Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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I don't know if they do it for this show, but there are shows where they let people come in and "pitch" ideas to the writers. Sometimes they will use their ideas and sometimes not but I'm pretty sure the show's writers will have the final say on how the story will flesh out. As intriguing as it is to speculate about a male/male pairing on a primetime TV show, it's not likely to happen any time soon. Our society just isn't ready for it. Unfortunate but true.
I'm pretty sure naughty fantasies arise whenever Danny & Flack are working a case together. When they're alone they probably give each other a quick smooch on the lips of if they're together with the team they'll probably hold hands under the table. When it comes to quickes in the closet they'll probably only have them if they know for certain that it doesn't affect them and their careers but that's probably just once a month. They probably keep their work flirting to subtle with a sly wink or a quick & firm pat on the back. Then when they're together and alone the hormones get a turn. I mean, they can't just ignore and lock up that sexual tension that's going on 'cause otherwise they'll go crazy from the last of sex. Well, I guess if they wait long enough it'll be really, really good since they'll be so sexually frustrated. :devil:
The first scene from "Charge of this Post" really stuck out to me because they seemed very friendly with each other. I'd be interested to know what caused the change--why would Flack suddenly strip away a little bit of that professionalism? It's a very intriguing idea...

I think Flack had some pretty amazing sex with Danny the previous night and was in such a good mood that he was happy and smiling and friendly with everybody!

I'm actually surprized by that scene now. I mean, I've seen COTP, and not having seen the rest of the season, I was assuming that that was how things were, that Don was as friendly to Lindsey as he was to the rest of the CSI gang.

I suppose TPTB maybe wanted to show the contrast between everybody having fun and then, bam, it all goes to hell.
that's what i was thinking, that they wanted to make a contrast in the beginning. Flack and Lindsay having a laugh, it being a happy start to the day, and then after that everything turns into a disaster.
Although I dunno why they used Lindsay? For the Brokeback Mountain dig?
personally i found it kind of ironic that it was Lindsay and Flack that did that scene, considering the whole Brokeback Crimelab - Danny/Flack-ness with Lindsay totally being a third wheel ;)

my god there have been some huuuuge posts in here!
I know D/F isn't likely to happen on CSI at this point, and in some ways I guess it can be viewed as a good thing. The way the NY writers are, they just go overboard with anything 'romantic' and I wouldn't want that to happen with D/F. I love the little moments of interaction we get, whether you're looking at them from a friendship standpoint or a more-than-friendship standpoint. If they were to have D/F go canon, it would lose its subtlety and would probably just turn into 'who is going to have a problem with them? how can we constantly bring up the "gay" angle?' :rolleyes: Beyond the general viewing public not being ready for two guys being in a relationship, I think they're even less ready for two straight guys falling in love with each other. Most people, at least the ones I know, want to label sexuality as gay or straight, and a good chunk of the people I know just don't understand how anyone can be bisexual. If they can't accept bisexual as a category in their little world, they're sure as hell not going to be able to understand that these two are straight and aren't interested in any men other than each other. :rolleyes: Of course, do we really think the writers would define these two in the terms we do? They'd probably just have them suddenly go "Oh, by the way, we're gay!" and run with it. *headdesk* Nope, I think D/F is best in fanfic right now. Part of me really really wants to see it on the show, but the rational part of my brain tells me that it's just better off this way in the end.

You’re right that the story about Flack having to keep Danny alive until help arrives is a nice little plot bunny, Kimmy. *writes it down* Of course, if someone with better fic writing skills wants to give it a go, you have my full cooperation. :lol: Besides, if I write it, it’ll take months, so… ;)

I like the idea of the opening scene from "COTP" being set up to contrast with the rest of the episode--not only were Flack and Lindsay being friendly with each other, but people were having a party on the street and Mac and Flack were talking about working on Sundays with a very 'today is just a regular work day' feel to it. It was very much a typical day gone wrong, so it really shows how quickly that can happen. Very interesting... ;)

Anyway, about the sex-at-work thing—I have to say that I haven’t seen very many fics where they actually have sex on the clock. I’ve read some with them in the locker room at the end of the day, but as for actually having sex while working, there have been very few. I’d say they’re the exception rather than the rule, but I can see the problem with them. :p In any case, I agree that their relationship is very physical, but I also think there are so many other layers to it. In the early stages of their transition into a more-than-friends situation, the relationship was only acknowledged physically, but each of them dealt with their emotions privately and, had they spoken about them with each other, would have developed a more serious relationship much sooner. ;) Even after the relationship really established itself between them, there was a certain sense of physical interaction being sort of safe, and it also seemed to be a way for one or both of them to express feelings that they couldn’t articulate with words, or a way for them to avoid having to try to articulate their feelings at all. With both of them, I get the sense that they really want to stay grounded, that they need to keep tethered to something outside of the work that they do to keep themselves sane and to remind them about the good that can be found in people, in the city that sometimes seems so cold and heartless, and in the world in general, which can feel so empty and make a person feel totally alone. For them, feeling something physically translates into something deeper. And, because they both have similar needs, it’s an unspoken communication. One of the things that I really love about them is the fact that, as different as they are, they’re really on the same wavelength when it comes to their inner needs and it’s almost poetic how something as basic and physical as sex can translate to something much deeper for them. It’s easy to see it from the outside looking into the relationship, since we can see their individual thoughts and feelings. Maybe I’m a bit cruel, but I like that they both worry that the other doesn’t share their feelings when, in fact, he does. :p It’s just further proof that they’re so hopeless when it comes to verbal communication. ;)

Anyway, the whole point of going into that really long paragraph I just wrote was to point this out—yeah, the fics do have a very physical nature to them on the whole, but there are fics that explore more of the emotional relationship, and most of the fics that have smut also have a nice helping of inner thoughts and emotions as well. ;) The more fics you read, the better you begin to understand the subtle nuances of the relationship and how an individual fic fits into the ship as a whole. ;)

I have a question. I've seen discussions elsewhere (not mentioning where, since it's not important, it just made me curious) in which smut is highly frowned upon in fanfiction. How do you guys feel about that? I mean, I know some people don't read D/F smut, but for those that don't I'm wondering why that is? Is it just the idea of reading sex scenes and not being comfortable with it, or is it something else? I have to admit that, at first, I was really embarrassed to read any sort of sex scene in fanfic (and since D/F is my first and favorite ship, it's generally D/F stories that I'm reading the smut in :p), but I don't feel that way now. Maybe it has to do with my viewpoint and interpretation of this ship, but I was just wondering how you guys felt... :)

You’re right about the huge posts, L2MS, and I’m apparently on a roll. :lol:
^ I guess some people like relationships with romance and others like relationships with romance and sex. Some people probably just enjoy knowing that Flack and Danny are in love without focusing on the fact that they sleep together. Some see this ship as two people in love and others see it as sexual relationship which might explain the turn off from smutty fics. The thought of that might gross others out, considering they have the same body parts. I mean, some people probably feel uncomfortable when they read stories about Flack & Danny stuck in the closet, doing the dirty deed. I think everybody is different sexually wise and personally, I have no problem dealing with smut and I love it when a fic is as dirty as it can get. Even though sex was a taboo subject in my household I've been secretly drawn to smutty things. My parents would kill me if they knew what I said and read :lol:.
You and me both sister--my mom would have sent me to a convent. :lol:

I don't think it's just limited to slash when people have a problem with smut, I've seen a similar reaction with het pairings as well. I really think sex is unavoidable at some point--even if a couple doesn't go there before marriage or some sort of commitment ceremony or just a certain point in their relationship, generally speaking, sex is going to be a part of the relationship at some point. It could be that some people like to concentrate on the early stages of a relationship, when the two people are just getting to know each other and 'falling in love.' But I really wonder if it doesn't have more to do with the fact that, like you say, sex is a bit of a "taboo subject" for a lot of people--particularly in the case of something like slash. *shrug* For all that sex pervades popular culture, I guess there's something more personal about reading smut, as if it's participation rather than just observation...a very interesting topic though. ;) I've seen several people mention that they don't read smut for this pairing, and I have to admit that's a very limited selection from what I've seen. :p
Hehe Fay, remember when I was embarrassed by the smut? What was that, a week ago? Now I'm searching out D/F fics with lots of wild sex. Go figure. I just read that one of Kimmy's where Danny challenges Flack to no sex for a week and it was great! Kimmy is really a great writer but she must do a lot of research into man on man sex!!! :devil:

I think I posted before that men express their feelings more physically than women do, so it would make sense that these guys would be expressing their love for each other through lovemaking. In the above mentioned story, Danny starts thinking that sex is all that Don wants from him, which gets him all weirded out in his mind and prompts him to issue the challenge to Don. But it turns out that Don can't get Danny to express himself verbally so the constant sex is him trying to make up for that. Kimmy, I know you'll come on here and read this, and I just want to say that you rock! And I've only read that story once so far so if I make any continuity mistakes in discussing it, I hope you'll forgive me. I love the part where Don tells Danny how he thinks about him all the time and it's not just in a sexual way. That old lack-of-self-confidence thing, boy do I know that all too well.

Also, I have experienced something similar to these stories in my own life where I had a friendship that was so close that we crossed the barrier of what's considered "ok". It didn't turn out well but that's ok. Another life experience. It gave me the ability to understand how this kind of relationship can work.
ahh. smut. yes, well i'm sure you all know i'm a fan ;)

but i've often wondered why some people aren't so keen on it? it doesn't bother me or anything, I'd also just like to understand why. I think some people just like the idea of a couple, but don't necessarily want to read into all the details of the sexual part of the relationship.
Maybe it's that they feel uncomfortable reading such details ;) maybe some people feel it's just a little tooo into the couple's private lives.
or maybe they just dont like smexing in general and like the romantic side of things and like reading into the feelings involved in the relationship.

I have to say though, i find that the majority of people that don't like smut, don't like the smut in slash pairings.

but then they grow to like it :devil:
Smut is fun, smut makes the world a better place. If people embraced smut, they wouldn't be nearly so grouchy all of the time. :lol:

I love all of Kimmy's stories. :D (Of course, I'm bound and determined to read any D/F story I can get my hands on--you should see my favorites folder--even the few that majorly suck, so if you mention a story that I've never heard of, I'm going to bug you for the link. ;)) The "One Week" story is a good example of how a story full of smut has the underlying emotional relationship. ;) But yes, I've often wondered where these writers learn these things. :devil: Sure, some of them learn by reading other smutty fics, but eventually we get back to one or two people who really did their homework. :lol:

Maybe it's just me, but I'm a bit more curious why slash fans wouldn't like smut as opposed to het fans. I'm not trying to stereotype, it just seems like being more open to an 'alternative' relationship would make you more open to other things, but I guess it's all subjective, so what do I know? :lol:
I'm with you L2MS. I love smut. The smuttier the better. :devil:

I do favor the fics that show D/F in an established relationship (that makes for the best smut). I also like fics when they first re-act to their feelings for each other. I also like when one or the other continually stares at the other one and the other one knows it and just likes torturing the other one.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I like them all. :rolleyes:

As to how they met. I think they met on a case and hit it off. I think the chemistry was instant and then it turned into something more. I'm just surprised that none of the other team has noticed this connection. If anyone would pick up on it, I would think it would be Mac. But he probably does go by the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

On the show, how could anybody NOT notice how much Flack stares at Danny?? He is totally infatuated with the guy. Danny on the other hand, is a little more subtle with the staring. He does it but it's just not as obvious. Too bad TPTB couldn't do this pairing and do it right. It could be very good if they could pull it off. Maybe they need to check out this thread and get some clues how to handle them.

Wow, I have so missed the D/F lovin' after only 3 days.
Here's a question.

If you were to have any one member of the team, find out about Danny & Flack. Whether it be that they're in a relationship, or they notice what's between the two men.

I'd want it to be Hawkes. I think because he's a smart guy and would be really supportive. Not that Stella or someone else wouldnt be supportive, I just like Hawkes a lot :D
1CSIMFan said:
On the show, how could anybody NOT notice how much Flack stares at Danny?? He is totally infatuated with the guy. Danny on the other hand, is a little more subtle with the staring. He does it but it's just not as obvious. Too bad TPTB couldn't do this pairing and do it right. It could be very good if they could pull it off. Maybe they need to check out this thread and get some clues how to handle them.

Wow, you guys have been very talkative here. Fay I had no idea you had given this pairing so much thought!!

You would have to be blind not to notice Flack staring at Danny, I completely agree. But it's easier for someone who wears glasses of any kind to be more subtle about it - you can pretend you're looking elsewhere with the way the lens distort your eyes! :lol: Or, it may be that Danny has had so much practice with the staring that he's really, really good.

To jump in on the earlier discussions, I love the smut in the fics, it adds a special sauce, so to speak, to them :lol: That said, I do like the ones with the romance in them where the relationship is the feature of the fic rather than the Jackhammer. I just wish I could unhinge my brain enough to write fiction - it's really hard work! My hats off to all of you who do it! :cool:
When I read your naughty fantasies ;), I'd like to see manipulated poster of "Brokeback Mountain" ... :)

...actually, it would be a good avatar :)
Miumiu, could it be that we've corrupted you? :lol: I haven't seen a photo-manip of the Brokeback Mountain picture, but that would be rather smexy. :lol:

Springmoon, are you implying that you doubted my intelligence? *scoffs* I'm insulted! :p

I'd love to see Stella or Hawkes find out, but I think Mac being the first one to notice would be really interesting to read about in a fanfic. ;) If I had better skills, I'd write a story that switches point-of-view between Mac and one or both of the boys. :p
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