Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Did anybody else notice Danny's biceps in that picture? Damn, somebody's been working out. Guess he needs to keep in shape in order to be able to handle the

I think Flack may indeed be copping a feel of Danny's backside. At the least, he's just running a finger back and forth. Flack's almost got a smirk on his face so I'm sure he's up to something.

It looks like Danny may be holding one of those tape lifters and they are looking at whatever he lifted but I've never seen Flack stand that close to Danny. I mean, it looks like he is leaning on him. I guess he missed his little Kpoo while he was recuperating. :p

BTW, over on BC I got tired of constantly writing out 'kinka-poodle' and 'jackhammer' so I kinda shortened them to 'kpoo' and 'jham'. :rolleyes:

ETA: I guess we were typing at the same time Joanne. :lol: I think that 'god-awful thing around his neck' is supposed to be a tie. :eek: I'm looking forward to seeing Flack's ties this season. But I've gotta say if you've been in Kohl's lately, the shirt/tie combos they have on display are exactly like what Flack wears. So I guess we can blame wherever he buys his suits.
You girls are mean, I like Don's tie! I think it's one of the nicest ones I've seen on him. Must be because I'm an old lady and my tastes are different. I love seeing Flack in dark jackets with pastel colored shirts and ties. So sets off his light skin and dark hair. I'm sure Danny really loves it too. Focus on your job, Messer and stop staring at your lover! Maybe his biceps are bulging because he's resisting the urge to drop that thing he's holding and grab Don instead!!! :devil:
I like some of Don's ties. A pin stripe suit, a striped shirt, and a paisley tie is just too much for me. :rolleyes: I wouldn't mind the loud looking ties if they were paired with a plain shirt and suit. My favorite for him is a striped shirt and a plain tie.

It's kinda funny lyne, you think it's one of the nicest ties you've seen and I think it's right up there with that bold striped tie he wore in CoTP as the worst. :p

The last I remember (Summer in the City) Danny said his mother still dresses him. :eek: God, I hope he was kidding. But if she is, maybe she needs to dress Don too. ;)
Actually I got a closer look at the tie in question and it IS a bit wild. But not as bad as that striped horror he wore in COTP!!! But I think that Don looks good no matter what they dress him in. I wish we could finally see Danny and Don shooting hoops so we could see some arms and legs on Don. I don't think anyone in the viewing public has ever seen Eddie's legs. We did get to see him shirtless in Sex and the City. And in that episode of SVU too, but I haven't seen that episode, waaaahhh!!!

But as for D/F, we really have opposites attracting in this pair!!!
yeah i agree, the tie is AWFUL. the one in CoTP wasn't any better either, though. you'd think someone would tell him how bad they look!

does anyone else miss Danny's scruffy dress shirt look? i mean, the t-shirts are good in that they allow more arm for oogling, but i thought the shirts were MUCH sexier. :D :)

oh, and danny's fashion faux pas last season was that green felt coat. he should have bought it in black or something. it made me cringe! :lol: :p
*dusts off the thread*

I'm gone for a week and the poor thread dies out. :lol:

Let's see, gotta catch up.

Love love love that picture of them. You'd think they were standing in a confined space to be that close to one another. Silly boys, you're so obvious. :lol:

That tie is kind of...I think I saw an ugly throw-pillow like that once at the store. :eek: But now I've got the mental image of the pair of them shopping together. ;) Don would be walking quickly down the asile-thingy, chucking every random shirt and tie into the cart that he can get his hands on. Danny would be looking at him like 'huh?' but the first time he asked about some of Don's more questionable choices, one of two things would happen: either A) Don would point to the display shirt/tie and say 'see, they put it together, so I can too' (which is nice in theory, but like Rhonda said, we've all see the displays at the store :eek:); or B) Don wouldn't hear him. Why, you ask? Because Don would have just caught site of the t-shirt section. He'd look at the t-shirt, look at Danny, look back at the t-shirt...and steer the Kpoo to the dressing room. Danny would come out wearing a nice-fitting shirt, Don would give him the once-over (insert tongue!porn here), and announce that the shirt is far to big. He'll quickly return to the shelf, get a smaller size, toss it to Danny, and wait for him to change. Then Danny comes out in a skintight shirt, and Don's like "That's much better." And Danny would smirk and they'd stock up on that shirt in every color and run out of the store so that they could get home and, uh, take care of business as it were...and thus, Danny's protests about the ugly shirt/tie combos would be forgotten, and Don would continue to look like he dresses in the dark when he's half asleep and in a damn hurry. :lol:

But you know, I think Danny secretly loves the ugly tie combos. I believe someone mentioned it before, but if people (read: women) are staring at the horridness of his clothes, they won't try to put the moves on the Jham. :p Meanwhile, Danny is wearing tight shirts and showing off his hot little body, which drives all the ladies wild, and he loves it because it makes the Jham jealous and possessive. :devil:

Well, I think that's all for now. ;) I'm off to visit BC (which you guys are hopefully frequenting *glares significantly*). :p

But as a nice little parting bit of knowledge, didn't we get a spoiler that says that our favorite Kpoo and Jham will be working a case with Hawkes this season? :devil: So we might get our sexy threesome screencaps in the not-too-distant-future. Heh heh. :p (Maybe we should resurrect the Three Musketeers thread. :lol:)
I've been over to BC about three times already today and I haven't seen much going on. I'm writing a new D/F story; started it at the laundromat today. Don's cooking dinner for Danny... yeah, another one of my boring smut-free stories...!
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lyne said:

AWWWW!!! :D :D :D How cute are these boys??? Gee, Flack, invading Danny's personal space much? :lol: I love how close they are! And yeah, Flack's hand is so on Danny's ass...the only question is, jeans or skin? :devil: ;)

I like Fay's scenario for the boys going clothes shopping. :lol: I agree, it would be all about finding Danny super-tight t-shirts. Flack seems to throw on any tie/shirt combo that share the same colors, and Danny seems okay with it (well, except when he's pissy and making cracks about Flack's suits, like he did in "Necrophilia Americana" :lol: ).

That pic certainly makes them look close, doesn't it? :D It's adorable...it looks like they're looking at a polaroid picture of the two of them. Danny's showing Flack the picture and Flack is casually putting his hand on Danny's ass, a sign of affection and a little bit of proud possessiveness.

This photo is from that same scene. I know he is talking to Danny here. I'm surprised we can't see Danny's reflection in Don's eyes. He seems like he's bummed not to be close to Danny after they were standing next to each other. I have these pics on my desktop. I love both of them. In the season premiere they didn't even have a scene together. I can only imagine what will happen when they get behind closed doors. Well, I can imagine but that's for the fanfic thread. I've been writing like crazy but I don't think anyone is reading them. No problem. I write for my own enjoyment. But its like , "what, you're runnin' off with Angell again? Whassup with that? Don'tcha love me anymore?" ;)
^Awww, I can totally see Flack saying that. :lol: He always seems so happy when he gets to work with his Danny.

I was bummed about them not working together in the season premiere, but I love how Flack was all reluctant to tell Lindsay he got phone numbers. He knew she was going to rat him out to Danny, and then Flack would end up spending a lonely night on the couch! :lol:

Poor Flack, he really does look sad in that picture, as though Danny moved away to look at evidence or something. His look says, "Come back here, baby!" Awwww...
Mmmm, I do like that tie that Don is wearing there! Just a pity he had to team it with *that* suit! When will somebody sit him down and explain to him that stripes and patterns do not mix well!

Honestly, Danny needs to take him shopping some day. Heh, can you imagine him pacing up and down outside a changeing room cubicle waiting for Don to get dressed, only then he'd get impatient and join him inside and one thing would lead to another and they never would get to buy any clothes <vbeg> (probably get banned from the store for life!)
^ :lol: that make a great fic! don might be a bit offended though, when danny explains that his style is a little...off. :lol: But he'll eventually agree to have danny as his personal stylist. You know, i can see stella telling don that his style isn't great, and he wouldn't have the heart to argue against her. :lol:

mmm...smex in the changing cubicles... :D
afrikana said:
mmm...smex in the changing cubicles... :D

Hey. Stop giving me more bunnies. I've been bitten by enough plots already. :rolleyes:

But dayum, Danny and Flack clothes shopping and then smexing in the changing cubicles? Talk about an awesome PWP story right there. :devil:
Oh no Kimmy. We'll never stop giving you plot bunnies. :D You've been churning out the new fics and chapters. You gotta keep 'em coming.

I can totally see Danny taking Flack clothes shopping. He'd be so picky. It would probably take Danny hours to find the right shirt/tie combos for Flack. I can see Flack rolling :rolleyes: his eyes and just thinking "enough already...what's wrong with the ones I have". :(

Then like Fay said, Flack would notice the t-shirt section and he'd forget all about the shirt/ties. As persistant as Danny is though and the way he likes to tease Flack, he'd make Flack wait until he was finished before he let Flack drool over him in tight shirts. :p

afrikana, I think they would smex it up in the dressing room. :devil: That would be a great fic **hint hint Kimmy**
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