Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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1CSIMFan, I love your avatar!!! It's so cool! Every time I see it I have to watch the whole sequence. It's great!!! I'm still working on a D/F portrait; trying to find the right pics. I'll keep you posted!
If you were to have any one member of the team, find out about Danny & Flack. Wehtet it be that they're in a relationship, or they notice what's between the two men.

I would like to see Hawkes find out about the two. He sems to be pretty observant and would be the first to notice something between the two. Plus I can see him being real supportive. If Stella were to find out that would be fine too, but I would like Hawkes to know first.
Personally, I would love for Stella to be the first one to find out the guys' relationship. She would probably be really supportive and assure them she always knew they belonged together. I think she'd be best at keeping at a secret at the boys request and whenever she pass them at work she'd give a little smile to indicate that she's happy for them.

With Mac he'll probably be a little surprised, and maybe make a note on the fact that inner office dating is frowned upon(hypocrite) but at the same time congratulate them on their love.

Hawkes would probably be happy for them and demand a little threesome every once in a while on the side :devil:. He might encourage them to come out to everyone. I can also see him giving them tips on good places to go out on dates.

Lindsay would probably be choked as she seems to adore Danny and she probably will refuse to take in the fact that Danny loves somebody else instead of her :lol:.

Basically, my choice is Stella. She's extremely trustworthy and the boys know that she won't judge them at all. Instead she'll do her absolute best to make sure their relationship lasts and if they do ever break up(yeah right) she'll be just as heartbroken as them.
To answer your question L2MS, I have to be the meanie here and say I would like Lindsay to find out about them first. Sorry, I just can't help it. :rolleyes:

She would be totally freaked and then she would realize why there is no chemistry between her and Danny. She would also realize why Danny seems to have a problem flirting with her. How could he make it convincing when he is really thinking about Flack? ;)

I have a question for everyone. In addition to who you'd want to catch them, how would you like them to get caught (figured out)? :D

Me, since I want Lindsay to catch them I would like to see them making out in the locker room and have her walk in on them. Sloppy kisses and groping between Danny and Flack would definately be hot to see IMO. :devil: Lindsay would not see it that way. She'd instantly freeze, shriek, and then demand to know what's going on (even though she knows). They'd cast her an annoying look and then she'd finally get it. :p

Of course that's just my fantasy. :D :p :D
:lol: I would pay big bucks to see Lindsay's reaction to seeing her crush getting it on with Flack.

It's so typical for a secret couple to be caught in a an awkward situation so I like it this way.The way I want them to get caught is Danny leaves his cell phone on the lab desk 'cause he has to go to the washroom and as he exists the room he gets a dirty text message from Flack, complete with a nudie pic. Stella, thinking it's her cell, picks it up and reads the message that was meant for Danny. When Danny comes back from the washroom Stella is standing there with a sly grin on her face and she's holding the phone in the air, letting Danny know that him & Flack have officially been caught & their relationship is no longer a secret. Danny would protest that it was a sick joke made by a bored Flack, then confess that him and Flack have been romantic and sexual for a long time but not before making Stella swear that she'll keep her mouth shut, which she'll do anyway. Stella would probably have trouble keeping a straight face around them, especially since she's seen Flacks goods :lol:.
OMG...we've been bumped to the 2nd page. :eek:

I agree jorja. Couples who are sneaking around can only hide it for so long. They will eventually slip up. Especially these two. They molest each other so frequently it would only be a matter of time before they got caught at the lab. It would be a fun game and turn on to them to smex at the lab (including Flack's patrol car). Although I'm pretty sure they'd be professional enough not to try anything at a crime scene.

In fanfic world they've occasionally been caught or they've already told someone. The thing that gets me is since they're all CSI's, they should be able to figure it out pretty easily.

jorja, I can so see Stella finding out that way. She'd be amused but she wouldn't tell anyone. Of course Danny would have his little Drama Queen fit, freaking out because she found out. He'd probably rush to call Flack and tell him that she knows. Flack of course would calm Danny down and tell him that he was sure Stella wouldn't tell.
You know, I would like it if Stella were the first one who found out about the relationship. Stella definately wouldn't tell anyone and she would be supportive of the two of them.

It would be nice if TPTB would recognize this aspect of the two characters that is so blatently obvious and slowly put these two together. If Flack stares and gives more googly eyes to Danny , and not do anything about it, I am going to scream! :lol:
:eek: miumiu

i didn't know you'd bring yourself here to D/F.

or did i miss something?! because i'm pretty sure you said you wouldn't come near teh slash ;) no matter how smexy it is.
and it is. very smexy indeed.
:lol: But I thought you didn't like the idea of Flack being with Danny instead of you. ;) :lol: But welcome to the Gutter, there's plenty of room for more fangirls. :p

I like the idea of Stella knowing, but I'd also like it if one of them told her rather than her just finding out. Like one of them (I'm thinking Danny) is really upset/worried/confused/etc. and needs to talk about it, and I can see him going to either Aiden or Stella. Personally, I think he'd probably go to Stella since she's a bit more distant from him and Flack that Aiden was (since I think she was close friends with both of them), but she's also someone he knows he can trust. I'd love to see her being really supportive and maybe not all that surprised. ;) I think she'd tease the both of them, but probably not until Danny was comfortable with her knowing. I'd love to see him be afraid to let Don know that he'd told Stella, but Don would just be like 'ok, whatever.' :lol:

Actually, I'm not sure how all of it would go down, precisely, but it's an interesting line of thought. ;)
It's fate. It's inevitable. There's no way anyone cannot be a Danny/Flack fan. Anyone who says otherwise is spreading blasmphey :lol:. I mean, who can resist Italian subs & meatballs. Speaking of which, I wonder if Danny likes his Italian subs six inch style or footlong? Also, can Flack handle a second portion of meatballs? Who knows.

oho. guys. you're going to love this.

i was out for lunch at an Italian restaurant. and I ordered the Spaghetti and New York meatballs.

And dear god it tasted mighty fine :devil:
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
oho. guys. you're going to love this.

i was out for lunch at an Italian restaurant. and I ordered the Spaghetti and New York meatballs.

And dear god it tasted mighty fine :devil:
:lol: your making me hungry over here, the only Italian food i've ever had is pizza:lol:
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