Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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No Fay you're not because their relationship has to be based on more than sex. Two straight guys who fall in love with each other. It's the emotion that comes first, and then the physical attraction, and then the coming to terms with that. Ok fine, they are strongly attracted to each other, strong enough to push through anything that at first glance feels wrong to them, -"wtf? I'm not gay, why do I want to kiss this guy!?!?... oh, it's because I love him, and the only way I really feel like I can express that is by making love to him... oh crap, what am I thinking!?!? Oh the hell with it, I don't care, he's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm not ABOUT to walk away from him!!!" Then he still has to figure out if the other one feels this too or is going to run screaming away from him and then all is lost. Poor guys go through all this agony over how they feel when the other one has felt the same way all along! I love it when authors go into that whole aspect, the looks, the quickening of the breath or the pulse when one sees the other when they haven't even figured out what the hell is going on yet. Making excuses to be close to each other; fingers brushing each other's when one hands something to the other. All those little nuances are what really makes a great story. THEN we can get into the smut!!! That's why I like both. I personally would like more stories about their first sexual encounter which in my opinion would not include condoms and lube right off the bat. Like these two are going to have a clue how to do THAT!!! Up until now they've only been with women. Sex between them is obviously much desired but I would think they'd want to take it slow and do it right. Ok, I'm going to shut up now, I hope that last observation wasn't too graphic. I mean it wouldn't be for us, of course! I have so many ideas for this aspect, but I don't know if I'm anywhere near good enough at telling stories to write any of it down. We'll see.
*flattens lyne* i LOVE your new banner!! <3 <3

i love fluff + smexing. either it starts off all fluffy then develops from there into the bedroom.
i like full on smuttyness while at the same time they're both being very fluffy and loving and ever so yummy n cute.

so yeah, that sounded like I was about 5 years old :lol:
Excellent post, lyne. You were spot on. ;)

I feel the same way about writing. I want to get all of my ideas down for myself but also to share with everyone else, but sometimes I'm not sure I could accurate translate what I'm thinking into a well-written, compelling, believable story. *shrug* I guess I won't know until I try it, will I? :lol:

i like full on smuttyness while at the same time they're both being very fluffy and loving and ever so yummy n cute.

so yeah, that sounded like I was about 5 years old :lol:
The second part yes, the first part definitely not. :lol:

Oh, and the word 'shippery' looks like 'slippery' so I was wondering how you could have a 'slippery sigh' afrikana. :lol: Silly Fay. :p
hey we're on page 20!! only a couple more 'till the end, right? so have we got any thread names ready? where's our list-girl ;) ? :D
You rang?? Here I am with the list in hand. Yeah, the thread ends at page 25. We only have a couple thread names listed for the next thread so you guys need to think up some more. Here's what we got:

Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?
Danny/Flack #5 - Come Over to the DDark Side

I thought of:

Danny/Flack #5 - Your Place or Mine?
Danny/Flack #5 - The Big Guns are in Here

I'll do a poll once we get more suggestions.

lyne, I love your banner.

I have another question about Danny/Flack. Since we've already discussed who would catch them first and what their parents would think, I got to thinking. After all of that, if they decided to move in together where would they live?? Danny's, Flack's, or somewhere new?

I think they would move into Flack's place. I have a feeling he lives in Manhatten (closer to work).
^ I have a feeling that they might do some condo hunting first around the area where they work. If that fails they probably will end up staying at Flack's place. Danny might whine a bit and go, "What, my place isn't good enough for my Jackhammer?" :lol:. Flack might be unsure at first because of how his dad reacted when he found out about his son so having his lover and dad in the same room might be really awkward & uncomfortable at first, especially at religious holidays such as Christmas but afterwards he would just accept everything. Danny would also demand that they would re-paint the walls in a colour he prefers and Flack would laugh & go, "You are such a drama queen!" while smacking him upside the head :lol:. In the end Flack would have to fix up his place but afterwards it'll all be ok.
i loooove the last one. lol. i'm true gutter folk lol.
Danny/Flack #5 - The Big Guns are in Here

btw i think they'd get a two bedroom somewhere in manhattan just coz they work so much and it'd make it easier to live there. not moving into one of their apts would make it fairer but if one of them already has a bigger apt then i guess that would work too. :p
See, I can understand why they'd move into Flack's place, but when I started trying to set things up for my fanfics, I've given poor Flack a teeny tiny apartment, so I don't think that would work. :lol: But if we're going to come up with a fanon standard for their apartments tell me before I write a story! :lol:

Personally, I don't think Flack spends a hell of a lot of time at home, so I can see him not giving a damn about the size of his place so long as it has a decent amount of storage space for his suits. Danny I can see with a decent-sized apartment, very clean and well-organized (science nerd :p). So I think Flack likes to chill at Danny's apartment whenever he has free time, even before they hooked up. :p I can see Danny wanting to have a nice place that he can keep up with and keep just-so because sometimes his life is so hectic and he can't control it...anyway, I think I'm just rambling here. :lol:

I'm all for any of those names for the new thread, so whatever you guys come up with is fine with me. :D
^ i like to see what kind of apts people imagine them having. i think it tells a lot about how they view the character. i read this really WEIRD and i mean SERIOUSLY WEIRD fic on LJ where mac was living with danny and abusing him. and apparently in that fic, danny had never had his own room till he moved in with flack.

if your hoping for any recollection of the fic im sorry, it was disturbing so i erased all memory of it. :p they made danny act like somekind of abused chick... *shakes head*
Danny/Flack #5 - The Big Guns are in Here is a great one. I like it but the others are good too, but that one is my favorite. :D

Wow! That sounds like a really intense fic afrikana. I've never read anything with that kind of subject/story line before...well I kinda have but it wasn't a CSI: fic, anyways the one I read wasn't as tough as yours but it was still a really good read actually. So it was a Danny/Mac fic or Danny/Flack?
^ it was danny/flack. mac had like psychological probs or somethin. he said he was doing danny a favour or somethin along those lines, and stella believed him. and then it turned into the bold and the beautiful :lol: . i didn't really enjoy it, though. it was very OOC...
o_O What the? Probs? Yeah it certainly sounds OOC all right. I couldn't even image Mac like that or Danny [with the abused chick kind of attitude].
I was thinking about that today. I imagined Flack asking Danny to buy a townhouse with him, in a nice area close to work. Manhattan, I don't know because I know nothing about New York. Maybe they put out to the team and their friends that they were doing it as an investment and that Don needed someone to co-own the place. They will look for one with two bedrooms to keep up appearances, and tell people that when one or both of them gets married that they plan to sell the place and split the money. Of course what they are really planning is that when they retire they will sell the place and move out of the city together, because I really can't imagine them ever splitting up.
Hey kids, I'm about to start a new portrait, this time of Carmine. Any opinions on what hairstyle I should put on him? I'm also trying to decide whether to make him Danny with glasses or Carmine without. The photo I plan to work from is of Carmine -no glasses. Whatcha think?
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