Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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1CSIMfan said:
Poor Don would have a huge pile of ties. I can't see Danny throwing them out though.


Danny would probably make their baby girl Danielle throw up on them. After all, there's nothing like baby puke to make even the ugliest of ties ... well, stink.


For some reason, I like the kinkapoodles don't cuddle one. That's a cute name for the new thread (woohoo!). And do I sense some sort of cold war breweing between our ship and a certain other, hmmm?
No no no, no wars. We're all shiny happy shippers here, right? *pokes Kimmy*

Make love, not war! :lol:

Baby vomit on the ties? Ew. :eek: Of course, I could see the baby finding that to be a very entertaining game to play with one of her Daddies. :p

Rhonda, I think that "Murder Sings the Blues" or something similar is one of the episodes that Danny and Flack work together on (episode number 7, I believe). ;) In "Not What It Looks Like" I liked their little scene by the ventilation shaft--Danny was almost leaning against Don's back to look inside. Any excuse, eh boys? :devil:

But you know, Rhonda, if Danny's mom went shopping with them, Don would actually match! :eek: Isn't that, like, one of the signs of the Apocalypse? Nononono, let's not go there. :lol:

Seriously though, I think she'd spend the whole time fussing over him and dispairing over how thin he is and that he really needs to eat more, etc. :lol:
Kimmy, now that you've mentioned Danielle, I have another idea for Don's ties. Didn't Fay mention something about all of the ties Don would accummulate and they would be on a couple tie rack thingies and all over the floor of the closet?

You know guys, I'm sure they'd leave the closet doors open from time to time. Then when baby Danielle starts crawling, she would crawl into the closet and start playing in the ties. Of course babies are always teething so she would be chewing on all of them. Danny and Don would come in there and find her laughing and carrying on with all those ties.

Danny would look at Don and say "See, aren't you glad I rip all those shirts off you? Now they are being put to good use." :p

Wonder how they'd explain baby Danielle to their parents. :rolleyes:
Aww, and wouldn't she just be adorable sitting there amidst a pile of hideous ties and baby drool?...*sigh* And she'd be so damn pretty too... :p

How would they explain her to their parents? Well, er...they could tell them about the alien womb implantation and subsequent pregnancy, but I'm thinking that some of them (namely Don's father) would be inclined to doubt it. Papa Flack has seen just about everything, but that's not one of them. :lol:

Of course, it could be that he's the only one that would believe them. :lol:

But it would be hard to deny that she looks just like them. ;) And, you know, if she starts levitating family members at dinner, or just flinging mashed potatoes at Papa Flack with her mind, they might have to suspend their disbelief a bit. ;)

At this point she only seems to levitate Don, so he'd be bouncing around the ceiling, scowling as his head hit the chandelier and saying "do you believe us now?" while Danny just cooed at Danielle and told her to be nice to Daddy--at which point Don would fall out of the air and land on the table, soaking the seat of his pants in the gravy boat.

I think that would be pretty hard to ignore. ;)

Sooo...since we're talking about fics, are there any updates in the near future that we can look forward to Kimmy? *hopeful look*
Wow, Fay. I don't really know how to respond to that last post. Of course, like any dutiful D/F shipper, I have read those fics (glares around the room at others who potentially may not have read them and admonishes them to do so ASAP), and Danielle, what a cutie! DO you think the parents would make Danny and Don do a DNA test to confirm that they are indeed both the parents before they fully believe them? Would Danny and Don comply? Would their reluctance or acceptance of the DNA test cause a subsequent rift between them and their families?
Anybody who hasn't read Kimmy's stories will just think we're crazy when we talk about Danny having a baby and him having DD boobs. :lol: (Different stories, both with hilarious occurances. :p) If you're a Danny/Flack fan and don't always want to take everything so seriously, I'd suggest reading them for a good laugh. Kimmy is a great author and the stories are definitely some of my favorites. :D (And, you know, "Nine Months" was my first D/F story if I'm not mistaken. :lol:) Plus, you know, they both have some serious smut in them. :devil:

Anyway, now that I'm done pimping Kimmy's fics...:lol:

If their parents made them do a DNA test, you can bet they'd want Hawkes and his doctor friend to be in charge of it. ;) Wouldn't want Danielle to be the source of poking and prodding by government people and weird scientists. :p

Of course, I don't know if I can talk about how their families would react seriously since the story itself is so out there. :lol: Would family members turn their noses up at Danielle as the alien-baby? :rolleyes:

There's something very wrong with me today. :lol:
I'm not so sure about their parents making them have a DNA test done but I'm sure there would be others who would be skeptical as to how to men ended up with a daughter. I think they can manage getting a DNA test done on Danielle at the lab, that is, if she didn't get pissed when they draw blood and levitate poor Flack to the ceiling. :rolleyes: Wonder why she's never done that to Danny? :( Did you hear that Kimmy?? :p

After the DNA test proves they are indeed the fathers, I can see mamma Flack and mamma Messer very happy about having a grand-daughter. The dads, they'd probably not take it so well but they'd eventually come around. Who can resist their flesh and blood grand-daughter??
Love all of these ideas! :D Danny and Flack foreplay in the grocery store, Danny taking Flack shopping, the shower, the hot tub...oh, these boys can turn anything sexy! :devil:

I voted for the Kinkapoodle title for the next thread. We could always use Kinkapoodles Don't Cuddle...Except with Jackhammers if that's not too many words. That would fit them both in. :lol:

I have a theory about last night's episode! Danny did a complete 180 and was chasing Lindsay like he was desperate. In denial about another relationship, perhaps? ;) Are the boys having problems?

Did you guys notice the way Flack looked at Danny when he said "That'll do it" after Danny said "Love run cold" and looked at Flack? And did you catch the tone of Flack's voice? Poor guy sounded heartbroken! :( It looks to me like there was some fight between the boys and Danny pulled away from Flack.

What do you think happened between the guys??? And how is Flack going to win his Danny back???
^ i'm not sure. :confused: could be anything that made one of them touchy. maybe danny brought up the accident or something in a way that got flack mad, and now flack regrets the way he reacted. it could also be flack asked danny something about his family and k-poo shut himself in and things escalated from there. :rolleyes: could be anything...

...but what says fight says make up smex to me!! :devil: :D
Flack is so damn obvious, I don't know why Danny tries to deny it. :lol: When Danny was like 'does that impress you?' the way Flack said 'yeah' kind of made my eyebrow quirk up. And hell, I'm a shipper! :lol:

I stand by my appraisal of the situation from earlier on--after the bombing, they both had a bit of a scare and started to pull away. Flack because he didn't want to put Danny under any more stress, and Danny because he didn't want to put himself in line for more pain. Maybe there might have been an issue with Danny leaving the hospital, etc, but I really think it was just something that happened during Flack's recovery. Flack was changed by what happened, and he's an internal person, and Danny is anything but. So Danny would take that as a rejection and it would give him the excuse to pull away. I'm thinking that Danny decided to fall on old ways and start dating women again, which hurt Flack a bit because, even if he was purposefully pulling away, on some level what he really wanted was an affirmation from Danny that he loved him. So Danny is dating again, Flack is just making it day by day, and then eventually Flack has to go back to work. And that's where it gets tricky. How can Danny avoid falling back on Don if they're working together all day again? Simple answer: be with someone else he spends a lot of time with. I don't doubt that Danny cares for Lindsay, but I also don't doubt that he cared for Aiden as well. Doesn't mean I think they were madly in love or anything like that. I think Danny felt a certain attraction to Aiden that was never returned, and this is similar to what he feels with Lindsay. Lindsay is someone who represents something so different from what he knows from the rest of his life, someone who doesn't know every one of his dark secrets, and that seems safe to him. Plus, unlike Aiden, Lindsay seems interested in return. So that just compounds Danny's confusion regarding his relationship with Don. And after Lindsay is put in danger with the hostage situation, Danny clings to the connection there and thinks 'maybe this is what I'm supposed to be looking for.' He cares about Lindsay, he has feelings for her, but he doesn't see it as a source of pain like he sees with Don. Because Don already knows Danny inside and out. Danny is just an open book to him. And that's not the way it is with Lindsay. Hell, to listen to Danny at the end of "Love Run Cold," you can tell he's trying to downplay the dating, to make it safe for them so that they don't ruin their friendship. Going out to get something to eat and just 'sharing a few laughs' or something like that isn't getting on bended knee and proposing. Danny is still afraid of that. I think, deep down, he's afraid of what he felt for Don and he wants to avoid that.

Don, meanwhile, is still hoping for Danny to wake up, to realize that he can't replace what they have. Even if Danny has feelings for Lindsay, even if he thinks that's the kind of love he's supposed to aim for (the nice girl, the white picket fence and that whole deal), it won't compare to his feelings for Don. People can have more than one love in their life, and it doesn't make it bad or wrong, but there's only one true love, and fuckitall, Danny, you already had it! Don is patient, he knows that eventually Danny will see the light, but the question then becomes how many hearts will get broken in the meantime? :(

So, er, thoughts? :lol:
See. See! I knew there's a secret Danny/Flack shipper in the show's writing team! :lol: It's juuuuuust a matter of time before things get rolling for our boys. ;)

I have yet to see the latest episode. Mostly grimacing my face off after getting all the details from 1csimfan about it today. I think it's incredibly ironic that while it's definitely a Danny/Lindsay episode ... it was the Danny/Flack interaction that stood out to most people. :p I have a feeling the writers are finally getting it into their heads that people actually love D/F. Finally!

And, uhm ... yes, I hear ya loud and clear. *shifty eyes*
So, does that mean we can look forward to more antics from a certain adorable baby girl? :p

The Danny/Lindsay stuff was there, yes, but I'm giggling over the, what, two scenes Danny and Flack had together? That's all I need, people, that's all I need! :lol: Screw serious conversations about what's going on, just give me a significant 'yeah' and I'm golden, baby. :lol:

If the writers were willing to give us a bit of D/F without trying to make our ship canon and therefore screw it all up, I'd be a happy happy girl. :lol: Seriously, though, I think it has a lot less to do with the writers and a lot more to do with the fact that Eddie and Carmine are just magic on screen together. :D

Well, I was looking for good pics of the boys in the same shot, which of course they hardly ever give us. :rolleyes: Anyway, I went to csi-caps and saw this funny cap, so I had to save it, crop it and add a bit of text. Very true, no? :lol:
^Excellent assessment, Fay! :D I could totally see Flack acting oddly after the bombing, and Danny taking that as rejection. Danny's totally the type to throw himself at someone else to deal with it--he's not the most mature guy out there.

Poor Flack! He looked so lovesick in this episode, far more than Danny looked over Lindsay. :lol: And the way he delivered that last line, "That'll do it," broke my heart a little. The way he was looking at Danny said it all. Flack adores his baby!

As Kimmy mentioned, it is kind of surprising we got D/F in the big D/L episode. I wasn't expecting that either! But poor Flack...he looked like his heart was breaking in that last interrogation scene, and then Danny just ran away from him! :( Poor Flack. He's got to get his Kinkapoodle back!

I love that picture with Flack pointing to the Jackhammer. :devil: ;) He knows what Danny needs. ;) :devil:
^^And after last night's episode, I think Flack needs to take Danny home and [[censored]] his brains out. :devil: Flack's head over heels and it's just a matter of time before Danny realizes that he is too.

Two scenes with Danny and Flack together. I'll take it. Those scenes were the highlight of the entire episode. I'll take all the D/F I can get. :p

Fay, I totally saved that pic. :D How perfect is that?? Flack pointing in 'that direction'. He so knows Danny wants the Jackhammer.

Top, I like the suggestion of Kinka-poodles Don't Cuddle..Except With Jackhammers!! but I'm not sure if it would fit. :(
^ i agree that title great-pity it won't fit.
maybe danny left flack early at the hospital as he had to look after danielle- sorry this is out of place only just found it lol
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