Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

1CSIMfan said:
^^Top, you do realize any time you mention a picture of the boys, I usually have it. :D I just can't comment on this picture it's so good. :p


OK, this is one of the cutest pics ever. And that's all I'm going to say...other than omgcouldtheybeanycloserandlookanyhappier??? :lol: :devil: ;)

I swear Stella, it's at least this big. :eek:

Stella is so picturing Danny and Flack together. :devil:

Flack's working late. Oh, he will pay for me losing precious jackhammer time. :mad:

That is one sour kinkapoodle! Flack must have been in big, big trouble that night. :eek: Poor Flack, I have a feeling he logs a lot of couch time, and many, many hours trying to get back into his temperamental kinkapoodle's good graces...

Maybe telling Danny I had to work late wasn't the best idea. :(

Flack just found out he's sleeping on the couch. :(

Faylinn said:
Now that I've gotten that over with, I feel I should say something else. Flack, my dear, why would you keep a secret from Danny? True, Mac and Peyton's relationship wasn't any of Danny's business, really, but you know how he is. Now he's going to whine about you keeping secrets, and so on and so forth. I know what you're thinking, and I agree with you--Danny can't keep his friggin' mouth shut, so life was more peaceful before he started to poke his nose in their business. But really, Mac and Peyton don't have to deal with a pissy kinkapoodle after work, you do. Make things easier on yourself in the future, and just tell him. Kay? :)

How adorable was that??? Not Stella, or Hawkes, or Lindsay, or Hammerback or Adam...the list goes on...Flack. ;) Because who else would Danny hear it from but the person whose arms he falls asleep in every night? Hmmmm?

Oh, it was so obvious from the look on Danny's face that Flack was in the dog house! And on Valentine's Day of all days! Poor Flack! :( No doubt he came over to Danny's place, taking the stairs two at a time, carrying a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates for his baby only to be greeted by one sulky Kinkapoodle who told Flack he wasn't getting any that night because Flack didn't tell him about Mac and Peyton.

No doubt Flack spent many hours explaining (it just slipped his mind! was it really that big a deal???), sweet talking and eventually begging his Danny for a little taste of Kinkapoodle. And well, because Flack can be pretty persuasive and because it was Valentine's day, I bet Danny gave in eventually and let Flack into Kinkapoodle heaven. ;) :devil:

But I have to say, I think Flack was right to not tell Danny. I mean, Danny does have a big mouth, and Peyton looked pretty horrified when Danny made reference to her and Mac's grandchildren! Plus, woe is Flack if Mac buys Peyton anything really nice and Danny gets wind of it. Danny will want grand gestures from his Jackhammer then. ;)

As for whether they'd be in love if one of them had a different career, I think the answer is yes. I'm convinced Flack pretty much fell for Danny at first sight, and I think he'd do anything to get his Danny.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Top41 said:
Oh, it was so obvious from the look on Danny's face that Flack was in the dog house! And on Valentine's Day of all days! Poor Flack! :( No doubt he came over to Danny's place, taking the stairs two at a time, carrying a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates for his baby only to be greeted by one sulky Kinkapoodle who told Flack he wasn't getting any that night because Flack didn't tell him about Mac and Peyton.

No doubt Flack spent many hours explaining (it just slipped his mind! was it really that big a deal???), sweet talking and eventually begging his Danny for a little taste of Kinkapoodle. And well, because Flack can be pretty persuasive and because it was Valentine's day, I bet Danny gave in eventually and let Flack into Kinkapoodle heaven. ;) :devil:

Hey you. Stop putting plot bunnies in my head. :p It's bad enough Fay got the Coffee Machine/Danny pairing stuck in my head ... now I have this Valentine's Day plot in there too! :lol: And hey! We're getting Danny/Flack next week! Weeeeeeee. I hope there will be many scenes of them together. :D

EDIT: Okay, I just saw the first scene of the episode, and I had to add this ...

When Mac and Peyton show up, the first thing that comes out of Danny's mouth is, "They brought out the big guns."

Sound familiar? It should. It was exactly what Flack said to Danny in the episode Necrophilia Americana. Yes, that momentous one where Flack gave Danny that lovey-dovey handwave. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

And well, because Flack can be pretty persuasive and because it was Valentine's day, I bet Danny gave in eventually and let Flack into Kinkapoodle heaven.
:lol: Danny knows just how to make Flack squirm, and Flack knows just how to get back in Danny's good graces. They clearly enjoy making things difficult for each other--especially Danny. :lol: Can't have things be too easy, no, he's got to make Donnie work for it. :devil:

Plus, woe is Flack if Mac buys Peyton anything really nice and Danny gets wind of it. Danny will want grand gestures from his Jackhammer then.
Oh no! Poor Donnie, how could he compete?
Don: Danny, Mac bought her diamond earrings. You said you thought diamonds were a waste of money, remember? It's just carbon.
Danny: *pout* It's the idea, Donnie! Don't you think I'm worth it?
Don: Of course you are, I just don't know what you expect. Do you want me to get you something nice?
Danny: You're not supposed to ask, you're supposed to just do it!
Don: How can I go out and buy you something if I have no idea what you want?
Danny: Well, you'll just have to figure it out, won't you?

And Donnie is sleeping on the couch again. Poor woobie. :lol:

As for whether they'd be in love if one of them had a different career, I think the answer is yes. I'm convinced Flack pretty much fell for Danny at first sight, and I think he'd do anything to get his Danny.
Flack is a persistant man, he'd get his way in the end. :lol: That frickin' FBI/baseball AU bunny is trying to chew off my little toe. It's ever-so-slightly annoying. *scowls at the bunny*

It's bad enough Fay got the Coffee Machine/Danny pairing stuck in my head ...
Hey, you suggested it, I just talked out the idea! :lol: Can you imagine Donnie being jealous of the coffee machine? And the coffee machine being possessed and out to destroy Don? But then the coffee machine realizes that there are too many things keeping it and Danny apart, and that all it really wants is for Danny to be happy--so when something bad happens and some crazy person tries to shoot Danny, Don leaps in front of his kinkapoodle to shield him from harm, and the coffee machine, recognizing true love, leaps in front of them both and takes the fatal bullets for them... :( It's so saaaaaad! *sobbing*

...*rolls on the ground laughing*

It was exactly what Flack said to Danny in the episode Necrophilia Americana. Yes, that momentous one where Flack gave Danny that lovey-dovey handwave.
Ah yes, one of my very favorite D/F moments ever! :lol: But is it any surprise that Flack was on Danny's mind? After all, it was Valentine's Day. He was probably waiting for his shift to be over so that he could go have a romantic time with Donnie--not that it was going to happen after Danny found out that Flack was keeping secrets, though. :p

How cute of a picture!
Silly boys, we know you want to hold hands. :p It's okay, we don't mind. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Kimmychu said:
Hey you. Stop putting plot bunnies in my head. :p It's bad enough Fay got the Coffee Machine/Danny pairing stuck in my head ... now I have this Valentine's Day plot in there too! :lol: And hey! We're getting Danny/Flack next week! Weeeeeeee. I hope there will be many scenes of them together. :D

You know you want to write a Valentine's story for the boys! :lol: :D And I know I want to read it if you do. :D I'm behind on my comments, but I loved "Amor." Very, very romantic.

Fay, that is exactly what Danny would do to poor Don. He'd expect Don to read his mind, and then get pissed when he didn't. That's just Danny. :lol:

Flack would totally be jealous of a coffee machine or anything or anyone else, inanimate or animate, that came near HIS Kinkapoodle. Flack is possessive. He works hard for that Kinkapoodle and he does not share. ;)

EDIT: Okay, I just saw the first scene of the episode, and I had to add this ...

When Mac and Peyton show up, the first thing that comes out of Danny's mouth is, "They brought out the big guns."

Sound familiar? It should. It was exactly what Flack said to Danny in the episode Necrophilia Americana. Yes, that momentous one where Flack gave Danny that lovey-dovey handwave. :lol:

I noticed that! How cute was it that Danny parroted his man? He said the same words his Flack said to him...that was beyond adorable. Yet another little shoutout to DF, perhaps? :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Don doesn't share, and Danny loves that all he has to do is smile at someone and it gets Don's jealous nature going. :lol: Don knows Danny isn't looking for lovin' anywhere else, but he just can't help himself--Danny gets too much attention for Don to just ignore it. :p

Kimmy, you will write any and all D/F fics that come into your head because we say so. :lol: So hop to it! ;)

By the way, if any of you guys are interested in reading a work-in-progress D/F fic by HemingwayCav, send me a PM. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Danny seems to play innocent and Don the aggersive one. Interesting that I am the one writing the roles in reverse. Oh my sick twisted mind and its wicked plot bunnie ways. What is a 21 year old girl to do?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Well, people see the pairings differently sometimes. Personally, I think Danny may be aggressive at work, when dealing with suspects, but when he clocks out it's a completely different story. Professionally ballsy but once you get past that, he's a guy with a lot of self-doubt and a need to please. Don, meanwhile, has a confidence in who he is and where his life is going which Danny lacks. He just seems to have a dominant personality. He's calm to Danny's restless energy. He's aggressive while Danny seems to be more defensive (for himself and for the victims). Etc, etc.

Ah, and as for being 21--I just turned 22, so I can safely say that 21 is just like 20, unless you're getting drunk. Which I wasn't. :p


Don is only a fool for his kinkapoodle. :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Faylinn said:
Well, people see the pairings differently sometimes. Personally, I think Danny may be aggressive at work, when dealing with suspects, but when he clocks out it's a completely different story. Professionally ballsy but once you get past that, he's a guy with a lot of self-doubt and a need to please. Don, meanwhile, has a confidence in who he is and where his life is going which Danny lacks. He just seems to have a dominant personality. He's calm to Danny's restless energy. He's aggressive while Danny seems to be more defensive (for himself and for the victims). Etc, etc.

That's exactly how I see them. Danny is pretty massively insecure when it comes down to it, and Flack seems to have no problems in the confidence department. Danny will act out emotionally a lot of times, whereas Flack is sarcastic but never loses control. I love how they change around each other--Danny is more shy and yet calmer when Flack's around, while Flack--well, Flack who is usually all tough, sarcastic guy actually softens and teases and jokes with his baby, not to mention stares and just grins at him. They're so cute together--and they work together in this ep!!! :D :D :D

Flack is totally thinking about how sexy Danny looks and not at all about the case they're working on. ;) :lol:

Don is only a fool for his kinkapoodle. :p

AWWWWW. If that isn't the face/wave of a man head over heels in love, I don't know what it is. :p :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

That wave is the biggest dorkiest wave ever! So cute! He is beaing with pride! I would love to know if that wave was written in the script or if it was an ad lib!!
Flack you need to tell Danny how you feel!! There's not many of us out there that believe you just love him as a friend.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^Flack absolutely should tell Danny how he feels. But seriously...who could miss it? The way Flack stares is downright obvious! Danny is adorably clueless, but could anyone be that clueless?

I absolutely think Flack would be the one to make the first move. How do you envision it happening? I see Flack reaching a boiling point somewhere down the road. He'd be alone with Danny and just couldn't deny it anymore. I definitely see him grabbing Danny and just kissing him, and possibly being more aggressive even than that. I think once Don lost control, he'd really lose control. I think Danny's biggest fear would be that Flack is just acting on lust and nothing else. Time and one devoted detective would likely show him otherwise. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I think Flack would spill his feelings first! I could imagine it maybe after quite an intense scene (after Rasing Shane would have been ideal). Flack comes close to loosing Danny and he can't hide his feelings anymore! Danny would maybe back off or clam up and try and play it off and then realise in the end that he can't live without the Flackster!
True love always wins out!!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Aggression? Yes, please. :devil: Kind of like this, perhaps: Flack snapping and shoving Danny up against a locker to make out with him because a.) he put himself in danger one-too-many times, b.) he was just too hot and Flack couldn't control himself, c.) assorted suspects/witnesses/other women on the street keep flirting with him and Flack is getting jealous, d.) it's a full moon, e.) it's a Thursday--the possibilities are endless really, and the end result is the same: Flack losing his cool and Danny being totally shocked when Don damn-near tackles his ass in the locker room or something. :lol:

And yes, the locker room kiss is stuck in my brain. I need to write it in a fic or something just to get it out of my head. :p

Danny is such an idiot if he thinks Don would just abandon him--how long have they been friends, and how many times has Don proven himself to be loyal, caring, and just there for Danny? Silly boy, can't you see that he'd be even more devoted to you once you knew how he felt? :)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Faylinn and Top41 - Hats off to the both of you! I think you should definitely write the episode where Danny and Flack get it on!! Just email it to TPTB and see what happens? Hehe!!
I think maybe Danny is scared to let poeple get close to him and to know the real Danny in case they don't like what they see!!
I wonder how the actors would feel if they did actually have to play out Danny and Flack in a relationship??
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Faylinn said:
Aggression? Yes, please. :devil: Kind of like this, perhaps: Flack snapping and shoving Danny up against a locker to make out with him because a.) he put himself in danger one-too-many times, b.) he was just too hot and Flack couldn't control himself, c.) assorted suspects/witnesses/other women on the street keep flirting with him and Flack is getting jealous, d.) it's a full moon, e.) it's a Thursday--the possibilities are endless really, and the end result is the same: Flack losing his cool and Danny being totally shocked when Don damn-near tackles his ass in the locker room or something. :lol:

Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes!!! :D All of the above, please. All of that pent up lust is going to come out somehow, and Flack can only take so much of the Kinkapoodle tease before he bursts. It's funny, Flack is so in control all of the time that I think Danny might be the one thing that makes him loose control. And I think he likes it, the fact that he's found someone he's just so darn crazy about. Flack is practically giddy around Danny!

Did you guys notice the giggle in "The Ride In"? Don Flack, the toughest guy in the precinct most likely, giggled. Just being in the same room with Danny makes him so damn happy! :D

I also love how he went out to the car to escort Danny into the crime scene. Flack is so darn chivalrous. I love how he always goes the extra mile to show Danny how much he means to him.

And Danny was cute, too. He bounced when he saw the ark! :D Awww, Danny. No wonder Flack is head over heels. Danny is adorableness itself.

So...is Flack still in the doghouse for not telling Danny about Mac and Peyton, or has he won his way back into his Kinkapoodle's good graces...and his bed? :devil: ;)
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