Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Faylinn said:
So yeah, between the seasons for me.

You know, that's what summertime is for. You go on long walks on the beach, maybe head up the coast for a clambake and get to know each other a lot better under moonlight and Fourth of July fireworks!

Now who's the romantic? :rolleyes:
:eek: Now I have the image of them running down the beach toward each other in slow motion with that music playing in the background. :lol:

But by "get to know each other a lot better," you mean smex, right? ;) :lol:

Seriously, I like the idea of them taking a vacation together, but I just can't see them ever taking off of work long enough to do so. :p I have a fanfic bunny that involves taking some time off together after Don recovers from the bombing, but that's still up in the air at this point.

*has the urge to read some more of that "Untitled" story by geekslasher with the hotel in Albany* :p
I think Danny and Flack have a hard time admitting they love each other is because they have never actually decided what they have (relationship wise). They admit they've never had these feeling for any other man. They also date women but eventually stop that and see only each other.

They know they love each other but it's different when it's unspoken. Saying it out loud would make them come to terms with what they have. Maybe they like things the way they are and are not ready to take it to the next level.

Danny is definately the more emotional one of the two. After all, he is the drama queen. I could actually see him telling Flack first but in the same instance, Danny would need to hear it from Flack because he is a little more needy and needs verbal reassurance.

You just gotta love Danny. It's so cute when he says that he doesn't cuddle but he does cuddle with Flack. He doesn't like anybody to touch him but he lets Flack. He wants and needs Flack's trust. Since Danny can't drive for shit, how would he get around without Flack?

I'm not quite sure when they became a "couple" but I think it was way before Nephrophilia Americana. I remember someone saying NA started out like they had a fight with Flack's "they brought out the "big guns" and Danny's "nice suit" and then Flack's "i need your shoes" (not exact quotes), I'm sure. Then by the end of the episode they had made up and at the beginning of Live or Let Die Flack was still in bedroom mode when he called Danny "Dan". Is that the first time he called him that on the show?

I'm thinking maybe they got together sometime in season 1, maybe near the end. Remember, every single scene that Danny and Flack had together, Flack spent it staring at Danny. Even if he should have been looking at the evidence, watching where he was walking, etc. Danny had to know that Flack was watching him.
I agree with you about season 1, Rhonda, but I think they were still in the early stages of the transition. The staring, the awkward moment in the diner in "On the Job," etc etc...They all strike me as moments between two people who are just starting to acknowledge the feelings there. Maybe their first drunk-sex encounter happened toward the end of season 1, which could explain why Danny felt the need for so much reassurance from Don in the diner scene--he trusts Don, but at that point he might have had some doubts about it because they were at a delicate point in their relationship. :)

But I think they became serious between the seasons. ;)
But by "get to know each other a lot better," you mean smex, right?

Would I ever suggest such a thing? I am a good girl (she snickered helplessly as she typed the sentence...)

Good point also on them not ever taking enough time off of work to go away together. But there's always the odd weekend off that might coincide with each other. I'm sticking to the romance finding it's legs over the summer - maybe because I'm a stupid and hopeless romantic at heart and my teenaged years were filled with many such dalliances :devil:

I love me some summertime ;)
I like the concept of them getting serious between seasons. I don't picture the drunken sex encounter thing; I just can't get my head around it. It's like it would cheapen it in a way. Maybe it's because they are guys that we think it would happen like that. I'm ever the idealist, always trying to evolve the human race into something better than it is at this point in time.

Fay, I don't think that Don would sit around and cry over sad songs all the time, but just every once in awhile something would hit him. I like to give him some vulnerability too, not let Danny have it all. In "All Access" when Stella was thanking him for sticking with her, it sure looked to me like he swallowed a couple times and that his emotions/feelings were close to the surface. Another reason why I think Stella would be their confidant. I admit that I project my own idealistic view of a love relationship onto them. What they have is something I won't have in this lifetime, if what I've been told about my life path is any indication. 51 years and it hasn't happened yet. So I think I may ascribe this onto their relationship since I don't and won't have it in my own life. Living vicariously. My main goal is to give them a full and meaningful love relationship and still maintain the integrity of each man. And not turn them gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay!!! But these guys aren't. To me they are a new classification of love relationship that transcends those labels and boundaries. There I go idealizing again. Sheesh! I'm hopeless.
Don definitely has vulnerabilities, and Danny is one of them. When it comes to the Messer, Don is completely and totally devoted, and he leaves himself open to the possibility of a lot of hurt because of that. But that's neither here nor there.

I don't think they're too good to get drunk and sleep together, if that's what you're implying. I might not have said it before, but I really think they'd need something to break down the wall they'd put up between themselves. Since they're such good friends and value that friendship, and they aren't sure about the feelings that they have and if, when, or how they should express them, they'd avoid doing anything that might risk losing the friendship. That's where getting drunk comes in. If they got drunk and lost some of their inhibitions, they might be able to explore their feelings with less repercussions. If they say 'oh, we were drunk, it's nothing,' they'd be able to preserve their friendship if things didn't work out according to plan. In any case, I think drunk-sex is not only likely, but probable when it comes to these two. Two cops who are friends and who presumably go out to the bar when they get off sometimes (to judge by comments and scenes from the show ;))--they're going to get drunk off their asses on occassion, and things happen. It doesn't make it meaningless. *shrug* I don't think it would happen that way because it's two guys, but because I just think it makes sense for these two.

Oh, and Springmoon, you and your summer love ideals. :lol: (*singing* "Summer lovin' happened so fa-ast") I can see them having a little romantic moment over the summer, but it would definitely be something private. I can't see them holding hands and smooching on the beach surrounded by hundreds of other beach-goers. :lol:
Ok, maybe the drunk sex does make sense. It may be because I grew up with alcoholic parents and being drunk was used as an excuse for so much abominable behavior. Violence, abuse, and don't even get me started on sex, all excused by the fact that they were drunk at the time. Ok enough of that! It's a plain fact that het couples use booze to loosen up all the time so why not these guys? I've certainly done it. I need to be less of a prude, again! Does it fall into the category of "I'm too old for this shit"? Too bad because I am in too deep with these guys now, and what's great about it is that it is a fictional pairing so each of us can make it whatever we want, whatever fits our vision of what the relationship could be. As for the beach, one of my ultimate fantasies is to spend time on a private beach with the hunk of my choice, so putting these two hunks together is especially appealing!
I too agree that Danny and Flack getting drunk and having sex would be a way for them to get past the barrier. If it didn't work out they would have the drunk part to fall back on. Of course, they could also be so drunk that they didn't remember what they did. I've seen fanfics like that. Usually Danny is the one to get drunker than Don. I can definately see them using that as a way to break the ice.

I can just see Danny and Flack singing "Summer Lovin'". I agree Fay that they would keep their romantic vacation private. They'd molest each other when they were alone but you'd just think they were friends when they were out in public.

I also can't see them venturing very far from NYC for vacation. Most of New Yorker's hardly ever leave NYC. I bet Danny never has.

Maybe it's just me, but in All Access I didn't see that kind of emotion in Flack. I got the impression the Flack cares a lot about Stella and it was disturbing for him to hear her tell the entire story to him. It had to be upsetting to hear what Frankie put her through. I thought the hug and peck on the cheek was at the end was sweet.

ETA: I agree lyne that we can make them what we want but most of us have read so many fanfic stories and the guys are portrayed the same from everyone that it's hard to see them any other way. The fanfic stories just seem to fit them perfectly. They've had drunken sex plenty of times. How about in the back of a cab? They've done it in fanfic and it was smokin'. They've made out in a bar before with other people watching until the bartender (not wanting to) had to tell them to tone it down or go somewhere else. That was very hot.
Well, I can definitely understand your reluctance to have them use alcohol as an aide in moving the relationship forward, lyne. But like you say, we're all free to have our own idea of what happens, so if you're not into the drunk!sex, it's cool. ;) Don't apologize for questioning the fanon standard, you have just as much right to create your view of the relationship as the rest of us. ;) But like Rhonda said, we've all read so many fanfics, and had so many conversations, that we've sort of come to a common conclusion about the relationship and how it works. People certainly have varying ideas, and you shouldn't feel limited by what we say or write. ;)

I'd love to see the two of them on a beach in their bathing suits (and you know Flack would be all pasty from neck to wrists because he's always in suits :lol:), with girls trying to flirt and hit on them. Danny would probably smirk and flirt and make Don jealous so that the Jackhammer would be forced to make his Kinka-poodle apologize later in the hotel room. :devil:

I love the idea of them taking a trip and Danny being amazed in spite of himself at how different things really are from New York. There's just something about really being somewhere different that doesn't compare to seeing it on TV or hearing about it from other people. ;) I think I already mentioned having a fic idea for them going on vacation when Don recovers from the bombing. I can see Don wanting them to take a vacation and Danny thinking it's stupid and why bother when there's so much to do in NYC? ;)

Oh god, Rhonda--when you mentioned them singing the song, I had the image of them in the car driving wherever and singing along with the radio. Oh, the horror! :lol: They'd fight over the radio station for a while until they finally just turned on some random station and left it there--only to find themselves listening to some very catchy songs indeed. :p Don would start singing first, and Danny would eventually either join in or strangle him. :lol:

And Rhonda, look at you mentioning two very hot fanfics. :p Gotta love the public displays of affection. ;)
It's true that I am new to this whole world of Danny/Flack and I haven't read probably even a 10th of the fanfic that's out there. Mostly what I've read is on ff.net. I don't know where to look for it elsewhere except on Kimmy's site. Even though I've seen all the shows I wasn't looking for a connection between these guys. It never occured to me until I came here and discovered the shipper threads. And I think I said once that other than Frodo and Sam, these guys are the only other slash pairing that has ever made sense to me. Oh except for Starsky and Hutch and I had no idea what slash was back then. They were the Danny and Flack of their day.
Maybe it's because I'm over 50 that some of the heavy smut just doesn't appeal to me. I tend to get more into the mental/emotional/spiritual aspects of a relationship in addition to the sex. That's not to put anyone down or scoff at anyone for being a smut-lover. I read it too, and I enjoy most of it. But I just can't get into them doing it on a barstool in a gay bar. It just doesn't work for me. But that's me, and what do I know anyway? I know what I like, what appeals to me. That's all. If I ever do write down any of the stories I have in my mind I probably wouldn't share them because they won't fit the established norm that has been set up for this pairing. They'd be way too fluffy and way too tame!
I believe they hooked up after the season one episode On The Job. After Flack left the diner Danny probably thought to himself, "Damn, maybe I can trust this guy after all. He's a really good friend." Throughout the rest of the day he would probably struggle with all the romantic feelings that are hitting up. When he sees Flack again I'm assuming he gave him this huge bear hug. Flack would be confused and probably play it off as the aftermath of Danny's semi head injury although deep in the depths of his heart he knows that he's just as crazy for Danny as Danny is for him. Danny would probably quickly let go and say something like, "I didn't mean...I'm sorry" & then Flack would reply with, "No worries bro. You're probably just dilusional about earlier." After that they would go their seperate ways but secretly their hearts are breaking because of the fact that they denied each other even though they finally realized that they're in love. They probably avoided each other for a while then just as the second season is beginning to start Danny gives Flack another random hug and this time he actually tells his boy that he cares for him. Flack probably got choked up but I can see him pulling his thoughts together & admitting that he feels the same way.

As for drunken sex it probably happened when they were on vacation somewhere in South America. There was probably some crazy beach party happening & during the dancing part they both probably cosumed too many shots of tequillas & too many lime margaritas. As they got back to their hotel room & on the bed Flack accidently trips and lands atop of Danny since he was so smashed. He probably started giggling while saying, "I'm so, I'm so sorry man. I'm drunk!" Then there would be awkward silence for a moment as Danny gazed into Flack's soft baby blue eyes. Then *boom* Flack grabs Danny face & they begin to kiss in a passionate matter. The clothes come off withon business and shortly after they're getting busy. When the morning came they would wake up, completly(sp) sober & do the exact same thing as the night before :lol:.
Ok, jorja_fan86, I like that scenario! See? I'm not SUCH a prude. My vision of their first sexual encounter involves them stripping and laying side-by-side and just touching and exploring each other's bodies, comparing notes as it were. They could be sober or have had a few drinks. Of course most people would think that wouldn't work because they are so hot for each other but I picture them saying, "man if we are going to do this, we're going to do it right". In my vision they don't want to wake up in the morning and say "oh my god wtf did we do?" They want to remember everything clearly and treasure it for the gift that it is. See? I'm a hopeless romantic!!!
As much as I myself am a hopeless romantic I don't see Danny & Flack planning their first sexual encounter. It'll probably be a heat of the moment incident or the result of too many margaritas. Althought as a jokeI can see Flack going, "Hey, this Saturday works best." while Danny would be all like, "WTF dude, it'll happen when it happens." They're two spontaneous guys who'll jump each other when thetestosterone is running high :devil:.

:lol: I just had a mental image of Danny waking up from the drunken night of sex & going, "OMFG Flack I'm pregnant! I'm gonna be a mom!" & then Flack going, "Shut yer mouth ya jackass. Talk to me when you take the test with the stick." Obviously they're still gonna be a little hungover to say that :lol:.
Your assessments of their first encounter is probably much more realistic than mine, jorja_fan86 but I refuse to give up my idealistic view of people and the way they love each other. But I am not completely closed off to the slam bam scenario. They are MEN, after all. Maybe my vision would be more suited to a female pairing. I'll do some reading of more fan stories, because there are some that I have really liked that tell the story of their first encounter. I don't necessarily think they would *plan* the first encounter, but I think they could at least give it a bit of thought as the process is unfolding.

Being pregnant though? Nah, that just goes too far. But we all have our tastes and there is nothing wrong with any of it as long as no one gets hurt! Maybe a bit bruised and sore from some gymnastic sex... yeah it's all good.
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