Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I personally have a D/F drabble story going, its on my ff.net account in my profile. Wish I wouldn't have left the other pieces to it at home, would have updated it today.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Top, please stop using the phrase "scrunched faced woman". My sides, cheeks, brain cannot handle it.

That cap is actually quite creepy though. If you look at it, it's like Danny and Don are the only... solid things in the room. Everything else is... not there.

There's a line in a certain Indian film that I'm very fond of, that refers to the first time one of the characters falls in love. He says "When I fall in love, violins will play." Music will play, time will stop, and the world will fall away until all you can see is the person you love. Try and tell me THAT cap doesn't show that?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Isn't that in Mac's office? Looks like they took a break from filming but that's all Danny and Flack right there. :p

Welcome back Silencer. We've missed you. :D
Who would you choose, the tall, dark, handsome, sexy detective or the short, plain, scrunch-faced woman? Please, the choice is so easy it's laughable.
**raises hand** I'll take the tall, dark, handsome, sexy detective please. :devil:
Top, please stop using the phrase "scrunched faced woman". My sides, cheeks, brain cannot handle it.
Classic phrase. :p
That cap is actually quite creepy though. If you look at it, it's like Danny and Don are the only... solid things in the room. Everything else is... not there.
They seem to do that quite often. Danny and Flack are oblivious to everything and everyone around them. It's pointless to try to talk to them when they're lost in each others eyes. :rolleyes:

Guys remember, you need to have at least 3 lines of on topic posting in Shipper Central. ;) There's been a lot of short one and two sentence posting.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Silencer, I can't help it! :lol: It so perfectly describes the unpleasant look she wears about 92% of the time. :lol:

And for Danny and Flack, there is no one else in that room at all. ;)

MichelleK said:

Just posting this picture!! Danny may shy away his feelings for Flack but Carmine sure has a tight grip of Eddie!

Eddie's hand is on Carmine's shoulder, too. It's beyond cute. There's also an adorable picture of them from last spring in Chicago--they went to the Steppenwolf anniversary party to support Gary. Someone snapped a pic of them that is beyond cute.

But back to Danny and Flack...I can't wait for them to work together again so we can get more longing looks exchanged between the two! Flack's staring makes my day. :devil: :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^^Top, you do realize any time you mention a picture of the boys, I usually have it. :D I just can't comment on this picture it's so good. :p


It's been a while since Flack and Danny worked together but they definately work together in episode 17 on February 21st. Mac works with them too but I'm hoping for some DF moments. I'm having "Flack staring at Danny" withdrawls. :rolleyes: They are all working the same case in episode 18 too, before Danny leaves. **coughcough**

Unfortunately there were no pics of them together from Some Buried Bones but I think I can get some DF shippiness out of what I have.

I swear Stella, it's at least this big. :eek:

Flack's working late. Oh, he will pay for me losing precious jackhammer time. :mad:

Maybe telling Danny I had to work late wasn't the best idea. :(
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Welcome back Silencer. We've missed you.

Ah, thank you. Real life kind of got in the way and I'm only just catching up on TV shows I've missed and so on. CSI NY was the first one I watched, obviously :D

Still, now it appears I need to start some kind of anti-wangst movement, because I cannot take ANY MORE. Give me flirting and eyesex, I say!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I love that picture from "Stealing Home"--it really does look like Danny and Flack are the only things that are in focus in the picture. Me likey, me likey a lot. :p

There's a fic that's being posted over on LiveJournal by iscaris, an AU in which Danny never became a cop. Part 3 was posted today, and parts 4 and 5 will be posted next Sunday and then the Sunday after that. It's really good so far, and I thought I'd pimp it out to the D/F fans here who might not check out the D/F LJ community. You can get a link at the D/F Archive (follow my siggie to the board, with it's lovely new color scheme, which I like. ;)), and I'm going to post it on BC as well, in the 'Mature Links' thread (do not be alarmed by the pink, it's a Valentine's Day thing :lol:). I'm sure you guys will love it. ;)

So, thinking of that fic, I wanted to bring up this topic of conversation: do you think that, if life had gone differently for either of the guys, that they'd still end up together? If Danny had never become a cop, if Don had never become a cop, etc. I think it just seems more likely that Danny would be the one with a different career, since Don has that born-to-be-NYPD thing going on, but what do you think Danny would be doing? What if he'd been able to play baseball, etc? Do you believe in fate, in the sense that they'd end up finding each other regardless of the paths their lives took?... :)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

The pic of them both in the matching suits - It's beyond cute!! They look like they are on a date! Bless!
I love how cute and shiny they both look!! Eddie is holding on tight to Carmine huh!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

*cough* I think we should make sure we're not talking about the actors, just the characters. ;)

To answer my own question: I like the idea of these two finding each other even if their lives had taken different paths. Maybe it's a movie-cliche or something, but you never know. We can't say how our lives would have gone if things had happened differently, so it makes you wonder.

As for what they would have done if they weren't in the jobs they have now--I dunno. We know Danny played baseball, we know he played music for a bit. Flack seems like he was just meant to be a cop, but maybe he'd be a patrol cop instead of a detective, or maybe he would have joined the FBI or something. Still law-enforcement in some capacity, but not the exact job he has now...

See, now I have plot bunnies burrowing into my brain. Damn. *pout*
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Well hunni, your not the only one with the plot bunnies...think a few of mine escaped from the barn.

I seriously think that Danny would be a baseball player. Has the body for it. Don....he would be the FBI agent. I ca't think of a better place for him. Either that or he would be some sort of delivery guy, wonder what Danny would think of Don in those UPS shorts. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

OMG-DON-IN-UPS-SHORTS! :lol: *rolls around laughing* "Hey there stud, I got a nice, heavy package for ya." :lol:

But seriously, Danny-the-baseball-player and Don-the-FBI-agent would be an interesting AU. Some sort of case would involve the baseball team and Donnie would have to investigate--Danny's hot little ass in those pants, I mean. :lol:

But wait, would Don have to abandon the horrid-tie thing? :eek:

Hmm, the plot bunny is growing in my brain...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Dear Danny and Flack,

Even when you're not in an episode, I love you! Danny simply says Flack's name, and my mind is off and running. *sigh* It's much more fun this way, I think, being able to build the relationship without having to worry about canon getting in the way. All good things must come to an end, but for now I'm enjoying the open possibilities. Don't be discouraged, though--I won't let canon stand in the way. It's easier this way, but I can be resourceful. :D

Now that I've gotten that over with, I feel I should say something else. Flack, my dear, why would you keep a secret from Danny? True, Mac and Peyton's relationship wasn't any of Danny's business, really, but you know how he is. Now he's going to whine about you keeping secrets, and so on and so forth. I know what you're thinking, and I agree with you--Danny can't keep his friggin' mouth shut, so life was more peaceful before he started to poke his nose in their business. But really, Mac and Peyton don't have to deal with a pissy kinkapoodle after work, you do. Make things easier on yourself in the future, and just tell him. Kay? :)

So much love from the D/F stronghold,

P.S. *psst!* VIVA LA RESISTANCE! :lol: [/inside joke]

P.S.S. I'm glad you two work with Mac next week. I don't need screentime to enjoy the pairing, but some scenes and screencaps every once in a while are nice. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Hehe so nice. Will love to see the caps for next week.

Dear Mac:
Why was Danny the last to know about the realtionship with you and Peyton? Falck is going ot be in some hot water now. *glares at Danny* Just to let you two know: the locker room will be off limits for a little while tonight.


Just thought it was funny.
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