Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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:lol: jorja i'm thinking about Kimmy's Nine Months now! frickin hilarious!

well now. i'll add a wee bit to the discussion here.
first sexual encounter? i'm definitely thinking heat of the moment ting, or after a LOT of drinks.

oh bugger. CSI is on now.
i'll be back later

Hi everyone. Kimmy, Faylin I have to say. You two are complete love. Kimmy, you write awesome D/F fics. You really getting me thinking about this ship. :D

What is this? We have D/F fans lurking and not sharing in the constant awesomeness that is teh slash?! :eek:

:lol: Glad to see you post, ihnc. ;) You should stop by more often and join in.

But yesh, I know I am teh love. :p :lol:

Now, as for some of the earlier conversation, I'm going to have to do a quick post. I think I'm about novel-ed out. :lol:

lyne, to each their own, and you're no exception. ;) I hope you've found some fics you really liked, though. If you write the fics you have in mind, I'm sure you'll find fans who will like them. Maybe D/F has fans who are looking for just the sort of stories you could write. You never know. ;)

jorja, excellent ideas for how they could have gotten together after "On the Job." But the South American vacation? Hilarious! :lol: Not sure when they'd take enough time off to go to SA to get smashed, but that would be a ROTFLMAO fic. :p

lyne, I think that if/when they wake up with the 'what did I do?' reaction, it's more because they're worried that they've done the wrong thing and somehow messed up the chances of continuing the relationship. I can't think of any fics off the top of my head where the sex preceded the romantic feelings; rather, they care about each other, but don't/can't find a way to express it, so that suddenly they've gone a bit farther than they'd planned because they were a bit inebriated, shall we say ;), and it's awkward because they hadn't allowed themselves to think that far in advance, and suddenly they have no choice but to face the situation rather than continuing to avoid it.

And oh. my. god that was a long-ass sentence. (But dare I say it looks grammatically correct? ;)) :lol:

Oh, and by the way, "Nine Months" is so frickin' awesome! :lol:
Fay, my favorite stories are by rollins'girl. I love her stories. I also love that one, "Rookies and Pros" by Velvetine. I love Flack's internal dialogue in that one.

I've gotten over being put off by the drunk sex scenario. I guess I just had to get my head around it. What I find appealing is dependent on my mood at the time!
Whew, again a lot to answer!

I did find things I liked about the abusive Mac story. I'm not really a Mac fan, and I thought the way he treated Danny in season one was pretty crappy. He always seemed to jump on Danny for every little thing, starting in "Blink" when Danny asked him something about going back to the lab. He was better in season two, but he's hard on Danny, and Mac strikes me as a pretty angry person at times. Where Danny lets it all out--his temper flares often but it dies down quickly, too--Mac lets it simmer until it boils over. Until RSRD, I wasn't convinced Mac actually cared about Danny.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I could see Mac hurting Danny--maybe not repeatedly, but I could see him lashing out and hitting Danny in a moment of anger. Flack would kill him if he did, though. ;)

As to when they started dating...I think it was after season one as well. I think it's been obvious from day one that Flack is crazy about Danny, but it may have taken longer for Danny to warm up. It takes Danny quite a lot to trust someone--it really doesn't come easily for him. I think Flack pretty much showed him in every way possible that he was there for him.

They were definitely together by NA and LoLD, and clearly had been for a while. NA was so after a lover's spat. Poor Flack had clearly spent the night on the couch! :lol: Danny's "nice suit" comment and refusal to look at Flack until halfway through the episode made it pretty clear to me that poor Flack had transgressed in some way or another. And the poor guy knew it, too! He was so eager to try to make it up to his Danny. Danny was pretty pissy in that episode--I remember he even snapped at Lindsay in the morgue. But all's well that ends well, and by the end of the episode, Flack was back in Danny's good graces--and no doubt, his bed. ;) :devil:

Their first time together? I could see it happening with alcohol, but honestly, I don't know that Flack would need it. He's pretty darn into Danny--I thought he was getting ready to kiss him on screen a few times! :lol: I actually could see it in the lab, late at night, working on a case all alone. I think Danny would be shy at first, but I bet he'd give it up after a bit.

I could see the alcohol scenario, too. A few drinks at the pub, Flack takes Danny home, Danny invites him in for a nightcap and well, we all know what Flack would want for a nightcap. ;) :devil:

I also agree that they're probably the first and only guys either would be attracted to. They're just it for each other. It's so adorable. :D
*looks around* Wow! I haven't been here for a while. Hey, I just got back from DNA camp! I got to pretend to be a CSI for a week! Yay!

*coughcough* Anyway...

Top41 said:
I could see it happening with alcohol, but honestly, I don't know that Flack would need it. He's pretty darn into Danny--I thought he was getting ready to kiss him on screen a few times!

Yeah, I don't think alcohol is necessary for Flack. It wouldn't be good for him. He's already pretty intoxicated, yes? ;)

In all honesty, I don't have anything constructive to add to this right now. I just wanted to say 'hi' and say my little line above before it was too late.

OH! And just a random bit of information that suprisingly has to do with this subject: in computer class from back when school was still in session, we had to make a website for a fake band, and you wanna know what I called mine? Yeah, that's right. DDark Side.

Long live the D-mens! (Oh, that was right on the spot...lame, but so on the spot. Hehe...demons, D-mens. Get it? They can be pretty dirty devils...oh, another one! I'm on a role! Dirty Devils! Ha! Alright, that's enough pop for me.)
^ that question sounds so cute. (maybe its just coz i'm not the one outta the loop for once lol. :lol: )
umm neways, yeah...the csi fanfic award nominees are up on LJ as a matter of fact. kimmy was nominated twice i think. :D go DF!
Woo-hoo for the fanfiction awards! :lol:

That link didn't work for me, but Rhonda said it was geekslasher's "Untitled" story that we affectionately call the 'Hotel in Albany' story. I love that one--I haven't finished it yet, but I've read the first 5 chapters so far. ;) geekslasher is one of my favorite D/F authors. :D (And her smut is excellent as well. :lol:)

Rhosalyn!!! You're back! *glomps you* I was just wondering what had happened to you, you've been gone for a while. :D :D :D (Wow, that was a bit strange--I don't glomp often. Not sure what got into me. :lol:)

Gotta love the DDark Side. :lol:

Re: Top's post. ;)

Well, my toppy friend, we'll agree to disagree on the way Mac was portrayed in that story. ;) I still don't think he'd hurt Danny that way, but I did like that Danny and Flack ended up together (as it should be). :lol:

I agree that Flack wouldn't need alcohol before he and Danny slept together the first time, but that leads to a whole new line of thought. If Danny was drunk and Flack wasn't, it's possible that Danny might think Don took advantage of him. Whether or not you think Danny was abused in any way as a child, etc, I think we can all agree that he might have a problem knowing that Don slept with him even though he was drunk and therefore not totally in charge of himself. I know that they'd both be at a point where they had developed deeper feelings for each other, but you always have to be a bit delicate with Danny and, in a situation where he'd be confused and having self-doubts, it would be even worse...

Did that make any sense what-so-ever? :lol: (and what's with me and these long-ass sentences lately? :p)
I'm so excited! They are going to show COTP on the 13th. I am dying to see this ep again!!!

Hey has anyone written a story based on Danny's reactions when he finds out that Don is in the building after the explosion? I was looking at screencaps and it would seem to me that once he knew that Don was in the building that he'd be freaking out. I watched the episode when it aired but I don't remember enough of it now. I am definitely taping it this time!!!
Faylinn said:
Rhosalyn!!! You're back! *glomps you* I was just wondering what had happened to you, you've been gone for a while. :D :D :D (Wow, that was a bit strange--I don't glomp often. Not sure what got into me. :lol:)

Thank you, Fay. I feel very special right now. :)

And in COTP, if I remember correctly...Danny was pretty much leading Search and Rescue. :rolleyes: He wasn't showing much panic, but Danny can keep his emotions in check if they aren't going to help much. Then again, he has been known to freak out...

But I digress. I think what I'm trying to say is that he was so intent on finding Flack (and Mac and the other guy), that he could put aside any fear and anxiety in favour of finding Flack (and the others) alive.
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