Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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I can see Stella pulling the all-knowing smirk, quirking her eyebrow and just not saying anything but both Danny and Flack would know what she meant by it because hey, it's Stella. She just knows what's going on. I don't think Aiden would play matchmaker so much as she would prod Danny to realize how he feels. I only say she'd prod Danny because Flack seems more emotionally stable and ready for a committed relationship than Danny; also, Danny seems to have this all-around reputation as a player, so I think Aiden would try and make him realize that hey, you totally love Flack and you need to settle down, man.
I'm going to go to realtor.com and look for a place for them to buy together. Heehee... and I too am looking forward to season 3. Bring it on!!!
Glad to see you understood me, Rhonda. :lol:

Excellent points about Aiden and Stella. I just love the idea of Stella knowing and teasing them about it. And like was already said, all she'd have to do is smirk and Flack would get that doofy grin of his. :lol: Gotta love it.

I've been writing some fanficcies while my computer is on the fritz. Lemme tell you, when you're confined to only one hour of computer time a day at the library, you sort out your priorities really quickly. :lol: Anyway, I've been writing some stuff down, I think I have my timeline just about set, and D/F should follow. :p I've written a cute little drabble about 'the f***ing computer' and I also wrote another that was intended to be a drabble, but ended up at least twice as long. :lol: It has them living together though, which is why it came to mind when I read your post, lyne. :p

So anyway, there will be fanfic from teh Fay in the near future, my ducklings, have no fear. ;)

I can't wait until the new season. All we need are a few little scenes to get the ball rolling with this ship. :lol:

Let's just hope they don't say stuff that contradicts what I'm writing down for my timeline, etc.--I might have to scream if that happens. :lol:
I'm looking forward to reading your stories, Fay. I have my first two stories up on my LJ, and more will follow soon I think. I think I'm starting to have fun with it now that I've nailed down the kind of stories I want to write

...counting the hours till tomorrow night...
i wish i had something worth while to to say and that was more than three lines... :lol:

ok, anyways, i don't think i'd like it if stella knew about them first. i just find it weird that it isn't aiden or something, but i can understand the whole 'stella intuition' thing...

IMO, hawkes finding out first would be the best (except if lindsay found them doing the naughty in the lab and went back to montana :devil: ). maybe the whole hawkes thing stems from an obsession with a threesome, which btw, someone out there needs to hurry up and write :p .
Yes, it's imperative that we get the threesome story soon. :lol:

Anyway, about who'd find out.

I can see Aiden finding out before Stella, if only because I think she and the guys are really good friends. Stella I think would figure it out on her own because she's just cool like that, but I think it would be impossible for Aiden not to know considering how close the three of them were (in my mind at least). Hawkes would also be a great choice of who could find out, because he's such a sweet guy and he's very understanding. I also don't think he'd be surprised. That man has seen just about everything, and two straight colleagues falling for each other is far less crazy than some of them. :lol:

You've written stories, lyne? Did you post them on BC? :) I got a 600-word drabbly thing up over there that's kind of funny. :p
Fay, click the link under my banner and it will take you to my Live Journal. I'm about to post the next one in the Danny-and-Don-buy-a-house series I'm writing.
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well heLLOO all my lurvly muffins.

i have not been here much have i? *is very ashamed*
now let moi see...Danny & Flack............oh sorry. they always send me off to dreamland.

back to the whole "who finds out" thing. I'd still LOVE Hawkes to be Danny's little confidant thing. I just adore them working together, maybe not as much as Danny & Flack but still i don't mind!

Stella would hands down be Flack's "finding out person". and i'm 100% for the eyebrow raised smirk of hers to make an appearance. I can see her catching Flack or Danny touching the other in some way. probably non sexual (sorry guys ;) ) yet she'd still catch on.

smart woman!
Stella would definately catch on. Danny and Flack always act different when they're around each other. Stella would quickly pick up on all the staring the Flack does. It's so obvious. He can't help himself and she would just watch and smile to herself. She'd also probably think she had some great blackmail material.

If they had gotten together when they still worked with Aiden, I think she would have found out first. She worked with Danny all the time and occasionally with Flack. She knows Danny so well that he couldn't hide it from her for very long. She'd just bug the crap out of him until he did his little "drama queen" whining and then confessed.

I love watching Danny and Flack work together. It's like they know what the other is thinking (because we so know they do). I do like watching Danny working with Hawkes. They work really good together. When Danny, Flack, and Hawkes work together...that's a hot episode. **fans self**
ahh!!!1 i only just saw the spoiler pic of Danny & Flack together.

and really now. there is no need for Flack to be standing that close. but actually there is...:devil:

edit: yep. Flack's tie...although not stunning, not revolting! I bet Danny's very proud of his man.
what spoiler pic of Danny and Flack together? Where? Link please! Geez, how to make this post more than 3 lines and keep it on topic...the last episode didn't have much D/F action, not on the screen anyway. I noticed there were plenty of scenes where Danny was not there. Wonder where he was? Hm...

I found that pic and it is now wallpaper on my desktop!!!

I love this one. What a great picture. They are standing quite close together and Flack's right hand is in convenient fondling range of Danny's backside. I don't know what they are looking at but who cares? It's a lovely pic, and it's currently serving as wallpaper on my desktop.
You know, I love that Danny has spent the summer building up his lovely biceps - all the better to hold his beloved close and tight to him at night. However, what is that godawful thing that Flack is wearing around his neck? My eyes are bleeding.

ETA: Yes, Rhonda he has to be in shape to handle the jham :lol:
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