Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Clothes shopping. Hm. Right now I have them signing the papers on their new condo with the hidden sanctuary bathroom that has a jetted tub big enough for both of them and a glass block shower with benches inside, big enough to walk around in. Hopefully someone will take my new place and have them smex it up in there since I don't write the sex, only the romance. I did have a little scene go through my head this morning where they were getting dressed for work and Danny asked Don what hideous shirt and tie combination he was going to wear today. Have to expand on that later.
Our thread slipped to page two. That is totally unacceptable! :lol:

I'm loving all of the scenarios for the
shopping + hot boys = steamy smex in the changing room!


Of course, that begs a new question--is it the kind of changing room with a full door, or is it the dodgy curtain one where you can see legs at the bottom and head and shoulders at the top? I'm thinking that might not work very well for keeping hidden when they're smexing (as if Danny could stay quiet enough for it to be a secret :p)--that's bad if the security guards decide to kick them out, but anybody who happened to be walking by would get a free peep show. :lol:

Hmm, the boys with a tub? I don't really see either of them as the 'bath' type...nope, showers all the way. Unless, of course, they're drunk and fully clothed and decide to sing the rubber ducky song...wonder where that came from? ;)
^ ya really wonder, huh? :lol:

i can actually see romatic smex in the tub. with like bubbles and scented candles or something. but then again they're guys so i don't know if that'd ever happen.

showers are hot, though. maybe it's just the whole "against the wall" thing :D :devil: .

for the changing room, the shop would have people fighting to work there coz of the free peeks whenever the boys go shopping. however, if it's a full door we'll just have to hope there are security cameras in there... :D :devil: :lol: (finally we'll have a video of the boys!)
I don't think the tub will get used as much as the shower. Mostly just if they've had a really crappy day and one or both of them just needs to unwind. Of course they'd have their crazy, up-against-the-wall sex in the shower first, then they'd kick back in the tub. It's a spa tub so there are jets in it and such, so that could be fun too. But if Flack got kicked in the head by some idiot he was trying to pull down off a fire escape or Danny had to tackle some thug on a rooftop, the jacuzzi tub could be very useful. Couldn't they massage each other's sore muscles along with other parts of their anatomy? I mean they may be guys but there is room for a little romance. The shower though is why they bought this townhouse. That shower rocks. There are benches in it. No more kneeling on the floor to be in range of... never mind, insert your own porn here...I'd love to try it out myself! Or just watch the boys in action. Oh crap, what am I saying! Well at least my post is on-topic and more than three lines long!!!
Most of the changing rooms I see these days have a door (which locks) but it doesn't go all the way to the floor (about 18 inches or so). That could be a good thing. :p Afrikana, could you see me, you, and Fay all hunkered down on the floor, fighting for the best spot to get a glimpse of the boys in action? Also, we'd be turning away everybody else who wanted to get in there. "Sorry everybody, changing room's closed".

Then when they're done, we'd have to scramble to get out there before they caught us. Of course, we'd be sure to tell them to come back anytime. They'd probably both be blushing at this point because they'd know that we'd know.

I'm not sure how interested the guys would be in a hot tub. :confused: Probably not their number one priority but I can see the shower getting plenty of use. Good point Fay, I can see them ending up in the hot tub after a night out drinking, waking up and wondering how the heck they got in there and why they are fully clothed. That wouldn't last long. They'd be out of there, nekkid, and in the shower in seconds. This is just IMO, but the cuddling they do is about all the romantic thing I can see them doing.

Hmmm....I wonder where the rubber ducky song did come from? :rolleyes:

Let's see. We've gotten them going shopping, smexing in the dressing room, getting busy in the shower, and passing out drunk in the hot tub with another round of smexing in the shower. What other activities (besides the obvious) can the boys get into?
*has the image of three heads looking up from underneath the door...and Danny looking down at us and squealing* :lol:

We'd be peeking under the door, or fighting over the bench in the adjacent changing room to peek over the top of the wall. :lol:

Re: the tub. I could see Don trying to be romantic with candles and everything after he screws up in some way. :lol: Danny would probably just play with the jets and tease Don without actually giving in...for about 10 minutes. :lol: I'm not sure two guys folded into a tub full of water could really get jiggy with it like they could standing up in a shower, though--water would be splashing over the sides and damaging the tile. And, of course, there's that weird phenomenon where your butt sort of sticks to the bottom of the tub and you can't slide around easily--not good for the boys, and it makes a funny noise too. :p Then the water would start to get cold, Danny would slip trying to do something interesting and dunk his head under so that he came up spluttering...all in all, not very romantic. :lol:

Shower sex, now that's straightforward. :lol: And the benches, lyne? They're so damn lazy. :p

Now, I could definitely see Danny coming home all grouchy and demanding some sort of massage. And Don, you know, is horny, so he'd get out the scented oils and strip. :lol: Naughty boys. :devil:

Hmm, other activities that they could turn into opportunities for smex...*taps chin thoughtfully*

I just had the visual of them grocery shopping. Danny in his jeans and tight t-shirt pushing the shopping cart. (Do they have shopping carts in NYC? Was that the stupidest question you've ever heard? :lol:) Don would be reading the list, still in his suit and hideous tie (a cop in a suit debating over whether to get white bread or wheat bread is a priceless mental image :p). And then the innuendo would start. Squeezing the bread to see if it's soft enough, picking out fruits and vegetables (damnit if they buy a cucumber :lol:), having a friendly argument over chocolate syrup vs. caramel syrup (just to switch things up, you know ;))...all of this would have them horny (because yes, anything makes them horny, even if they're in the milk and eggs section surrounded by little old ladies :p), and they couldn't check out and get those damn groceries home fast enough. Bonus points if they start covertly feeling each other up when they're walking down the aisles.

They can turn anything into sex, can't they? :lol:
Geez, I think I should give up trying to get into the spirit of things with you smut lovers because you all are just NOT on the same page as me. ;) Maybe I'm missing the point of the slash thing? :confused: Although I have a writer friend who has been writing slash for years and she likes what I envision and what I write. I guess maybe I don't get it but I AM getting a bit tired of having all my stuff shot down by you all. It's just not nice. If I just stop sharing it here then I won't have to deal with that so I guess that's what I'll do. :rolleyes: And with that, I'm off to go write another story now...bye bye!
Gotta break out the Mod hat for this one.

Lyne, nobody in this thread is shooting your stuff down. Everyone (myself included) has their own opinions about the boys and we all have a right to share those opinions. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they're not being nice. It's just a difference of opinion and you have just as much right to state your opinion as anybody else.
Lyne--we disagree with some of the things you suggest, and you disagree with a lot of the things we suggest. I fail to see the problem there. You are free to like what you write, and I'm free to like something else. It's not necessary for every D/F fan to like the same thing. Honestly, the annoying thing is not that you have different opinions but that you act as though we're vulgar or something. Sex happens in relationships, and I'm not naive enough to think that, because they're two guys, they simply won't have sex. The constant antipathy to smut and smutty discussion comes across as though you think we're just a bunch of perverts, and I have to say that's insulting. We are all here to ship Danny and Flack together, and we all have the right to ship it the way we like. That includes you, and it also includes me. I'm not opposed to discussion or debate about any subject on these boards, but I don't like feeling as though I constantly have to justify my preferences for this ship. "It's just not nice," after all.

You don't have to share your opinions or ideas--it's totally up to you, and if you want to keep it all to yourself that's fine, but please quit acting as though we've violently opposed what you say. We love getting new shippers, and different opinions are certainly welcome, but we shouldn't be butting heads with one another over something that is supposed to make us happy. Can't I share my view of them where it differs from yours without being a total bitch? I wasn't aware that I was so unreasonable.

We all think they're in love. Otherwise it's just porn, and I think it's safe to say that every shipper here and elsewhere has said, very specifically and repeatedly, that they are in love. Love isn't just sex, but it doesn't exclude it either. I just don't understand your repeated claims that you want them to be in love, like we don't want the same thing. Have you closed your eyes when reading the stories to avoid the smut? Because if so maybe you missed the romantic parts, the love between them, the cuddling and the little things they do for one another. Yes, smut is a big part of the fanfic out there, but you clearly haven't read it all if you think you corner the market on romance. I'm tired of trying to explain that yes I think they're in love, yes I think they do romantic things with each other, and yes they can have sex on a regular basis and still be very much in love.

Now, let's please get back to discussing Danny/Flack. :)
Even though I agree with the points Fay's made about everyone having their own opinions and that we don't all have to agree with each other, it's time to stop the arguing and get back to discussing Danny and Flack.

I believe we were discussing their trips to the grocery story. Let's continue that please.
Sorry, 1CSIMfan, you're very right. :eek:

Let's do get back to the discussion. Arguing never solved much of anything. :)

To add to my previous little story about the grocery store, I thought about this: What if Don is reading the list under his breath and is like "eggs, milk, bread, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, strawberries, honey..." :lol: Danny would have a bit of tongue!porn action going on, and Don would just smirk. Of course they'd have a smutty section on their grocery list. :lol: They might forget the cheese for their sandwiches, but they'll have whipped cream and chocolate syrup. :devil: The cashier's expression would be priceless when they got in line. :lol:
First off, I can see them fighting over the buggy. Oh I forgot, Fay doesn't know if there's buggies in NY. Let's assume that Danny has chicken scratch writing so not only is Don reading the list under his breath but he is also trying to figure out what the heck is on it. He'd finish the list and be like "Messer, you didn't put any "real" food on the list". Then it would hit him that they always order take out and this stuff must be for....play time. They wouldn't be able to get out of that store fast enough.

Let's see..I was thinking about how that guys would act on a trip to the mall. Any ideas?

Also, while I'm at it. It's time to start thinking of thread names. Just remember to add them to on topic posting. Here's what we have left over from the last time:

Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?
Danny/Flack #5 - Come over to the DDark Side
Danny/Flack #5 - Your Place or Mine?
Danny/Flack #5 - The Big Guns Are Here
I'm all for Kinka-poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?. Extra points if we can work in both 'kpoo' and 'jham' into the title?

You know, changing rooms at the mall tend to be confined spaces at those chain stores - which is exactly the kind of place I think would be perfect for smex. Of course these days the Gap near my house has unisex changing rooms, which would make it more fun. Can you imagine being in the cubicle next door, trying on the skinny pants, and hearing assorted muffled thumps and groans? How quickly do you think they would be able to er, finish, before someone alerts the store management to come break up the party? That would be pretty funny.

Mommy, what's a kinkapoodle? :lol:
hmmm..interesting Joanne. What kind of extra points do I get for working kpoo and jham into the title? Some quality alone time with Danny and Flack perhaps? Of course, I'm not sure if Flack would be reluctant to share Danny. Somebody needs to distract him. **goes off looking for Fay.

How about this: Kpoos Only Cuddle With Jhams.

Also, I'll post a poll for the ones above and any others that's mentioned.

It would be so funny for them to get caught smexing it up in the changing room and some poor kid asking what a kinka-poodle was. Then there'd be the other dreaded question of "Mommy, why is there a jackhammer in there"? or "Mommy, why are two guys in there?" Because we all know kids ask dozens of questions for one little thing.
^ lmao. poor mommy, huh? :lol: i doubt she'd even know what a kinka-poodle is!!
eeeevil store management breaking up the fun! i would ask for a free viewing since, afterall, it is my store. :p :lol: :D :devil:

rhonda, i actually see don having the worse handwriting and danny, therefore focing him to read the list out loud coz he simply cannot understand it. :p and then danny would whine that he's too tired to push the cart after whining that he wanted to do it in the first place.
i can see them arguing over what to buy, though. of course don will let danny buy whatever he wants provided he gets to eat or be eaten off of later on. :devil:

you know, i really doubt they'll make it home before the sex happens! :lol: the car will rock away in the parking lot first... :D

how about Restricted Area: Kpoos and Jhams only although that means we're trespassing. does it matter, though? they'll be too busy smexing to notice, anyhow! otherwise, i'm a bit partial to the 4th option... :D
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