if Don lost interest. Maybe he thinks that Don is only his friend because there's a deeper attraction there. Silly boy, you should know better. :p

A few classic D/F pictures, just to add some pretty. ;)



Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Danny is quite insecure so i think he would worry about losing Don's unswerving love, with the other CSI's i get the feeling occassionally he doesn't know where he stands. But he knows where he is with Don, I don't think Danny would only want Don there because he likes the attention, i think he wants and needs Don there because Don makes him able to be him, no apologies. Flack is pretty sure of himself and has a decent dose self belief, i think that Danny recognises this, probably makes him unsure of his feelings too...

Love the pics, brightened my working day up no end! :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Faylinn said:
So, to get some discussion going that I've been thinking about:

In the chat this past Wednesday, Eddie told us that Flack wouldn't have the patience for the back-and-forth crap that Danny and Lindsay have had on the show. Regardless of how you feel about that relationship, etc, I thought it was worth mentioning in here.

If Flack wouldn't wait around for Lindsay, what is it about Danny that would keep him interested? Danny is, by all accounts, either confused, in denial, stubborn, or a combination of the three and then some. :lol: At what point would Flack lose the patience necessary to pursue Danny in a romantic way? Or might he give up and then continue to be pulled back in because Danny is, well, Danny? I'm sure he'd want to stay friends, so perhaps he tells himself that he and Danny are nothing more, only to waver later on...

Thoughts? :D

This is a great point and my honest answer is that I think Danny is Flack's weakness. Flack is tough and strong but when it comes to Danny Flack clearly has a soft spot that he doesn't seem to have for or with anyone else.

Take, for instance, "Trapped." Stella and Flack burst into the room to find Jerry holding Danny hostage. But who is it that actually shoots Jerry? It's Stella. I think Flack froze. Otherwise, what explains why the detective who doesn't hesitate to chase suspects and take them down didn't fire a single shot? The one variable is Danny--the fact that Danny was in danger, and in the direct line of fire.

I think Sammy is right about Danny being Flack's weakness. And Danny does tease and entice Flack, and keep him interested when maybe he'd otherwise walk away.

I don't blame Eddie for wanting no part of Lindsay--where Danny has never treated Flack poorly, Danny actually had to put up with a lot of shit from Lindsay. I imagine if Danny stood Flack up for a basketball date or started trying to make Flack take on all the unpleasant aspects of the job, Flack's interest would wane. I just don't think Flack has the same self-esteem issues that Danny has, so if Danny pulled that crap eventually Flack would call him on it or lose interest. As much as he's crazy about Danny, I don't think it's quite to the point of being unhealthy.

But then, unlike Lindsay, Danny doesn't treat Flack like crap. Sure, he might expect Flack to make a big fuss over him and he might let Flack take care of him, but he doesn't stand him up or treat him shabbily.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Top - I agree - the Danny that we know and love might be a hot-head, but he has a very deep-set ethical code in the little Italian head of his. There are certain ways you treat people, and certain ways you don't, and if you can't make a date, you inform that person because it's the decent thing to do. Mama Messer didn't bring her boy up any other way! I can't see Danny ever taking Don for granted that way - he has too much respect for him.

(Muh, I bet Hawkes turned up for lunch at the Messer's, because HE has some manners!)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Muh, I bet Hawkes turned up for lunch at the Messer's, because HE has some manners
And I'm sure he brought flowers or a gift for Danny's mother as well <G>
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^Maybe he brought Danny flowers and that's why there was tension between Flack and Hawkes in "Sleight Out of Hand." ;)

Silencer said:
Top - I agree - the Danny that we know and love might be a hot-head, but he has a very deep-set ethical code in the little Italian head of his. There are certain ways you treat people, and certain ways you don't, and if you can't make a date, you inform that person because it's the decent thing to do. Mama Messer didn't bring her boy up any other way! I can't see Danny ever taking Don for granted that way - he has too much respect for him.

I agree. Danny might let Flack take care of him, but he's never been cruel or mean to Flack. I know the whole CoTP issue is still very much up for debate, but we didn't see Flack's recovery so supposition either way is just that--supposition. I do think Flack would be pretty fed up with Danny if Danny wasn't there for him at all. Danny's also been established as the sweetest and most emotional character on the show, and I think Flack appreciates that about him.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I gotta say that second D/F picture is possibly my fave! Danny is leaning into Flack and Flack looks like he's just about to stcik out his tongue! Perfect!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^That's such an intimate shot, isn't it? :D Danny looks so totally relaxed and trusting, and Flack looks like he's enjoying the opportunity to lean in close to his baby. I love how Flack's body is almost turned towards Danny--like in the pic from "Trapped"--his attention is on Danny, not the suspect. And in the third pic, he's just looking at Danny like he's totally and completely crazy about his sexy baby. :D They're just so damn sexy! :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

The most inncoent of comments and pictures just show how deep their friendship is. Flack always looks so concerned and on edge when he sees Danny in certain situations like Trapped and On The Job and I love how he can't seem to settle and relax until he knows Danny is safe. I hope in a future episode we see the tablesturns and that Danny could be there for Flack. I think Flack is the only character which Danny lets his guard and his full emotions play out too.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I love how Flack's body is almost turned towards Danny--like in the pic from "Trapped"--his attention is on Danny, not the suspect.
I just watched (well mostly listened) to Trapped yesterday at work on my iPod but I had to watch that part. I also noticed that right after that look he asks Danny "You ok?" Poor Flack was worried to death over his kpoo. Too bad Danny and Flack weren't working that case alone. When the locksmith (already forgot his name) asked Danny where his partner was and then Stella appeared and said "She's right here." I was thinking it would have been great if it had been Flack. "Where's your partner now?" Then Flack comes in "He's right here." What a great moment that would have been.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

That would have been the most perfect comment for all Danny and Flack fans! Flack saying I'm right here. I thinking I would have squealed.
I love the look on Flack's face from Trapped when they say it could take 13 hours to get Danny out. It's perfect.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

MichelleK said:
I love the look on Flack's face from Trapped when they say it could take 13 hours to get Danny out. It's perfect.

Yeah, although it could be one of two things his thinking,

"Oh man i've got to wait that long!?!?!"


"He's gonna be one randy brat after being stuck in there and we're outta lube!? Do you think Stella will notice if i popped to the pharmacy?"
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Sammy. Oh my you do make me laugh!!
You make me wanna watch Trapped now and add my story to it.
I agree with everyone who says that Danny is Flack's weakness. Flack seems to be the one who can bring Danny out of his pissy moods and I guess if Danny ever treated Flack in a bad way Danny would get his ass kicked.
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