Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Ah yes, I'll take on the onerous task of distracting Flack while Rhonda has her way with Danny. *looks around for the handcuffs* :devil:

Of course Danny would whine at the grocery store. :lol: Don is the only person who puts up with Danny's whining anyway. ;) Because, you know, he's well-compensated for it. :devil:

But seriously (as if this thread is anything close to serious at the moment :p), I can see them at the grocery store being a truly comical experience. Danny is pushing the cart and so can't read the list out too, and Don is having trouble reading Danny's handwriting and concentrating on the list because of Danny's hotness about two feet away. So they'd spend too much time criss-crossing the store (those boys don't know how to organize their list, do they?) to pick stuff up, then they'd remember something that's not on the list (insert brief spat over who was supposed to write it down in the first place :p), and finally make their way to the checkout. The line would be long and they'd be so pissy with each other that they'd look in the opposite directions just to avoid eye contact. Danny would decide that the best way to make Don jealous would be to peruse a magazine full of half-naked women, and Don would be half-slinging the stuff out of the cart onto the conveyor belt. As the cashier started to ring it all up, however, they'd get mesmerized by the beep sound, and then they'd watch her ring everything up. And, of course, the more kinky stuff that got checked out, the hornier they'd get when they realized what they were going to use it for. Then, Don would pay, like, reallyquickly and they'd try to rush home. However, knowing them, there was also some sort of quickie in the car before they got there. :devil:

Yesh, I think that works out nicely. :p

Now, as for the changing rooms, I'm thinking a unisex one. Danny would be trying something on and Don would demand that he sit on the bench (because Danny wouldn't want to come out and model every damn shirt). So Danny would try on the shirts and Don would get hornier and hornier watching him check himself out in the mirror (which Danny was totally doing on purpose in the first place ;)). So, eventually, Don wouldn't be able to control himself any longer, and the smex would commence. :devil:

Of course, certain people (raises hand) would be in the changing room at the same time and, kinky as we are, we would rather investigate than call security. So we peek. ;) And it's a good show, by the way. *nudge nudge* Not that they'd notice us, though, busy as they would be. :devil:

Anyway, someone must write that fic. ;) Both of them. The boys can turn anything into smex, can't they? (Not unlike us, of course. :lol:)

About the thread names...I like them all, of course, but I think my favorite is "The Big Guns Are Here." :devil: Danny might whine if his nickname was advertised out there for everyone to see. ;) But, you know, Donnie would console him. :devil:

You know, Rhonda found a fic yesterday that seemed very familiar. A certain someone wrote a Danny/Speedle fic that involved sex in a dressing room. *looks around* I think we're muses, y'all! :lol:
:lol: Having the boys do some grocery shopping would be a hot. The cashier would be like, "Whip cream, chocolate sauce. Are you two baking a cake?" & then Flack would look at Danny with this little you-have-no-idea grin while he's looking at Danny. I guess she is a little correct 'cause something will be rising that night if ya know what I mean :devil:. Danny, having no clue, would go "Flack, did you get the "protection"?" :lol: Then they finally arrive home & Flack would notice like every other male that they forget the most important item & Danny being the girl of the couple would get all flustered & go "oops" :lol:. Flack will get mad but then he eventually forgives Danny which leads to hot makeup smex :devil:.
Oh wow our favorite ship is at the top! **BOUNCES AROUND WITH GLEE AND AND TOSSES M&Ms TO EVERYONE** Hope no one is allergic to peanuts!! :lol:

Seriously, though. You know, Flack, last night, staring so longingly at Danny. And where was Danny's hand during the scene when they were looking down the ventiliation shaft? That's right! Stroking Flack longingly off-camera.

Flack's tie and suit last night actually worked!! Do you think Danny's mom is dressing him now?
Featured ship, eh? I have noticed that our poor ship has been dying out lately. :lol: Maybe we'll get some new converts now. :lol:

But, er, Springmoon, I think you're in the wrong thread to throw food. Foodfights = dirty, and dirty = the boys need to take a shower. How can they ever get work done if they're always smexing in the shower? No, I don't think we need to help them along, they're horny enough as it is. :lol:

I was hoping to get screencaps from last night's episode from csi-caps, since Danny and Flack had a few scenes together, but either it's too damn dark or the camera can't get both of them in the same shot. :rolleyes: Danny and Lindsay, yes. Stella and Lindsay, yes. Danny and Stella, yes. But Danny and Flack? Nope. :rolleyes: Damnit.

I need to re-watch the episode before I can really comment on any potential shippery moments, though. :p I will say one thing though--they don't mind getting close to each other, do they? ;) Heh heh. :lol:

If Danny's mom is dressing Don, does that mean she knows about their relationship? :devil:

Teh Fay is going to write a fanfic with that adorable puppy, you know that right? :lol:

So, it's looking pretty offical that we're going to have to dodge the D/L bullet here. Even if it doesn't go canon (which I'm thinking it won't), there is still the fact that the promo shows Danny basically asking her out. Have our boys been having problems? Methinks that may be the case...must write out my fanfiction. ;) I can, of course, explain away Danny's silly notion to go after Lindsay. Oh Danny, when will you learn? Donnie is patient for now, but eventually he's going to start kicking some ass, and it might just be your lovely bubble-butt that gets hit. *nods sagely* :)

Heh heh. ;)
we are the featured ship!!! woohoo. i spent five mins looking for this thread before i noticed where it was!! :lol:

i can't wait to read your fic fay. i didn't get to see the latest episode but maybe the writers just decided to actually LISTEN to fan feedback and saw that pairing DL could cause more problems than they want. anyways, if they ever write DF there's going to be some huge media coverage about it. sorry that the post is short... :p
Whaddaya mean, you don't think we need to help them along? There's no such thing as too dirty and when you get dirty you have to get clean, and you need a shower buddy to get to those hard-to-reach places, and you have to smex your shower buddy. So, toss away! Pie! Whipped cream! Chocolate sauce! That sounds suspiciously like someone's shopping list, no?

I'm going to go with Danny's mom knowing about these two. Either that or she must be wondering what those extra long pants are doing in Danny's closet when she comes over to cook him nice stick-to-your-ribs meals and leave them in the freezer. So, why wouldn't she dress Don as well? God knows he needs the help.
I was going to write my fics in chronological order, starting after "I'm Driving" when they first acknowledge their feelings and work toward the present, but that's at least 10 stories, some of them multi-chapter, and it'll take forever. :rolleyes: So perhaps I'll ignore that a bit and go straight to the now. :lol: I can always go back, after all. ;)

And, of course, the puppy will be around. :p What should we name him? I can see Danny giving the poor dog a name like "Mutt" or something. :lol: (Or, you know, Lone Ranger since he's a 'loner' and just calling him something else as a nickname. :lol:)

Food fights are fun for some, but the boys would rather eat the naughty foods than throw them. Danny as the table, you know. ;) And, afterwards, they'd still be sticky and need a nice shower to clean off. :devil: See, we can have the smex without making a total mess. Silly girl, you should know better. :p

In my little world, Danny tells his parents about their relationship as soon as he really feels that Don is serious. Don, on the other hand, is reluctant (enter the angst :lol:). So Danny's mom has time to come to terms with it before Don drops the bombshell on his family. But, you know, my timeline doesn't really make that work with Danny's mom knowing already and dressing him. Maybe she just does it because they're friends and she sees him with Danny all the time (hanging out, you understand ;)).
Oh my. I see my favorite ship of all time is now the featured ship! :D I hope this will bring in more newbies to the D/F boat ... they have no idea what they're missing out on. :devil:

I also see the cute doggie has already become an icon character in Danny's life. :lol: What should we call him, everybody? I keep thinking that Danny probably calls him with the very original name of Mutt. And for some reason, I keep thinking Flack would call the doggie something along the lines of ... Alphonse. Don't ask me why. :p

As for Danny's mom dressing Flack ... that made me laugh so hard.
if i were featuring the dog in one of my stories, i'd call him Sherlock :lol: (yes, like sherlock holmes) :D as someone said earlier in the NY threads, i can see danny keeping because.... just coz it's something he'd do. i think he'd give the pooch a name and don woudld be the one to call it "Mutt", albeit with much affection. :D

hahaha i can see the boys fighting over who has to clean it and pick up the poop. :p :lol:

danny's mom would think of don as her other son, hence the dressing him. but only until she finds out just how close the boys are, at which point he'd have just be a nice kid or something.... :lol: (y'know, with the whole incest thing :p )
danny's mom would think of don as her other son, hence the dressing him. but only until she finds out just how close the boys are, at which point he'd have just be a nice kid or something....

Ah, you mean a denial thing? Hmmm, that's a really interesting theory, afrikana! So, she knows that they are more than just very good friends, friends with benefits, if you will. But she probably wouldn't want Papa Messer getting wind of that - I still don't think he'd be down for the D/F.

Re: the dog. I can't think of any good names for the cute little poochie, but I don't think it was actually Danny's dog. Maybe he "borrowed" it just to make himself more attractive to his jham. After all, Flackie is allergic to cats - so that wouldn't work. A cute dog that they could take for long walks in the park? Totally works.
afrikana, you stole my idea. I was thinking the same thing about Flack calling the dog "Mutt" or just "dog" (we have a cat named TC, short for The Cat) and Danny giving him a cute little name. As for what Danny would name the dog, I'm not sure. I'll have to think about that. That dog was so freaking cute.

Danny's mom really does need to dress Don. Although he can't really be blamed for the clothes he wears since the displays are just like what he wears. What else is a guy to do?

You know, if Danny didn't always feel the need to rip off Don's shirts the minute he has a chance, Don might have more shirts that match his ties. I can just see Don throwing them away instead of taking them to Danny's mom to get the buttons sewed back on. "Donny, how do keep ripping all these buttons off so many shirts?" and Don's face would turn red and then he'd blurt out "Crazy perps" a little too fast. She'd give him a "uh-huh" look but would let it drop. Much to Don's relief.

OK...time for a poll for the next thread name:
I'm getting a very funny idea for a fanfic including this dog. Heh heh. :p Rhonda has heard it. Maybe I'll get it written soon. A BC exclusive drabble maybe? I need to get an LJ. All of my random D/F stuff doesn't need to be put on ff.net. :lol:

I love the idea of Don not wanting to explain his torn shirts. :lol: But damn, the ties would start to pile up. :lol: He'd have two tie-tree thingies and a stack of ties in the corner of the closet on the floor. :lol: Danny would trip over them one-too-many times and then there would be a box of donated ties at the Goodwill. :lol:

I voted for 'The Big Guns Are Here' and 'Kinka-poodles Don't Cuddle...Or Do They?' for the next thread. :)
i voted for Danny/Flack #5 - The Big Guns Are Here , which is currently winning, and Danny/Flack #5 - Your Place or Mine?, which I am the only one to have chosen. :D :lol: but i don't think that the cuddling one will fit...

yay, my contribution isn't losing! :p :lol:

oh, i need to find a lackey (=someone who can be bothered to type out my scanned DF fics.) :p i just hate typing long things. PM me.

ETA: ^ that should be in the fanfic thread...my bad. :eek:
i voted for "The Big Guns are Here" and "Kinka-poodles Don't Cuddle...Or do They?"

vair funny indeed.
so my chums, as i havent seen the new season yet, were there any Danny/Flack moments that i missed? If there was then DANG NABBIT! I miss my NY :(
L2MS, you haven't missed any Danny/Flack interaction. They weren't even in the same scenes in People With Money. They had a couple scenes in the last episode (shoot me but I already forgot the name :rolleyes:) but nothing that stood out.

They are however, supposed to be working together in future episodes. :devil: Help me out somebody. I can't remember which one is which. Wow, I'm a lot of help. :(

I voted for the "Restricted Area" and "Jealous!Flack". I really like them all, so it doesn't matter which one wins.

You're right Fay. Poor Don would have a huge pile of ties. I can't see Danny throwing them out though. I see him dragging poor Don back to the department store in search of more shirts. Maybe that's why his shirt/tie combos are so horrid. It makes sense. Danny rips them off and no matter how much Danny begs Don to let Danny's mom fix them, Don refuses. He doesn't wanna explain so he throws them out. Then the ties start piling up, which bugs Danny. So it's off to buy more shirts thus explaining why nothing matches.

It would be a lot easier if they'd just take Danny's mom with them when they go shopping. I'm sure she could match tie to shirt. I wonder if Danny could take a huge bag of ties with him so he could match them to the shirts? I've done that before when I needed to match something.
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