Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Faylinn said:
Well, my toppy friend, we'll agree to disagree on the way Mac was portrayed in that story. ;) I still don't think he'd hurt Danny that way, but I did like that Danny and Flack ended up together (as it should be). :lol:

I know, I know, I'm a bit biased. :lol: I didn't like Mac at all first season, or the way he treated Danny. I liked him better second season, though.

I agree that Flack wouldn't need alcohol before he and Danny slept together the first time, but that leads to a whole new line of thought. If Danny was drunk and Flack wasn't, it's possible that Danny might think Don took advantage of him. Whether or not you think Danny was abused in any way as a child, etc, I think we can all agree that he might have a problem knowing that Don slept with him even though he was drunk and therefore not totally in charge of himself. I know that they'd both be at a point where they had developed deeper feelings for each other, but you always have to be a bit delicate with Danny and, in a situation where he'd be confused and having self-doubts, it would be even worse...

Did that make any sense what-so-ever? :lol: (and what's with me and these long-ass sentences lately? :p)

It makes sense. :D And I think Flack would feel horribly guilty if he did have sex with Danny for the first time when Danny was drunk. I could see it happening, especially if Danny got drunk and flirty. I don't think Flack would resist--I don't think he could resist. The poor boy is so smitten! But I could see Danny acting hurt about it the next day, and that would totally gut Flack. He probably rather gut himself with a pair of tweezers before hurting Danny.

I think for Danny being drunk and flirting with Flack would be an easy way to overcome his inhibitions. I don't see him regretting it in the morning, but I do think he'd worry that Flack took advantage of him, or got what he wanted and was done with him. I think their next encounter would have to be totally alcohol free, if just to convince Danny that Flack isn't trying to use him.
I re-watched CoTP again and was watching Danny when they were looking for Flack, Mac, and the other guy. He did a very good job of hiding his emotions when I'm sure he was screaming inside with worry over his Donny. I did notice that at one point, it looked like he was almost in tears. I think it was around when they found the fingers on the monitor. **BTW, whose fingers were those?** I got the feeling he was almost ready to lose it. Which would have made for a good Drama Queen Danny moment.

Is it just me, or does it always seem that when Danny and Flack both get drunk, that Danny is always way drunker than Flack is? It's like Flack's always in control more than Danny. If it was their first sexual encounter, I think it would be easier for Danny to flirt & molest Flack if he were drunk. I can't see him doing it otherwise.

I don't think Danny would regret it in the morning. I think he'd be happy (if he remembered it) that it finally happened but knowing how Danny is, I think he'd worry that Flack got what he wanted and was done with him. I don't know if he'd think Flack took advantage of him. Danny can be so insecure, he'd need reassurance that Flack was gonna stick around. Of course we know Flack is so head over heels for Danny that he'd NEVER leave him.
You watched COTP? I hate you! Just kidding. I downloaded it from iTunes but my computer is too old to handle the graphics. Luckily it was only 1.99. But since it will be on in two weeks I can wait till then, with a fresh vhs tape ready to record it. I'm watching the same season 2 reruns over and over. My friend is bringing my season 1 set back tomorrow. Finally!!! She's only had it a week but I just bought it and I barely got to watch them all before she asked to borrow it.

I think that Don would know that he'd have to reassure Danny that it wasn't just a one-night-stand so he'd have that worked out ahead of time. Be prepared for it.

When I get my set back I want to watch all the episodes and see where Don is looking at Danny all the time like everyone says he does. Hmmm, something to look forward to!
Out of curiousity (and for the sake of a new discussion :p), has anyone ever compared these guys to Romeo and Juliet? It just popped into my head minutes ago, and I thought I might as well ask.

Because, when you think about, their families would be 'feuding', right? I mean, Flack's family is, like, cops, and Danny's is pretty much mobbed up. They obviously can't get along that well. It would have to be a hidden relationship because if either families found out...that would NOT be good.

Granted, the Capulets and Montagues weren't so much contrasting sides of society or social standing or whatever you want to call it. They just didn't like each other, if I recall correctly.

Of course, that's just a minor technicality. :D
omg, you too?!?! i was just thinking of romeo and juliet today and thinking of flack climbing onto danny's balcony and being very eloquent etc. :lol: but i didn't go into the whole feuding thing, though it makes sense.

"oh flakeo, flakeo. wherefore art thou flakeo?" :lol: doesnt have quite the same ring lol
That's an interesting angle to put on the whole relationship. Other factors that influence how they reveal it to each other's family aside, what would happen if it came out in the open to Flack's family that Danny's had mob connections? I don't think that Papa Flack would take it very well at all and would likely insist that the relationship be kaput. Flack, in love with his beloved kinkapoodle, would tell his father to take a hike and years of estrangement ensue.

From the Messer point of view, it seems like Danny is trying to separate himself from the part of his family that lives on the wrong side of the law anyway, so would he even ever bring the Jackhammer home to meet them? I don't know.
"Flackeo"...that's just wrong. :lol:

"What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Danny-ette is the sun...and that sweet little ass of his is the moon baby, yeah. Heh heh." :devil:


But I like the idea of their families having a problem with the relationship for more than just them both being guys...I guess I like a bit of angst to go with my porn. :lol:

Wow, I haven't posted in here for a few days.

Good points about them sleeping together after they got drunk. Danny definitely gets way more smashed than Don does. I think Don would be sober enough to be able to stop himself, but I think he'd have a hard time doing so--Danny can be very insistent, and if Don denied him affection it might be worse. I read a great fic last night where they got drunk and ended up back at Flack's place, and when Don woke up Danny was in bed with him and he had a bit of trouble remembering what happened. ;)

Edit: I was typing when you posted, Springmoon. ;)

Part of me thinks that Papa Flack would already have associations with the name "Messer" and would immediately know that Danny is a member of that family. And Papa Flack would be pissed because yeah, he thinks his son deserves better--but I also think Papa is very concerned about what happens to his name, and association with a Messer would taint Don's reputation in his mind and therefore his own because Don is, after all, carrying his name around.

That brings up an interesting point: would Papa Flack be more upset that Flack is in a relationship with another man, or that the other man happens to belong to a family with mob connections?

I think Danny's relationship with his family is a bit strained anyway, and I don't think they'd be surprised that he'd end up with another cop--although if one of the Messers had a run in with a Flack that might make a small difference.
1CSIMfan said:
I re-watched CoTP again and was watching Danny when they were looking for Flack, Mac, and the other guy. He did a very good job of hiding his emotions when I'm sure he was screaming inside with worry over his Donny. I did notice that at one point, it looked like he was almost in tears. I think it was around when they found the fingers on the monitor. **BTW, whose fingers were those?** I got the feeling he was almost ready to lose it. Which would have made for a good Drama Queen Danny moment.

I'll have to watch it again. Danny did look pretty upset in that scene, and devastated when he looked into Flack's room at the end. But I still think Danny should have done more, though I do buy into the theory that at that point in the season he had all but emotionally shut down after what happened to his brother and Aiden.

Is it just me, or does it always seem that when Danny and Flack both get drunk, that Danny is always way drunker than Flack is? It's like Flack's always in control more than Danny. If it was their first sexual encounter, I think it would be easier for Danny to flirt & molest Flack if he were drunk. I can't see him doing it otherwise.

Danny's smaller than Flack, so it would make sense that he would get drunk faster. I also think Flack likes to stay in control, so I doubt he'd get smashed very often. I think Don might worry he'd take things too far with Danny if he got drunk. I don't think he has any clue how Danny feels about him. Whereas Danny knows Flack is crazy about him, even though he doesn't totally trust it. But he knows if he got drunk and flirted with Flack or came on to him, that Flack would want him. I think Danny knows when people want him--he just doesn't know if that's all they want from him.

I don't think Danny would regret it in the morning. I think he'd be happy (if he remembered it) that it finally happened but knowing how Danny is, I think he'd worry that Flack got what he wanted and was done with him. I don't know if he'd think Flack took advantage of him. Danny can be so insecure, he'd need reassurance that Flack was gonna stick around. Of course we know Flack is so head over heels for Danny that he'd NEVER leave him.

I definitely think that would be Danny's issue, too. I don't think he would feel taken advantage of because he wanted to be with Flack, too. But he'd definitely worry that Flack got what he wanted--sex--and that now Flack would be done with him, or at least got what he came for. I think Danny knows Flack wants him but I don't think he realizes Flack is crazy about him, completely head over heels for him. I think that's where Danny's biggest insecurities lie--not in whether or not he can get someone to want him (that never seems to be a problem) but in keeping them around and interested.

As for the families--I think Don's dad would be pissed all around. His son dating a guy, his son dating a Messer--none of that is going to please Papa Flack. But I don't think Flack would give up his Danny for anyone.

And a big awwwww on the Romeo and Juliet comparison! :D I think Flack would love to stand under Danny's balcony and say sweet things to him...but I bet he'd like to whisper them into Danny's ear even more. ;) :devil:
^ the parts that were edited out of shakespeare's final draft, eh? *gimme gimmme* :lol:

fay, i think that both aspects of his son's...relationship would piss papa flack off. but somehow the gay bit seems like it'd do the most damage. maybe it's something about macho men (how i see papa flack) and not wanting any part of it. after his son is gay i don't think he'll care who he's with as much coz he'd be too enraged.
*waves to you all* i'm so sorr i haven't been around much! i've been so bogged down with school work. and it's only the 2nd week of term!

so i'm sorry that i don't have time to contribute.
but have no fear, for i shal never leave the DDark side :D
Oh oh oh! Is that a one-line post I see, afrikana?! Tsk tsk, don't make me send Kimmy after you. :p :lol:

Maybe we're all glued to our telescopes on the balcony watching the boys smexing in the Love Shack. :lol:

Honestly, I think it's just that people are out of town, dealing with school and work, not posting much, etc. Hell, I haven't posted in here since Monday which is, like, nearly unheard of for me. :p But no matter, we don't need this to be the most popular ship thread for it to be our favorite, eh? ;)

Anyway, going back to what the Toppy one said before. ;)

I think that's a good point about Danny knowing that Don cares about him, but Don not knowing that Danny does. I like the idea of Don being really stressed about how he feels and worrying that Danny would run screaming in the other direction if he expressed his feelings. Meanwhile, Danny knows that Don would want to pursue a relationship with him, but he's worried that it wouldn't be for the right reasons, etc. I don't think either of them want to risk their friendship like that, but at the same time there would be a certain strain on the relationship anyway because they can't deny the feelings and it's slowly eating away at them.

I was thinking about this yesterday (and it's something that we've discussed before, but it never hurts to bring it up again ;))--it's interesting how the pair of them deal with their feelings for each other in different ways. Danny, on the one hand, jumps from relationship to relationship. It's almost like he's searching for the same feeling he has for Don, hoping that he'll find it elsewhere and be able to avoid falling for his best friend--but it doesn't work. So the relationships fail quickly and he's on to the next woman. Don, on the other hand, uses the good old work excuse and probably doesn't date at all, or definitely not seriously. He knows full well that he's crazy about Danny and it's pointless to search for those feelings with a woman (or another man, for that matter ;)) because he knows it won't compare.

And that leads me to this point: the poor boys are so confused that they don't even know what to make of these behaviors from each other. Danny probably looks at Don not dating as a sign that he's not serious about finding someone, and therefore that he wouldn't be serious about being with Danny long-term; Don, meanwhile, thinks that Danny would lose interest in him even if they DID have something because he can't seem to stay in a relationship for more than a month.

Silly boys, just admit you're in love. :lol:

Seriously though, I think this is more proof that they'd really need to have a physical relationship before a committed romantic relationship could develop. Because they're so worried about the repercussions of initiating the relationship, neither of them would be willing to make the first move. So, if a night at Sullivan's followed by a drunken encounter at one of their apartments should happen to break the ice, they might have a better chance to put out feelers, to see how the other reacted, how they'd respond to situations, etc.

Did that make any sense at all? :lol:
That makes lots of sense, and I also like the idea of a mutual friend doing some match-making. For me it's Aiden, shortly after the end of Season one. Stella becomes the confidant later, but Aiden is the first to know about these guys. And she just can't help trying to get them together after they each confide in her separately. In her opinion, feelings like these two have for each other are too good to waste or let get left in some love-limbo.
OMG, I can't believe this thread has slipped to the 2nd page. :eek:

Yes Fay, maybe it's just me, but you did make sense. ;)

Danny definately knows how Don feels about him but Danny's insecurites make him have doubts (even though he knows better). Don, as much as he cares about Danny, probably knows how Danny feels but still has doubts due to Danny and long-term committments. Danny, on the other hand, jumps from girl to girl because he really wants to be with Don. Don just doesn't date at all because he knows that nobody would compare to Danny.

Typical men. :( They tend to express their feelings more physically instead of verbally. I can see Don being able to tell Danny how he feels much easier than I can see Danny doing it. I'm sure Aiden would pick up on their feelings for each other and she'd probably bug Danny about it until he admitted it.

I'm not so sure she'd play matchmaker. She'd probably try to get Danny to tell Don how he feels and reassure him that Don feels the same way. That would be enough to get Danny to ask Don to Sullivan's where they'd unwind with a beer or two. I think Danny is more talky and uninhibited when he's had a few beers in him. He'd invite Don back to his apartment and then things would go from there. They'd be forced to deal with their feelings then. Of course they might just try to ignore them but that would be short lived. Neither one of them can stay away from each other.

Once the "first encounter" is out of the way, things would probably progress fairly quick. They'd be spending nights together much more often until finally they decide it's best to just move in together. They'd keep their relationship a secret from the lab. Some people just wouldn't understand but Aiden would know and it wouldn't take Stella long to figure it out either. I'm not too sure about Mac. Not much gets by him so he would probably figure it out but never mention it.

I can hear both Aiden and Stella telling them "It's about time." :p

I can't wait for the season to start so we can get some good screencaps of Danny and Flack together. Here's hoping they have lots of scenes together. :D
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