Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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I read that fic, afrikana. :( Did. Not. Like. It. Yeah, it had decent D/F fluff, but the characters were pretty OoC and I can't imagine Mac ever abusing anyone. If anybody wants the link, PM me and I'll send it along. The author also did a fic where Danny was the one abusing Mac. No D/F in that one, but whatever floats your boat. *shrug*

I like the idea of them moving in together and acting like they're just trying to save money. ;) Sneaky boys. Stella wouldn't be fooled, of course. She'd just give them that smirk of hers and an "if you say so." :lol:

But I don't think they'd ever split up either. I mean, it's not a phase they're going through, this is the real deal for them. I can imagine them thinking, in the beginning, that eventually things will be different and they'll move on, but deep down they know they'll never want to. And at some point they'll acknowledge that desire to stay together.

Which brings me to a question: How do you think they'd prove that they only want to be with each other? Personally, I can imagine Don being the one to express his feelings first, since Danny has those trust issues of his, but Danny trusts Don and, as soon as he knew Don was being serious, he wouldn't waste time reciprocating the statement.

What that 'statement' would be, though, I have no idea. :lol:

By the way lyne, if it's been less than 24 hours since you posted, you can click the edit button and add to your original post. ;) But I have no idea which hair-do you should use. :lol:
I know about the editing thing, Fay, but it was a different subject so I made a new post. Was that a no-no? The pic I want to work from is from the In Style pictures where he has the little mohawk and I don't want to use that. I like the face but not the hairstyle. I like it where his hair is longer, the bed-head look. I saw a pic of him at some event where I like the hairstyle, it was a bit longer. So we'll see. I'm not going to start it tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

As for the statement, I'd think that Don asking Danny to buy a place with him would be a big step. Especially if Don says "we can live there until we retire and then move upstate". Don might not say it in such an offhand way but then maybe he would since to him it's just the way it is and there's no need for any discussion. Then Danny would be kind of blown away by the fact that Don just knows he wants them together for the rest of their lives. Man that almost brings tears to my eyes. It's what we all strive for. A love that will stand the test of time. That will most likely never happen to me so I love to live it vicariously through stories like these.

I speculate a lot on when in the timeline that they cross the boundary from friends to lovers/partners. I see it as happening later on in their history rather than earlier. I like the idea of it happening after the Minhaus shooting. That feels like a good time for it to happen. I have an idea for a story where Danny attempts suicide after Louie dies and it's Don who finds Danny just in time to save him. If I could pull it off it would be a great story. I'll have to start journalling it and letting my author friend read and critique it. Anyway, that could be a defining moment that really cements them together, but there could be lots of other events that would do the same thing.
Well, the rule is not to double post, so it is a bit of a no-no, yeah. ;)

I think I read a story where Danny was going to attempt suicide, and it was very good. I'd be interested to read this one you're talking about, though. ;)

Don asking Danny to get a place together would definitely speak volumes to Danny, because it's a commitment (even though it's a small one--or maybe not so small :p). Don is definitely the one out of the pair that would know his feelings and be willing to share them first. Danny is a bit more reluctant and he tends to doubt himself. For Don to be confident about the relationship would help Danny to acknowledge his own needs and desires.

Re: Them moving upstate: That's an interesting idea. Part of me thinks they'd never want to leave the city, but then I think at some point they might decide that, after they retire, they'd want to put some distance between themselves and the city because they have so many negative memories tied to the place (from their jobs), and the good memories would travel with them to a new place not too far from the city. ;)

(Wow, that was probably the world's longest sentence right there. :lol:)
:lol: Fay you seem to have the longest EVERYTHING in here

as for Don asking Danny to buy somewhere to live for the both of them, i reckon Danny would be a little hesitant at first, afraid that it'll all blow up in his face (the relationship with Don). Then Flack would probably scare himself thinking Danny didn't want to move in with im at all! :lol: poor Don.

I agree with you on your lastpoint too Fay, if they moved upstate it would probably be after they'd both retired just to get away from all the crap that had happened before.

Edit: dear god my first sentence was a little dirty :eek:
Fay you seem to have the longest EVERYTHING in here

Everything in here is a little dirty. :p

I like the idea of them getting a little brownstone in the city, close to work, to economise of course ;) Why else would two confirmed bachelors live together :lol: Agreed on the fiction that they would have a two-room place to keep up appearances, but I think it would end up being a case of the two single uncles who live together forever and never get married.

I don't know that they would move upstate after they retired, though. I feel like the city is so much in their blood that they would never leave it, but maybe move to a more suburban-y part of the city? A nice neighborhood with families and trees? Does that make any sense?
That does make sense, springmoon, and like I said I really know nothing about New York but there have to be suburbs off the main city, right? Either a nice neighborhood with families and trees or somewhere upscale in the city itself.

The second bedroom could have Danny's computer and that kind of stuff. That's "his" room. I don't know why nobody ever writes any stories where Danny is surfing the internet when he and Don are hanging out together. What, not bringing the work home? Computers aren't always work. They could play online games together.

I'm not sure what "double-posting" is, Fay, but I guess if I just add to my post even if it's a different subject, then I can keep the moderators happy? Whatever it takes. I don't want to get banned!!!
Oh, you won't get banned for a few double posts (which is just making two posts back to back within a 24 hour period--after 24 hours you can't edit anyway, so it's alright to make another post then :)). ;) But a mod might say something if it happens a lot. :)

L2MS, you're just wrong for that sentence. :eek: But, er, I think Flack holds that honor in this thread. ;)

I like the idea of Danny being reluctant and Flack freaking out. Silly boys, just admit you're in love. :p I also agree that they'd put up the "we're just living together to save money" facade. :rolleyes:

In some ways I'm a bit torn about if they'd move somewhere out of the city. On the one hand, I agree that they've got NYC in their blood, and might just move to the 'burbs. On the other hand, though, I could imagine them leaving the city altogether. However, I don't think they'd go far, and I can definitely see them keeping up with their old colleagues regardless of where they are...Heh, I just had the mental image of them having a barbeque in 25 years with assorted children and maybe some grandchildren running around. :lol: Would Mac still avoid talking about Danny and Flack's relationship then? :lol:

I was just thinking about internet access yesterday, lyne. Don probably wouldn't care (I can see him with Danny's old computer, which he wanted to get rid of so he shoved it off on Flack, and slow-ass dial-up access. :lol: Can you see him getting pissed when he actually decides to use the damn thing and it takes forever to load? :p), but I think Danny would probably have a few high tech computer toys. Do science nerds have message boards? :lol:
Ok people, this may sound a bit obscure at first but here goes. I've been listening to the CD "Music From and Inspired by Spiderman" alot lately. Why? Because there is a lot of angsty love stuff on it that compliments the D/F fic I've been reading lately. Anyway, there's this one track called "Undercover" by Pete Yorn. Here's a link to the lyrics, and I think you can play it there too:

Aside from maybe changing a few words like "sister" to "brother", tell me what you think. It makes me cry every time I hear it. Of course, I'm off my meds these days so I am much more emotional than usual but still... if this isn't Danny and Flack I don't know what is.
Faylinn said:
I read that fic, afrikana. :( Did. Not. Like. It. Yeah, it had decent D/F fluff, but the characters were pretty OoC and I can't imagine Mac ever abusing anyone. If anybody wants the link, PM me and I'll send it along. The author also did a fic where Danny was the one abusing Mac. No D/F in that one, but whatever floats your boat. *shrug*

Would love to read that fic, yeah. I can kind of see Mac being abusive to Danny. Maybe it's because of how forceful and disapproving he is of Danny in the show. Danny seems to almost cower around him. I can totally see Flack swooping in and rescuing Danny from that. I can't ever see Danny being abusive, though. There's something so...sweet, I guess, about Danny. I see Danny being the one who gradually lets his guard down and is hurt. I could never see Danny hurting someone because he just can't seem to comprehend that kind of behavior. I guess he's just too good, maybe.

As for Danny and Flack living together--I see Flack showing up at Danny's place with a box of his stuff, plopping it down and saying something along the lines of, "I want to be with you." And Danny would kind of be shocked, and hold back to see what Flack does. It would be a huge thing for him, I think, watching Don move his stuff in and realizing Flack wants to be with him for the long haul. I think it would mean a lot to Danny, but I think Flack would have to make that first move, to suggest they live together or hell, just move his stuff in to Danny's place, because Danny would never trust that Flack would actually be seriously enough about him to want him around permanently. At least, not initially, not until Flack showed his silly little Kinka-poodle that yes, he really is crazy about him. ;) :D
Alright, Top, I'll send you the link to the story. I can't imagine Mac as abusive--tough on Danny yeah, but abusive? No, not like this.

I love the idea of Flack just plonking a box of his shit in Danny's bedroom and announcing that he's moved in. (In my world, he'd probably say something to the effect that his place is too small and Danny's got more closet space for all of those wretched suits. :p)

But I see what you mean about Danny being sweet. There's something about him that, even though he's seen a lot and been through a lot, it's like he doesn't really comprehend it. And I think Flack would acknowledge that and want to protect it.

Silly boys, they're so in love. :p
Top, I gotta agree with Fay on Mac being abusive. I was horrified. :eek: There is no way that Mac could be that abusive to anybody. Yeah, he's been tough on Danny and Danny deserved it but nobody deserves what Mac did. :mad: I am just glad that Flack was there for Danny.

Top, you'll have to tell us what you thought about it. ;)

You guys had some great thoughts on where Danny and Flack would live. I too can see Flack just showing up at Danny's with a box of his crap and plunking it down and Danny just sitting on the couch with this amused, but happy, look on his face. Then Danny being Danny, he'd just look at Flack and say "'bout time" with a smirk on his face.

It may have already been asked but I don't remember any answers (thanks Fay for the help).

When do you think Danny and Flack got together? Before Season 1, during Season 1, before Season 2, or during Season 2? I think I'll answer that one later after I give it some thought.
I'm curious why everyone seems to agree that they would have a hard time admitting they love each other. Is it because they are both men and they are trying to get their heads around that? Or some other reason? And why are we all so sure that Danny would have trouble expressing his emotions? It seems to me like he does a pretty good job of expressing his feelings from what I have seen. I have seen every episode from the beginning but I don't have them all memorized.. I just downloaded "Charge of this Post" from iTunes. I hope my slow Mac will play it without too much trouble. I've been kicking myself for weeks for not taping it; then I find out I can buy it for 1.99! Woohoo! It's funny because I've been taping the reruns and watching them over and over and saying "oh, now I see where that fic premise came from!" Anyway, it just seems to me that two people who have as strong a bond as these guys do would have a little bit easier time of communicating their feelings.
^ Well, that may be just the thing. Danny especially has no problem expressing his emotions, his feelings are an entirely different matter altogether. Look at how long it took him to tell his brother that he loved him and forgave him (that scene was so well done that I really empathised with him) - and he was in a coma no less!

Flack on the other hand had no problem expressing his feelings to Stella, but seems more the type to keep his emotions under a very tight-fitting lid.

This couple would have a hard time communicating how they really feel about each other. Danny would not tell Flack that he loved him for a very very long time but would find ways of expressing it, but for Flack, the words would come very easily, but Danny might wonder if he really means it, because he (Flack) would have a hard time with the emotional aspect of the relationship. So, while the bond between them would be very strong and likely last for a very long time - the expression parts would be a problem in the relationship.

Whew. I feel like I'm back in English Lit class all over again.
Good insights, springmoon. I go right along with everyone else on these points. I think that Danny would have trouble saying those three words, and Don would have to coax them out of him, telling him that he doesn't have to say it every day but that once or twice in a blue moon would be nice. Don needs to hear it now and then, and Danny needs to learn to say it, and accept the sentiment graciously without getting uncomfortable. Danny has self-esteem problems that make him sometimes feel that he doesn't deserve someone like Don. Don is obviously much more emotionally mature than Danny. I like what you said about how Danny finds ways to show his love for Don since he has a hard time saying it. Emotions and feelings run pretty close together though; Don listens to a song that resonates with his feelings for Danny, and his emotions spill over and he cries over it. While Danny is out of the apartment of course so he doesn't freak Danny out by breaking down in front of him! It seems to me that Don spends a lot of time and energy trying to shield Danny from stuff that could hurt him because he knows how volatile and close to the surface Danny's emotions and feelings are. And just because Don seems to always have it so under control doesn't mean that he doesn't need the release of tears now and then. Every now and then it hits him how fortunate he is. People look their whole lives for a love like he shares with Danny. Jeez, I'm a sap, aren't I? Gahhh!!!
I like your differentiation between emotions and inner feelings, Springmoon. ;) It's very true. Danny might be all over the place with his emotions, but he's more guarded about his deeper feelings because he doesn't want to get hurt. He might react strongly to something, but you don't always get the full idea of why.

I don't really see Don as the type to be sitting at home with a pint of icecream listening to sappy music and crying, but I agree with some of what you said lyne. :lol: Don is definitely protective of Danny, no doubt about that. ;)

About your question, Rhonda: I don't know that I can put the move from friends to more-than-friends down to a specific time, but I'd say before season 2 definitely. I want to rewatch season one and see if I can pinpoint a time that I think the transition might have occurred. There's something about "On the Job" that makes me think they were close at that point, but maybe hadn't quite come to terms with the change in their relationship. There was a difference to their dynamic in season two that makes me think the switch from friends to more-than-friends had already occurred. I tend to think the change happened between the seasons. There wasn't a period of awkwardness that I would associate with their first tentative steps in that direction, with the notable exception of the diner scene in "On the Job." So yeah, between the seasons for me. ;)
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