Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I wonder how the actors would feel if they did actually have to play out Danny and Flack in a relationship??
I doubt it would ever happen, but if the writers did toy with the idea, I can't begin to wonder how the actors might feel about it. *shrug*

It's funny, Flack is so in control all of the time that I think Danny might be the one thing that makes him loose control. And I think he likes it, the fact that he's found someone he's just so darn crazy about.
Oh yeah, Danny is disarming for Don--and neither of them has any idea why. The fact that Don's feelings are so strong convinces him that it's something important and worth chasing; meanwhile, Danny sees the strength of Don's feelings in the opposite way--he can't understand why Don would feel that way, so he becomes more guarded, not knowing how to interpret things...

Did you guys notice the giggle in "The Ride In"?
I saw you mention that on Kimmy's journal. I must have missed that part. One more thing to keep an eye out for when I re-watch the episode. :p

I also love how he went out to the car to escort Danny into the crime scene.
Now now, you know very well that the only reason Don walked out to the car was to fill Danny in before they got to the house...*chuckle*

Danny is adorableness itself.
Sometimes he can be very childlike, both in enthusiasm and vulnerability, and something in Flack responds to that, wanting to protect him and, I think, experience that side of Danny's personality that he himself doesn't have. If that makes sense.

So...is Flack still in the doghouse for not telling Danny about Mac and Peyton, or has he won his way back into his Kinkapoodle's good graces...and his bed?
Oh, Danny can't stay mad for too long. He might still be putting on a bit of a show of being upset, but he's (mostly) over it by now. Resisting just enough to show Don that yes, he still has the power and the will to walk away, but then giving in. Make Don work for it and he won't be tempted to take it for granted, as it were. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^Awww, Danny's trying to find out if Flack is wearing anything under that white shirt. :lol: Very cute Danny, very cute. :D

Faylinn said:
Oh yeah, Danny is disarming for Don--and neither of them has any idea why. The fact that Don's feelings are so strong convinces him that it's something important and worth chasing; meanwhile, Danny sees the strength of Don's feelings in the opposite way--he can't understand why Don would feel that way, so he becomes more guarded, not knowing how to interpret things...

I totally see that dynamic too. I think Don was initially probably like, "WTF? I've got feelings for another guy???" but when he realized how strong those feelings were he was like, "What the hell? It is what it is." I don't think he questioned too much after the initial realization, and he doesn't have any hesistation about showing Danny how he feels because he's smart and confident enough to know it's not worth letting love pass you by when you find it. Danny with all his insecurity and fears is afraid if he lets his guard down and doesn't play hard to get that Flack will eventually get bored and lose interest.

I saw you mention that on Kimmy's journal. I must have missed that part. One more thing to keep an eye out for when I re-watch the episode. :p

I just want to rewatch the teaser. :lol: I can't remember what it was, but something Danny said made Flack giggle, I think. It was so cute!

Now now, you know very well that the only reason Don walked out to the car was to fill Danny in before they got to the house...*chuckle*

He couldn't have waited until Danny got to the scene, like he does for everyone else? :lol: ;) I love it. Flack's so cute and obvious. :D

Sometimes he can be very childlike, both in enthusiasm and vulnerability, and something in Flack responds to that, wanting to protect him and, I think, experience that side of Danny's personality that he himself doesn't have. If that makes sense.

I agree completely. There's nothing vulnerable or insecure about Flack, and he's not overly emotional. I think Danny's kind of a curiosity to him--albeit a sexy, adorable, puzzling, sometimes challenging but always lovable curiosity. :D

Oh, Danny can't stay mad for too long. He might still be putting on a bit of a show of being upset, but he's (mostly) over it by now. Resisting just enough to show Don that yes, he still has the power and the will to walk away, but then giving in. Make Don work for it and he won't be tempted to take it for granted, as it were. ;)

Exactly...or dare to ever withhold information from his Kinkapoodle again. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I think even as friendships the relationship has so many different dynamics and I love that there is room to explore so much more of the two of them!
That's what I love, really. My feelings on shipping have changed over the past few months, and I might have lost interest in the pairing if it was just for the pretty. :lol: The friendship is a source of endless possibility for fanfic, and merging that with something more than friends is very interesting to me. :)

I don't think he questioned too much after the initial realization, and he doesn't have any hesistation about showing Danny how he feels because he's smart and confident enough to know it's not worth letting love pass you by when you find it. Danny with all his insecurity and fears is afraid if he lets his guard down and doesn't play hard to get that Flack will eventually get bored and lose interest.
Yes, yes, yes. :) And I think Don appreciates that Danny is like that, because it proves to him that the intensity of his feelings is not one-sided.

I think Danny's kind of a curiosity to him--albeit a sexy, adorable, puzzling, sometimes challenging but always lovable curiosity.
And for some reason, that line had me picturing the pair of them cuddling--like, cuddling in the way that Danny denies doing. :lol: Why would that pop into my head? :p

or dare to ever withhold information from his Kinkapoodle again.
Oh no, he learned his lesson with that one. :lol:

In case you guys are wondering, the AU story by "iscaris" is finally finished--she posted part 5 this past Sunday, but I only read it last night. It was a great story, and if you haven't checked it out, you should. :D 1CSIMfan added a link on the D/F Archive (link in my siggie) if you can't find it. :) Also, to repeat what I said a while ago--if you're interested in reading a work-in-progress by "HemingwayCav," send me a PM and I'll let her know so she can e-mail it to you. :)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

**hides in shame - I've neglected this thread lately** :( But I come bearing Danny/Flack pics from The Ride In. :D
Danny: I can't believe we got called out. Don: It's ok babe, I'll make it up to you. :devil:

I have one question. Where's Flack's left hand? Copping a feel of Danny's ass perhaps? :p

Danny: Knock it off Don, we're working. Don: Come on Danny, you know you liked it.

BTW, that AU story from iscaris is fantastic. It's a must read.

Is it just me, or did Flack seem to do less staring at Danny in The Ride In? Maybe I'm just paranoid.

He couldn't have waited until Danny got to the scene, like he does for everyone else?
No wonder Don came out to the car for Danny. Did you see that guy hitting on Danny? (see below) Don knows his kpoo is one hot little number.

Oh yeah, look at Don's face. Danny's gonna pay for looking back at that guy.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Yeah, I haven't been back in here since I posted last time. *prods you guys* :lol:

I mentioned the lack of staring over on BC. It's not just you. ;)

I love those pictures, thanks for sharing. :)

I'm working on a D/F story at the moment. It's a bit crack-tastic, but it's not going to read that way...if that makes sense. :lol: It has an element that is distinctly cracky, but other than that is pretty normal. ;) I have another story in mind that I want to write later on, but I'm not sure when/if that one will get started--it's really angsty and will probably be pretty long. Of course, the cracky one I'm working on is going to be ~11 chapters long, so... :lol:

(I'm usually much more on-topic. :eek: )
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I mentioned the lack of staring over on BC. It's not just you.
I thought maybe I was just having a small freak out. I guess I am now. :eek: Do you think they've been in the NY forums and decided there was too much Danny/Flack?

Fay dear, how many fics do you have in the works now?...about 39843984. :p Please get your ass on the ball. :D

Ok, here's some more DF pictures for everyone to drool over.

I posted this over in the naughty picture thread but it's just begging to be posted over here.

Poor Flack, he just can't get enough of staring at Danny's ass.

Danny: Ya like that Flack? Flack: Oh yeah. :devil:

Danny went to Montana?

It's ok Hawkes. He took care of me before he left.

Earlier that day......

Feeling guilty kpoo? :p

I'm usually much more on-topic.
Do I have to get out my whip...and handcuffs...and... :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I thought maybe I was just having a small freak out. I guess I am now. Do you think they've been in the NY forums and decided there was too much Danny/Flack?
I considered that. But really, I don't see why they'd make an effort to change it, since they obviously aren't going to go with a pairing they aren't planning on having there. *shrug* Unless Eddie wanted to make sure that Flack is less obvious, what with recent developments in the plot, of course. ;)

Fay dear, how many fics do you have in the works now?...about 39843984. Please get your ass on the ball.
Be nice to me, or I won't share the smut with you anymore. :lol: And I can't make my muse cooperate, she has to agree to do so on her own. She has no problem coming up with ideas, she just doesn't want to actually develop them and/or type them up. :p

I love the pictures of the scene with Hawkes--Don was in a great mood at that point (it was obviously before my fic starts. *whistles innocently* You'll understand soon, my darlings, fear not). But the first picture of Flack giving Danny that sultry look and clearly debating whether he should sneak over to cop a feel is just smexy. :devil: Danny is obviously aware of Don's attention, though. ;)

And that last picture is great--if only because Flack matches the fanfic archive. :lol:

Do I have to get out my whip...and handcuffs...and... :devil:
Ooh, yes plz! :D (I'm sure that wasn't the desired reaction, but I'm not complaining. :lol:)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Hey! Are those screencaps from the scene in the magic shop?! Thank youuuuuuuu, I really needed those! :D

Ah, they're just the inspiration I need for a story I'm finishing up. Gotta love that face of his when he says, "Danny's gone to Montana?" (Yes, I know he didn't actually say that in the episode. :p)

By the way, what the heck is this about too much Danny/Flack? Bah, there is no such thing. There can be a lot of D/F, but never too much. :devil: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Faylinn, where are your Danny/Flack stories posted? I would love to read them sometime!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Too much D/F? Never! In my eyes, you can never have enough of the two together.

The pics are amazing. Danny taking care of Flack.....that is good. With cuffs and whips and whipped cream....oh no...my mind is in gutterville again.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Michelle, my fics can be found on my LJ or ff.net accounts, both of which are linked in my siggie. ;) The LJ has a 'Fanfic List' link on the right side of the page where everything is listed. :)

Nope, Tristianna, there can never be too much D/F as far as I'm concerned. ;) And is it possible to leave Gutterville when these two are involved? :lol:

Kimmy, those two pictures of Flack and Hawkes are from the magic shop scene, yes. :D I'm not sure why you needed them, but I can imagine. :devil: Is the 'inspiration' for a D/F fic or that Flack/Hawkes bunny you had in your brain? ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Fay: Nope, it is a fact, once in gutterville always in gutterville. Especially wit h Danny and Flack gracing us with their presence. Them and their box of "fun".
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Thanks Fay! I'll definitely check them out! I agree that there can never be too much Danny and Flack and with the writers never going to put the pair together, fan fic is going to have to be my escape in to the world of Danny and Flack in love!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Awww, I love the pics from The Ride In! Flack snuck cute little glances at his Kinkapoodle throughout that first scene. After that, they weren't really around each other much, but Flack got his lustful gazes in.

And possibly copped a feel! :devil: That Flack is a naughty one! You just know he wants to get a taste of Kinkapoodle whenever and wherever he can. I think Flack cops many, many feels and Danny blushes because he knows his lover is both ardent and very, very wicked. :devil:
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