Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Okay guys, try to keep your posts with a minimum of three lines, okay? To avoid any spamming of the thread and keep the discussion fleshed out. :) Thanks.
Oh Kimmy, with these two it's so easy to keep the discussion fleshed out. :devil:

i was out for lunch at an Italian restaurant. and I ordered the Spaghetti and New York meatballs.
I can just imagine the scene now: Danny and Flack going into an Italian restaurant and Flack would order his meatballs or his Italian sub with a little smirk on his face and then eat them with gusto while shooting Danny significant looks. :lol: And Danny would eat anything that required him to lick his lips a lot, and Flack would have to rush them out of the restaurant before they could even order dessert. :lol: Of course, they'd get dessert of a different kind as soon as they got somewhere private. :devil: heh heh...
Danny and Flack would make a great team! i hope to see more of them working together in the third season.

Of course Danny/Flack make a great team. Anybody who has that much chemistry would make a great team. I'm just trying to figure out how Flack gets through a work day without molesting Danny since he stares at him so much. :p

I too want to see them working together more in season 3. I'm looking forward to Flack staring at Danny for another season. Just makes my day. ;)

Since we've been talking about who we think would find out about Danny/Flack first, it got me to thinking: Whose family would find out/be told first about them? Would it be Danny's or Flack's and what would their reaction be?

I'm not sure what to think of that. I think Flack's mom would be very understanding and just want him to be happy. His dad on the other hand would probably disown him because in "The Fall" I got the feeling they weren't that close. As for Danny, I think it would probably be the same way. I just wonder about Louie. He loved his brother enough to make him think he hated him just to keep him out of Tanglewood. I would like to think that he would be ok with Danny's decision too. After all, Danny and Flack aren't gay, they just smex after each other.
A very interesting question, Rhonda, I wonder where in the world you could have gotten the idea from...heh heh ;)

Anyway, I think they'd both have a hard time with their families if they found out. I can see Don's family knowing first, though. In my head, Flack has siblings (sisters specifically, no brothers, but we don't know for sure on the show), and they're close, and I can see them finding out first. Then his mother would find out, and she'd be sad that her only son wasn't going to do the white wedding thing and marry the sweet girl and have the grandkids. (Of course, Danny and Flack could still have kids, although perhaps not in the way Kimmy specified in "Nine Months." :lol:) However, I think she'd come to terms with it, although she might fly off the handle at a really tense moment and show that she's secretly bitter. As for Papa Flack, I can see the rest of his family trying to keep it from him because he wouldn't tolerate it. I see Flack Sr. as someone who values his reputation, and anything he viewed as a stain on Flack Jr.'s reputation would automatically transfer to him as well. I'd actually love to see a tense, emotional scene where Sr. and Jr. confront each other about it and Flack tries to explain. Sr. would be yelling that Don has a name to live up to, and that he's making the whole family (read: Sr.) look bad by being 'gay.' Then Don would have to explain that he's not gay, he just happens to have fallen in love with a man, and there's a difference, and that it shouldn't matter anyway. (I have something like this in mind for a fanfic. ;))

As to how they'd find out, in my world Flack tells his sister(s) or they figure it out. I can see his mom finding out accidentally (after the 400th time she whines about Donny needing to find a nice girl and settle down). His dad finding out would be a total accident--someone lets it slip, he sees Danny and Flack together, there's a rumor going around so he storms over to Flack's apartment and finds them there together...all very angsty, I think. :p

Now, about Danny's family. I don't see them as being all that close. They might love each other and even spend time together, but I see Danny as being sort of emotionally shut-off from his family. I don't think they know much if anything about Danny's personal life, at least not from him. If Louie wakes up, I could see Danny telling him before his parents. As for how Louie would react...I can see him being a bit pissed at first, using words like 'gay' or 'queer' (which, by the way, I hate hearing in a derogatory sense). But I could see him calming down about it and accepting it when he sees that it's what Danny wants. I can even see him trying awkwardly to be friendly with Flack. (Damn, I love this angst stuff, apparently. :p) I think their mom would find out first, similar to with Flack's family, but maybe it would be more of an accident--overhearing Danny and Louie talking or something. Or maybe she'd hear it through the grapevine or something. I can't imagine her hearing it directly from Danny, which would break her heart a little, that he wouldn't trust her enough to share that with her. I see Danny's mom as a woman who's a bit resigned with her life and has a certain sadness to her. I don't think she'd have a very negative reaction to Danny being with Don, but I think she'd still be a little bit heartbroken that she'd never have grandkids in the traditional sense (because I'm assuming that Louie isn't married, and if he never wakes up...) Papa Messer, now him I don't know about. I think he'd know when Danny was keeping a secret from him, but I don't think Danny would give up the information even if his old man pressured him to share, ya know? I can see him being pissed that the rest of the family didn't tell him though.

Damn, I just ramble on and on, don't I? :lol:
*had been taking notes since the top of the page to jump into the conversation* You know how much reading that is? You writing fiends! :lol:

Smut frowned upon in Fanfiction
I don't necessarily see it as being frowned upon, but I guess it depends where your family is from. I know if my parents ever caught me reading some of those more smutty fics (especially the ones Kimmy has written.. Yowza! :eek:) they'd probably have a fit. I guess it also depends what your preference is and how.. heavy? the smut is.

Flack staring at Danny
That is one of the bigger giveaways of Flack's attraction to the Drama Queen. I really hope it doesn't go away. :lol: Which brings up the question... How many times do you think Eddie has walked into walls while he was looking at Carmine? It strikes me as funny that you never even see him brush against the wall.

Who finds out about them/who catches them
It would probably be either Stella or Mac first. Most likely Stella. Like it was said before, she'd probably be all "hush-hush" about it, not giving away the boys; but on the other hand she'd probably bug them endlessly and/or be all fan-girl-ish about it. But Mac would probably notice it first a bit.. Notice it a bit more. Find out they've been using the department vehicles to.... :lol: He'd probably mention something about the vehicles having to be the way they got into it after they left. It could potentially get very messy with those two. :devil: *pause* ...Smex? What? No, I was talking about getting lunch! :lol:

Now if they were to be stumbled in upon, and call me evil if you want, it has to be Lindsay. :p The "You Bought Me What?" fanfic comes to mind where she stumbles upon them in the alleyway and watches. --- Well it'd be the best way to find out if the two of them were together! I mean a free show.. Who could resist? Private viewing, front row seats and.. copporn. (Sorry, I had to use that in here.. popcorn wouldn’t suffice this time.)

Italian foods
I'm never going to look at the meatball sub at Subway the same ever again.. :lol: Who the heck thought of that? But anyways.. If the two of them got into it, doing some sort of food foreplay in a restaurant, but as discrete as possible, dessert would either be served in the apartment or in the car. No Gelato compares to crème a la Flack et Danny. :p Yes, I mean that in the most smuttiest sense possible. :lol:

Whose family would first find out
Either way, I think the mothers and sisters would be supportive. Brothers... Maybe. Fathers, not so much. >_< Based on what we saw in ‘The Fall’, I don’t think Flack has a very good relationship with his father, and Danny doesn’t seem to speak about his family too much. It’s only been Louie that’s been spoken for, right? Or have I forgotten something from an episode again? -_-; I think the fathers might disown the boys if they ever find out, as bad as that sounds. Things were tough when their fathers were being brought up, and they’d probably frown upon it.

Children factor
Now God forbid aliens conduct experiments on Danny, because that would only make his whining and sniveling worse. *just a tad blunt* Kimmy, I’m not saying that I didn’t like that fanfic, because I thought it was great! But it sounds like something TPTB would do just for a twist x.X How stupid they are sometimes...

Anyways, back on topic: They’d probably… Get a woman to consent to giving their child. You know, that procedure? Either that or adopt, I suppose... I’d want to know what the child would think when he/she grew up. Do you think they’d be somewhat weirded-out, or beside themselves for a time? Or do you think that they wouldn’t mind because it had been that way for da-da-da a time and it’s the norm?

I remember watching that Sex in the City episode with Eddie.. He doesn’t seem all that disturbed with playing a bisexual character. And he isn’t disturbed with dating older people *coughCarminecough* :p What’s to say that these two aren’t doing something behind closed doors? Well.. A girl can have her dreams can’t she? :lol:

*looks back at what I typed* Hm.. Didn’t think I’d have it that long. :lol: How's that for de-lurking and giving my half-ass two-cents?

...We all type too much. Especially you, Fay. You should have stories coming out the yin-yang with how much you type. :lol:
Holy shinola, you ladies are writing novels in here! I almost feel like I haven't been giving this enough thought to actively/intelligently participate in the deep analysis! :lol: So why not bring it back to the smut, eh?

ShuriyuCSI said:
Italian foods
I'm never going to look at the meatball sub at Subway the same ever again.. Who the heck thought of that? But anyways..
I suspect that the food is creep from another forum where we were discussing Italian meatballs and chocolate ice cream. Delicious. However, Italian meatballs with some guinness to wach it down would not be a bad idea on a cold night either.

If the two of them got into it, doing some sort of food foreplay in a restaurant, but as discrete as possible, dessert would either be served in the apartment or in the car. No Gelato compares to crème a la Flack et Danny. Yes, I mean that in the most smuttiest sense possible.

Maybe I've been reading too much fic, but I don't know if discreet is something that these two would do well. They'd probably forget where they were and get started on the dessert portion of the evening while shocked patrons looked on in unwilling fascination. Or maybe that's just the way that it lives in my head. :rolleyes:
It's tough deciding on who's family would learn first about Danny's & Flack's relationship. Obviously I think the mother's would be more accepting but they would finally understand why their sons don't want to date the random girls that their mom tried to fix them up. I could see Flack's dad having a real tough time with his son coming out. I imagine him locking himself in a room the moment after Flack confesses the truth. He would go out of his way to avoid all types of contact for the next few days which would worry Flack's mom. Personally, I don't think he would ever accept it but he would learn to love his son again, gay, straight or bi. As for Danny's dad I can't really say.
ohh the 'rentals. (parents ;) )

i can see Flack's mum being all "ell it's about damn time Donnie that you found someone". but we don't have any info on Flack's mum at all, so i'm really not sure.

Flack's dad, yes...I can definitely see him being a tad unhappy about it. Although I think he might be indifferent, it doesn't seem Flack bothers about his dad, he just brushed the matter off with "same old" in answer to Moran's question. So maybe his dad would just say "Right. well. ok" and try not to think about it.
Danny's family, well apparently his mum is alive again since Run Silent Run Deep. and I have absolutely NO idea what she would think :confused: Mothers are generally more accepting, so perhaps she would be ok with it, say that because Danny has had such a hard life, he should find happiness wherever he can? that would be a motherly thing to do.
I don't think his dad would fly off the rails, but i don't think he'd be all luvvy duvvy with the idea either. its hard to say!!

so yes. there's my two cents :D

also, how fab are johanirae's drawings on livejournal. they're so adorable.
Shuri said: "Smut frowned upon in Fanfiction
I don't necessarily see it as being frowned upon, but I guess it depends where your family is from. I know if my parents ever caught me reading some of those more smutty fics (especially the ones Kimmy has written.. Yowza! ) they'd probably have a fit. I guess it also depends what your preference is and how.. heavy? the smut is."

The smutty stuff bothered me at first but now I'm getting used to it. Damn, you all have really corrupted me. I still wonder how they would have figured out how to do all that stuff though...gone to that sex shop in "One Week", huh? Ack!!!
Smut In Fanfics -

I love smut in fanfics. Doesn't bother me at all. The very first fanfic I ever read was smutty and it was a good story so I got used to it early on.

Whose Family Finds Out -

As far as who finds out first, I'm not so sure but I see Flack's family finding out their relationship first. I can see his mother and father both being upet and bothered by it, but his mom will come around and be supportive of him, while the father distances himself from Flack and pretty much doesn't want to see him anymore. As far as Danny's family when they find out the would be really disappointed and put him down about it. Contact between Danny and his family will be brought down to pretty much nothing. I only see part of Flack's family actually being supportive and maybe Danny's mother too.

Children -

I can see them with at least one child and at the most 2. If they were to decide to have children I think they would decide on adoption as their first option. As far as the alien thing well I don't see that happening, but I did like that fact that they could have a child that was able to share their DNA and everything. But then again if they never had children that wouldn't suprise me either.
Wow, great topics recently, guys! :D

I love the idea of Flack and Danny getting stuck together somewhere and Flack having to keep Danny alive if he was hurt. Flack would be beside himself with worry, but he'd have to keep himself together. Did you guys catch how he put his head in his hand when Jerry said it would take 13 hours to get Danny out of the panic room? The man was beside himself with worry. Or at the idea of having to listen to Danny whine for 13 hours. :lol:

The staring. :D The staring makes me smile. Flack watches Danny like a man completely and totally entranced. He doesn't look at anyone else that way, or watch anyone with the kind of focus and intent that he does Danny. Flack is head over heels.

Stella knows. Did you see the expression on her face when Flack read from that guy's journal in "Stuck on You"? He read, "I've been the lover of many women" or something like that and the look on her face said, "I know he's difficult, but since when has Danny been 'many women?'" :lol: Stella's intuitive, and she's Flack's confidant. I bet he's told her all about the trials and tribulations associated with loving Danny Messer.

Families? I actually think Flack would be more reluctant to tell his, which would be a major sore spot with Danny. It would probably bring all of his insecurities out. I don't see either family being very accepting, but Danny would tell his in a kind of "in your face" way, whereas Flack probably doesn't like to rock the boat with Daddy Flack.

Oh, yeah...smut in fanfic. I don't get people's problem with it. Sex is a part of relationships, so if people are writing about relationships, it fits. It's one thing to write a story where the plot doesn't call for it, but to think that the characters wouldn't be having sex if they were together is pretty naive. I've seen that occur in other ships, but not this one of course. We seem to universally love the smut. :devil:

Oh, a Kimmy's latest story, "A Flack a Day..."? Pure brilliance! I loved it. You must read it if you haven't already... :D
*wails* i just wrote a freakin' huuuge post and it got deleted! *kicks computer*

ok so i'm going to summarise:
1) smut is HOTT. parents would probably never look at me again if they caught me readin it. nah, joking. they would just be confused and wonder what they did wrong... which bring me to

2) i can see don's mum wondering what she did wrong for her son to turn out *GASP!*queer. his dad would probably call him names and try to disown him. danny's dad would take it as hard but i see his mum as more understanding. i don't think louie would appreciate it too much either though. :(
but it doesn't matter coz they have each other!

3) i want lindsay to find out. and cry. just because i really hate the relationship they're trying to build between her and danny. i'd like her to catch them in the elevator or something sharing a passionate kiss and shriek.

4) yes, read the fic that top suggested. 'tis very cute
Wow, lot's to catch up on. :lol:

~Flack doesn't run into walls because he's always an exact distance from Danny, and Danny knows to walk an exact distance from the wall. They've been doing this for a while, clearly. :lol: Of course, I'm sure Flack hit the wall a lot in the beginning. :p

~Excellent thoughts on how their families would react, everyone. :D

~I wish they could mix their sperm because GOD that would be one purty baby. *dies* Maybe they'll have two kids with a surrogate so that they'll each be able to share those genes with the next generation. :lol: (Hell, I'd be the baby-momma, and I'd make 'em natural! :devil:) Seriously, could you see them trying to figure out who to use for the surrogate? Or who's eggs to use? Danny would be such a picky, whiny bitch about it. :lol: (Don't know much about surrogates--would she use her own eggs or...?)

But I can see them thinking they'd never want kids, or they'd never be in a position to have them, but at some point they'd realize that they really want that at some point in their lives together. *squishes them*

~Didn't someone say in one of CDG's movies there was some hint of boy-on-boy? And Eddie did the bisexual thing on SaTC, so it sounds to me like they'd both go for D/F if it was the right thing for the show and the characters. But as I said in the "To Ship or Not to Ship" thread, I don't think the writers would do it justice.

~Shuriyu, how can I "have stories coming out the yin-yang" if I'm always typing posts instead? :lol:

~I'd love for Danny and Flack's moms to meet each other. :lol: I don't quite know how they'd interact, but I'd love to see it nonetheless. Both of them fussing over their boys. :p

~I can believe Flack would confide in Stella, Top. Actually, I'd love to see Danny get jealous because Don is spending time with Stella during a rough patch in their relationship. :lol:

~I'd love it if various people knew about them but kept it secret so that, at some point when it suddenly comes out in front of all of them, they sort of stare at each other and go, "you knew?!" :lol:

~Top, I can see Danny getting insecure about Don not wanting to tell his family. Very Danny. :p

~There are at least a few D/F fans who aren't into the smut.

~I love all of Kimmy's fics. :lol: I'd pimp one of them without even having to read it. Kimmy is teh awesomeness. :lol:

I think that's all to get me caught up. :lol:

Oh yeah, and Lindsay catching them? Priceless. :devil:
I love Kimmy's stories too. And here is one by another author that I absolutely ADORE. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3066839/1/

I love Flack's internal dialogue. So awesome! This is what I mean about liking the pre-smut stories. I have been sucked in by the smut now too and gobble it up with the rest of you, but this type of romantic story is just soooo sweet.

You guys like my new banner? I thought it would be cool to have Danny and Don having a conversation under the Full Moon. Very romantic, huh? Heehee...
Well, I have a thing for the moon, so... ;)

I also liked that story. Hadn't read the alternate ending though, glad that was added. It felt sort of unfinished without it. :)

I know what you mean about the internal dialogues. Each type of story has its merits, and they're all an integral part of what fleshes this ship out and makes it realistic and worth following. Physical stories (like smut) have their place in the little fanon universe we're gradually building and creating (providing more of the 'when,' 'where,' and 'what' explanations), but so do the more emotional, personal, maybe even developmental stories--the ones that show the how, the why and the who.

Of course, I could just be talking out my ass here. :lol:
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