Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I found a couple pics from that scene in Murder Sings the Blues. Danny's feelings clearly aren't as evident as Flack's (at least not as often) but Flack knows they're there.



I love this picture because it looks like Danny's thinking oh yeah, watch my jham in action

I swear if Flack would have been looking at Danny's ass in this pic, my shippy self would have exploded. :devil:

I agree that Flack likes/wants to be Danny's protector and Danny likes/needs to be taken care of. Flack is the only one who does that. He's the only one who ever has. Danny always knows Flack will be there to take care of him. Flack's the one person he can count on. I'm sure Flack gets rewarded in the bedroom. :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

1CSIMfan said:

Aww, lookit Danny being annoyed. *wub* He knows Don will make it all better later. Saucy little minx. ;)

Good insights about the guys. :D

Flack is there for Danny because that's just the kind of guy he is--he wants to help and protect Danny, partially because in some ways he feels like such a puppet with his job, and his father's name, and even though he's in a position with a bit of power, he probably feels like the system makes him its bitch sometimes. Meanwhile, Danny likes to be able to let go and let someone else steer his life sometimes, because it's hard to control and he has so much pressure on him--at work he has to keep Mac happy, keep his nose clean, and the whole time he also has to investigate and interpret the evidence in cases to ultimately prove guilt or innocence and change people's lives. That's quite a burden, especially when Danny doubts himself so often.

So Don is allowed to have some control, and Danny is allowed to give it up to someone that he trusts. (I had these thoughts when I was writing a fic that never got published, so they might be a bit confuzzled. :lol:)

Now, this all begs the question: when would their dynamic cause problems for them? Don likes to be in charge, and Danny likes to be taken care of--but when might that clash?

Also, what might make Don feel like Danny is using him? And what might alert Danny to the fact that he's taking advantage of Don? How might they respond to these realizations?

And, of course, the last question: do I ever even make sense? :lol::lol::lol:


Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Excellent points, everybody! :D I wanna contribute to the discussion, but at the moment, my brain has gone on an overload trip of Flack beaming at Danny. :lol: Geez, look at the guy ... enamored is too mild a word to describe his expression.

Okay, wait, I can add this at the moment: I agree that Danny probably has no clue whatsoever how to react to someone caring bout him, particularly when that person is doing it without any ulterior motives. From what we've been told about Danny's past, he doesn't trust easy, not even his own family. And he hurts easy, as much as he acts all badass. So, you can imagine how befuddled he must be to find this blue-eyed cop with a famous family history and no criminal past liking him and befriending him and being there for him when his own family isn't. :)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Okay, Top41 where is that picture of Don pointing at himself from!!!!!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^It's from "Love Run Cold." Clearly, Flack wanted to get that interrogation over with so Danny would be freed up to deal with his needs. :lol:

Faylinn said:
1CSIMfan said:

Aww, lookit Danny being annoyed. *wub* He knows Don will make it all better later. Saucy little minx. ;)

Danny does look like a saucy little minx. He's looking up at Don with a sultry pout, clearly expecting Flack to make it all better. :lol: He is one spoiled little Kinkapoodle. :lol:

So Don is allowed to have some control, and Danny is allowed to give it up to someone that he trusts. (I had these thoughts when I was writing a fic that never got published, so they might be a bit confuzzled. :lol:)

I definitely agree with that. Danny seems to have so little control over his own life--he's often somewhat of a helpless victim caught up in either bad circumstances or the results of his own misjudgment. Maybe giving himself to Flack is something he sees as in his control--and at the same time, he's putting himself in the hands of someone he trusts, someone even insecure Danny knows adores him.

Now, this all begs the question: when would their dynamic cause problems for them? Don likes to be in charge, and Danny likes to be taken care of--but when might that clash?

Also, what might make Don feel like Danny is using him? And what might alert Danny to the fact that he's taking advantage of Don? How might they respond to these realizations?

If the dynamics in the bedroom are what I think they are, I don't think Don feels like Danny is using him, and Danny doesn't feel like he's taking advantage of Don. I think Flack feels like he's rewarded when Danny gives himself to him, and Danny feels like has something to offer Flack in return.

Flack doesn't have the low self-esteem issues Danny has, and I can't imagine if he was getting nothing out of the friendship that he'd put himself through everything he does, or focus on Danny in the way that he does. Flack's not insecure, there's nothing in him that he seems to feel is lacking (in direct opposition to insecure, vulnerable Danny), so I think he must get the pleasure of having Danny give himself to him. I think that's what balances out the scales.

Kimmychu said:
Excellent points, everybody! :D I wanna contribute to the discussion, but at the moment, my brain has gone on an overload trip of Flack beaming at Danny. :lol: Geez, look at the guy ... enamored is too mild a word to describe his expression.

Enamored, smitten, besotted...there are so many words that basically convey that Flack is completely head over heels in love with his Danny.

Okay, wait, I can add this at the moment: I agree that Danny probably has no clue whatsoever how to react to someone caring bout him, particularly when that person is doing it without any ulterior motives. From what we've been told about Danny's past, he doesn't trust easy, not even his own family. And he hurts easy, as much as he acts all badass. So, you can imagine how befuddled he must be to find this blue-eyed cop with a famous family history and no criminal past liking him and befriending him and being there for him when his own family isn't. :)

Exactly. I think Danny doesn't quite trust Flack's love, even if he can't possibly miss how taken the detective is with him. So he tests Flack a bit--after all, calling him to the diner was a bit of a test. Would Flack come? Would he say the right thing? Of course Flack couldn't read Danny's mind (even though Danny seemed to expect him to), but he damn well came as soon as Danny called. I think Danny is trying to puzzle out and make sense of the depth of Flack's love. It's possible--no, probable--that no one has ever loved him like Flack does.

I agree with the part about ulterior motives, too. I think people tend to "want" things from Danny, and then here's Flack, who only seems to want to be allowed to adore Danny. That's got to throw insecure Danny for a loop a bit.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Glad I have finally found a home in this thread. I am happy now that I see my fave ship.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Welcome to the ship, Tristianna! :D This is far and away my favorite ship as well. :D The boys are just too sexy together! Look at Don's smitten smile. :D Look at how Danny looks up him coyly, knowing how much Flack wants him. They're just sexy beyond belief. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

So true hon. I cannot stop staring at these pictures. Makes me smile just thinking about it all. :D :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Weldome to the DDark Side, Tristianna. ;) (But *psst*, don't forget to read the SC rules--we have to make sure we have at least three lines per post in this forum. :))

I definitely agree that Don is very secure in himself, but I wonder if perhaps Danny might be the one thing that might make him feel insecure. For a guy who always knew the direction his life would go in, I can't help but think that falling for his best friend might have thrown even him for a loop...

Danny, meanwhile, would probably be more unsure about Don in particular caring about him than the fact that Don is a guy. :lol: But I think eventually Don would come to terms with this unexpected turn of events, and Danny would find a little bit of stability through their relationship.

*wubs the boys*

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

ohh. Our boys. so freakin into each other it's crazy.
I've always loved how Flack is so obvious about it all and quite clearly doesn't give a crap that his face constantly says "OMFG I LUFF YOO!!!!".
Whereas Danny seems to have a smexy little knowing smirk slapped on his face.

ohh Danno you're such a tease ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Faylinn said:
Weldome to the DDark Side, Tristianna. ;) (But *psst*, don't forget to read the SC rules--we have to make sure we have at least three lines per post in this forum. :))

I definitely agree that Don is very secure in himself, but I wonder if perhaps Danny might be the one thing that might make him feel insecure. For a guy who always knew the direction his life would go in, I can't help but think that falling for his best friend might have thrown even him for a loop...

I wonder if it did initially! It seems like when we saw Flack in season one, he was already smitten and had come to terms with whatever quibbles he might have had about falling in love with another guy. I wonder if falling in love with Danny totally caught him off guard. I would have loved to see that. But he seems to have gotten past whatever doubts he may have had--he's clearly head over heels now and just not even bothering to hide it. It's so cute, the way he looks at Danny.

Danny, meanwhile, would probably be more unsure about Don in particular caring about him than the fact that Don is a guy. :lol: But I think eventually Don would come to terms with this unexpected turn of events, and Danny would find a little bit of stability through their relationship.

I think more than anything else, Danny wants to be loved. I think that's why Don goes so far out of his way to show Danny that he is there for him, that he cares, that he's there every step of the way. Danny has major trust issues, and Don clearly wants to show Danny that he will be there for him, no matter what.

*wubs the boys*


That really is a "just kiss already!" pic if there ever was one! :lol: :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I think more than anything else, Danny wants to be loved. I think that's why Don goes so far out of his way to show Danny that he is there for him, that he cares, that he's there every step of the way. Danny has major trust issues, and Don clearly wants to show Danny that he will be there for him, no matter what.
My question is this: When is Danny gonna realize that he loves Don just as much as Don loves him? Is he still in denial? Maybe Danny's still trying to come to terms with falling for a guy.

I wonder if it did initially! It seems like when we saw Flack in season one, he was already smitten and had come to terms with whatever quibbles he might have had about falling in love with another guy. I wonder if falling in love with Danny totally caught him off guard.
I have a feeling that in addition to falling in love with a guy, falling in love with Danny really did catch him off guard. I doubt he ever thought either would happen. Don is totally smitten and I don't think he cares who knows. How could anybody not notice how he acts around Danny? Don doesn't act that way around anybody else.

Here's a couple pics of the boys. I know we've seen them all more than once..but can we ever see enough of them?

I love this. They're approaching the stairs and Danny is looking down at them but what is Don doing? He's looking at Danny, as usual. Don honey, you can talk to Danny without looking at him, especially if you're going down stairs.

Now it's the opposite. They are going down the stairs and Danny is staring at Don.

When is Danny gonna realize that Don is who he really wants to be with? Just look at them. You'd think they were the only two people in the room.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^^ i have to say that last one is the ultimate d/f shipper pic
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

1CSIMfan said:
My question is this: When is Danny gonna realize that he loves Don just as much as Don loves him? Is he still in denial? Maybe Danny's still trying to come to terms with falling for a guy.

I don't think it's so much that Danny doesn't realize he loves Flack; I think it's more that he's afraid if he shows Flack he loves him, Flack will decide he doesn't want Danny anymore or lose interest or something like that. Danny likes to keep Flack on his toes, to entice him, to tease him--he thinks all of that is what keeps Flack interested. Silly boy. How can he not see that Flack adores him any nothing could change that???

I have a feeling that in addition to falling in love with a guy, falling in love with Danny really did catch him off guard. I doubt he ever thought either would happen. Don is totally smitten and I don't think he cares who knows. How could anybody not notice how he acts around Danny? Don doesn't act that way around anybody else.

He doesn't, and it's so cute to see. The way he looks at Danny gives me butterflies--it's so intense! Flack's eyes say it all--they soften when he's around Danny. He smiles easier--not the sarcastic smile he saves for suspects and bantering with the others CSIs--but a much softer smile. It's really incredibly sweet.

Here's a couple pics of the boys. I know we've seen them all more than once..but can we ever see enough of them?

I love this. They're approaching the stairs and Danny is looking down at them but what is Don doing? He's looking at Danny, as usual. Don honey, you can talk to Danny without looking at him, especially if you're going down stairs.

Awww, Danny's playing the shy, hard-to-get Kinkapoodle! Flack would probably like to put his arm around him and steal a kiss right then and there. :devil:

Now it's the opposite. They are going down the stairs and Danny is staring at Don.

Awwww--Danny sneaks a glance! He looks like he's kind of looking up to Don, like he totally trusts whatever Flack is saying to him.

When is Danny gonna realize that Don is who he really wants to be with? Just look at them. You'd think they were the only two people in the room.

Who would you choose, the tall, dark, handsome, sexy detective or the short, plain, scrunch-faced woman? Please, the choice is so easy it's laughable. :lol: And the way Danny and Flack are looking at each other suggests the person stepping in between them doesn't mean anything at all. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

ohh. Our boys. so freakin into each other it's crazy.
Heh. They so freakin are. :lol:

ohh Danno you're such a tease
Yep, and Donnie knows it...and loves it. :devil:

I wonder if falling in love with Danny totally caught him off guard. I would have loved to see that.
Yeah, me too. :D Were I ambitious, I'd write the story, but I can't seem to finish the stuff I've already planned. :lol:

he's clearly head over heels now and just not even bothering to hide it.
Ok, I can't help myself:

"I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
And I know, I know, I know, I know I know I want you "

:lol: *must post that song on BC* :p

Danny wants to be loved. I think that's why Don goes so far out of his way to show Danny that he is there for him
Yep. *wubs the boys* It's a good thing that Don is so demonstrative, and it's a good thing that Danny needs that. I don't think Don would be overly happy in a relationship where he was forced to really hold back--I don't mean in public, because Don seems like a private person who can definitely keep things to himself, but at home. I just can't see him as the type to be reserved in his affections. At work or in a public place, he can (mostly) keep it to himself (aside from the oh-so-obvious staring), but once he's home, somebody is getting some lovin'. :lol:

That really is a "just kiss already!" pic if there ever was one!

When is Danny gonna realize that he loves Don just as much as Don loves him? Is he still in denial? Maybe Danny's still trying to come to terms with falling for a guy.
I don't think it's so much a matter of him realizing how he feels, but about realizing that it's more than alright to feel that way, and that it's worth the risk to have a relationship with Don. ;)

I don't think it's so much that Danny doesn't realize he loves Flack; I think it's more that he's afraid if he shows Flack he loves him, Flack will decide he doesn't want Danny anymore or lose interest or something like that.
Yep, what she said. ;)

The way he looks at Danny gives me butterflies--it's so intense! Flack's eyes say it all--they soften when he's around Danny. He smiles easier--not the sarcastic smile he saves for suspects and bantering with the others CSIs--but a much softer smile. It's really incredibly sweet.
Oh yeah, definitely intense. I mean, we might be looking at screencaps instead of the scenes themselves, but there wouldn't be so many screencaps if Don didn't always seem to be staring at Danny just that way and smiling just that way. :p Sososo cute.

And the way Danny and Flack are looking at each other suggests the person stepping in between them doesn't mean anything at all.
Nobody gets between a man and his kpoo. :lol:

ETA: I wrote another short story on BC, but I haven't posted it on LJ or ff.net yet. Here's the direct link to the story on BC though: When The Lights Go Out. (And it's only FRT, so simmer down. :p)
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