Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Ah, but unlike on The Flying Dutchman, we actually enjoy being on this ship. Especially if Flack and Danny decide to put on a show on deck with a bottle of sunblock
:lol: We're like a Carnival Cruise Ship! :lol: "The fun ship" indeed. ;) Food, fun and entertainment all on board! :lol: Our next port of call will be the Gutter, but right now I think I need to go visit the spa. Dinner and a show starts later, and I think the boys have something exciting planned for us. ;)

For more information about what we offer on the "Fun Ship" DDark Side, please visit this site. The special Brokeback Crimelab package is not publicly advertised, it's our well-kept secret. ;) (Please note that nearly all of our activities include both Danny and Flack, and they're usually less than halfway dressed. ;))

*retires to my private stateroom*

:lol: Damn, I got a bit carried away there, didn't I? :lol:

Anyway, re: the no-male/male-relationships thing--yeah, I know people would freak out (my parents included), but at some point someone has to take the plunge. *sigh* Ah well, at least we have mucho-mucho fanfic by such awesome writers to make up for what the show doesn't deliver. ;)
I too cannot stand it when people are so anti male/male ship. Hello, there are worse problems happening in today's society then two guys who love each other. Take the writing of our show for example...

I too would love to see a flashback of the moment where Flack & Danny met for the very first time. I can imagine Danny being the bashful one while Flack is more forward in a non-sexual manner. They'd probably end their conversation with a handshake to signify their friendship which of course will blossom into something romantic into the lone days of the future. It probably started from the handshake then progressed to hot dogs on the street corner to late night phone calls and finally Danny blurting out his feelings during a sleepover at Flack's place. I imagine Flack just lying very still in his bed and staring at the celing as Danny pours his heart out. Since Flack doesn't want to appear to be desperate he'll tell Danny how he feels over a cup of coffee in Flack's kitchen. I'm sure there's more to that but it probably took a very long time for the friendship to turn into something as romantic as what they share.
Jorja, that is a really interesting take on their first meeting! :) I dunno why, but in my head, it's usually Flack who's the one pouring his heart out to Danny while Danny's the one who skitters away at the first signs of true intimacy and committment. Guess my perception of Danny's view on love and relationships is highly influenced by what the show's given us so far. Ya know, him jumping from one woman to another, telling Mac off for even mentioning marriage or weddings or something. :p

And Flack sure does stare at Danny like he wants to scream his love for the guy to the world. :lol: ;)
I agree to some aspect. Since Danny is by far the more emotional one compared to Flack I can see him pouring his heart out and saying, "I love you." first. Flack does seem more of a commiment guy. I mean, he showed us that he knows how to stick by people who matter to him with the episode The Fall. Even though both of them lack in certain departments when it comes to romantic relationships they make up for it with the way they look at one another to show that they don't need a wedding band or tons of "I love you" to survive loving each other. It's not about the words or the physical aspect. It's what's in their hearts that make their bond last. I know that if the romantic part died down they could be friends because their relationship slowly grew which allowed them to know one another. Being lovey dovey without knowing the real someone is hard but Flack & Danny don't have to worry about that.
Y'know, i can actually see both of them being the 1st one to blurt out the "i love you"

i can picture a scenario, probably in some cafe or something. and one will say something to funny. then they'll just casually laugh and say "i love you man" then it'll take them a minute to realise what he just said :lol:

or y'know, the opposite could happen and danny could be having a Royal Drama Fit and end up whining or shouting it at Flack. or Flack could be upset at Danny and do the same thing.

GOD all the possibilities!! my brain is overloading
lyne, erm yeah, portraits are shoulders and above eh? Silly me! :p But I'm sure you could at least put the boys in an intimate position? A little offtopic, but how long does it take for you ti draw a portrait?


Since I work in colored pencil, my portraits work up pretty quickly, a matter of hours. I've been doing them for so long that I've learned some shortcuts along the way. I don't know if you saw my post in one of the Carmine threads, but I just finished a portrait of Carmine which I'd like to sell if anyone is interested. I want to keep doing them and selling as many as people want to buy. My art is my sole source of income. Check it out at my blog The portrait I did for Carmine's birthday is going out in the mail today. Woohoo!!!
hey!!! new fanfic from Kimmy ,Flack a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, im not finshed reading it yet. thought i might let you guys know. see ya.
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Excellent set of rules, I must say. ;) I've read the whole thread and replied, of course. :)

:eek: We've fallen to the second page! *rushes to bump the thread* :lol:

I like all of the scenarios about how Danny and Flack could have met, and how they'd confess that they love each other. :)

Personally, I'd love to see how they first met (IMO when they started working together), and maybe see a bit of Flack thinking about stuff he's heard about Danny's family. And Danny would be his typical stubborn self and not want to be friends with someone who has suspicions like that. ;) Of course, it could also be interesting to see them butt heads because Flack doesn't think much of Danny's family being under 'surveillance' and Danny doesn't think much of Flack being in a long line of cops. :p Naturally, of course, they would become friends in spite of all of their efforts to avoid it, and then they'd start to understand each other and look at their pasts differently.

The romantic aspect of the relationship would have taken a long time to develop in my opinion. I've read fanfics where one or both of them were in previous relationships with men, but by and large I think this is the first time either of them have felt this way about another man. I like to read about them exploring these feelings and trying to decide how to respond.

As for saying those three little words, I imagine that both of them would be reluctant to say them. :lol: They'd be afraid that it would run the other off, or that he wouldn't return the sentiment. Mostly though, I think it's the idea that once they've said it, they can't take it back--and they're both confused and a little bit frightened by what they're feeling and doing, so it's hard to admit how they feel.

Wow, that got a bit long-winded. :lol: (But I think I'll keep it all in a Word document for future reference. ;))
Fay said: "The romantic aspect of the relationship would have taken a long time to develop in my opinion. I've read fanfics where one or both of them were in previous relationships with men, but by and large I think this is the first time either of them have felt this way about another man. I like to read about them exploring these feelings and trying to decide how to respond.

As for saying those three little words, I imagine that both of them would be reluctant to say them. They'd be afraid that it would run the other off, or that he wouldn't return the sentiment. Mostly though, I think it's the idea that once they've said it, they can't take it back--and they're both confused and a little bit frightened by what they're feeling and doing, so it's hard to admit how they feel."

That is exactly what I was trying to get at in my musings about their relationship. They are NOT gay, and neither of them has ever even remotely considered such a relationship with another man. I mean, they are both open-minded enough, but it just never occured to either of them until they got to be friends and then things started to happen. All the stuff they've both been through have pulled them closer together and they finallly get to a place where they feel so close to each other that the only way they can really express it is by making love. Then they would go through the "holy crap, what am I thinking!" trip. I actually like the stories where one or both of them confides in Stella and she sort of nudges them together. I figure they have to have someone they can confide in about this thing, someone who would be supportive and say "don't try to hang a label on it. You love each other. What else do you need?"

Ok that was long. Way more than three lines!!!
:lol: It's easy to get carried away talking about this pair, isn't it? (Which is obvious because I'm about to do it again. :lol:)

I also love when Stella knows and teases them and prods them together--it's great because it shows them that it's alright to feel that way. Who doesn't love and respect Stella? I like to read the little scenes where she just raises and eyebrow, or gives one of them a knowing smirk. Rarely do I see her say much to them about it, it's generally unspoken. (I can't think of any fics off the top of my head where she actually has a conversation with them--if there is one, remind me. :lol:) It's great not only because it shows that she supports them, but also because she lets them take it at their own pace, there's no sense of confrontation about it...if that makes any sense. :lol:

Of course, I've also seen a number of stories where Aiden is the confidant--usually because she and Danny are very close friends, or because the three of them are all very close. :)

Generally, I love happy stories more than angst, but lately I've read so many awesome stories that were chock-full of angst and I loved them dearly. ^_^ Maybe it has to do with becoming more immersed in the ship itself. I think it's hard not to just feel connected to this pairing. A lot of it has to do with the chemistry of the actors on the show, and thus the characters, as well as the little moments we've seen the writers include that really acknowledge and showcase the friendship and highlight what else could be there under the surface. That's what drew me in, along with more than a bit of curiosity about slash and this pairing in particular because I'd seen it discussed so much before. ;) But once I started to get into the ship, and especially when I started to discuss it and read fanfiction, I really felt myself connecting to these two caracters and becoming interested in the relationship between them. I don't think I can stress enough how awesome the fanfic writers for this show are (I don't read fics for other shows, but I've read fics for other pairings on NY and I know the talent spreads beyond just D/F ;)).

All that having been said, there are some things that I'd like to explore more through discussion and fanfiction. ;)

Mac is generally pretty clueless or, if he knows about the relationship, takes the "don't ask, don't tell" stance about it. (Again, like with Stella, no fics immediately come to mind where he knows and takes a different position on the matter--unless it's a threesome fic and that's a whole different story. :lol:) I'd love to read a fic where we really see how he feels about them being together, maybe talking to one of them about it. Maybe it's because I've read slash pairings for his character, but it makes me curious how he'd feel.

Hawkes doesn't get nearly enough love, like, ever. :lol: He's such an amazing character that I'd love to see more interaction between him and D/F, and see how he feels about it. I've read some stories where he knew, where he was supportive, where he was involved in things, but I don't get a sense that he's really close to Danny or Flack.

I don't think I've seen too many fics where everyone was aware of the relationship or acknowledged it. In some ways, I think it fits because it shows that the two of them are more secretive about their relationship, even amongst the people they're closest to. But at the same time, I really think it would be hard for everyone to not notice that there was something between them that went deeper than just friendship.

Now Lindsay is a different story altogether. Maybe it's because I think D/F have been together for a while (at least since some point during season 1 or before the start of season 2), I see them both being a bit more hesitant about letting her see that side of their relationship. They've known everyone else longer, and they might think she'd immediately judge them. Personally, I don't think she would, and I wish there were more D/F stories that gave Lindsay more of a part in things and didn't just leave her on the periphery.

Watching the show, I can easily imagine how Danny and Flack deal with Lindsay's presence differently with regard to their relationship with each other. Danny, on the one hand, flirts and tries to project something of an "I'm a tough guy, I have the women fawning all over me" vibe. (Which is true, but secretly he doesn't care, he just wants one person to really love him, and he's found that in Don. ;)) Flack, on the other hand, keeps his distance from Lindsay and puts up a much more professional front. The first scene from "Charge of this Post" really stuck out to me because they seemed very friendly with each other. I'd be interested to know what caused the change--why would Flack suddenly strip away a little bit of that professionalism? It's a very intriguing idea... ;)

Wow...that turned out to be reeeeeally long, didn't it? :lol:
I have actually experienced something similar to the DF thing in my life, years ago, so I have some idea what it would be like. As far as how many people know about Danny and Don, I wouldn't think it would be all that many. Not even because of the concept of keeping it a secret because it's "out there" compared to conventional relationships or because of the gay/straight issue (there's nothing wrong with being gay!)But just the simple reality that they are at work, not social time. These men are professionals and all this talk of them getting sexually aroused when they are around each other in the work environment is just silly because they aren't focusing on that right now; they are at work. It's just not an issue right then. When the day is done and they are in the privacy of their own homes then that is different.

For the shippers who lament that the chance of there ever being a romantic encounter on the show between Danny and Flack is extremely slim to none, I think that an episode where the two of them were caught in some kind of dangerous situation like a standoff together would satisfy at least some of that longing, especially if one of them was hurt and the other was trying to get them out of there before the first one bled to death or whatever. I'd love to see something like that. Like COTP, only with Danny and Flack, and being in a situation where Flack, for example, couldn't just call the paramedics and get Danny out of there before it was too late, but instead had to apply what first aid he could and keep Danny talking and alive until help got to them. That would be a good episode and who knows, maybe the writers will write one with us in mind...
Well, I don't necessarily think that everyone they work with would notice, but I'm thinking more in terms of the team being aware of it. There's every indication that these people are very friendly with each other, and more than once they've mentioned hanging out or going to a bar together after work, and it didn't seem like an unusual occurrence. So I'm thinking that they're all relatively close, and it's that sort of interaction that I think would lead them to know, or at least have an inkling, that something more was going on between Flack and Danny.

As for them concentrating only on the cases at work, I think that's generally true. However, I don't think it's "silly" to talk about them getting aroused at work or just flirting. Personally, I can see them trying to find every available moment to escape from the horrible things they see every day. Unconsciously seeking out peace and normalcy in the midst of all of that sadness and pain. I don't read it and think it's unrealistic (but then I don't have personal experience with what is realistic for the sorts of jobs they have ;)). And, of course, the best way to read fics with everything you want to see is to write them. ;)

I like the idea of them being in some sort of situation where Danny is hurt and Don has to take care of him. We could have some lovely little moments of him remembering bits and pieces of the bombing, and worrying about Danny dying, and feeling useless to help him. Actually, I'd love for him to have a cell phone, and for him to call Hawkes because it's the first person he thinks of that could help, and so he's trying to follow Sheldon's instructions over the phone to keep Danny alive until help can get there. Maybe nobody knows where they are and the team has to try to figure out where they ended up (because even Don can't say for sure). It would be fast-paced and frantic and for once Danny wouldn't be the one angsting and being emo. :lol:

So which one of us is going to apply to be a writer for NY? ;)
Awesome fanfic bunny, that. There have been a few where Danny is injured during a shootout and Don is there for him. But definitely not like a plot described above. That would make for an excellent episode, actually.

Faylinn said:
So which one of us is going to apply to be a writer for NY? ;)

*shifty eyes* Is it possible to actually do that? Oh my, what an interesting job that would be ... not to mention you'd have the power and opportunity to write the characters as you want them, hohohoh.
Ok, maybe it's not silly to imagine them getting aroused at work but it just seems to me that they take their jobs seriously and love what they do so they don't allow those kinds of distractions. Which is not to say that if they are alone in the break room or whatever that there may not be a quick touch or even a kiss. But I can't see them sneaking off to the locker room to do the deed while they are on the clock.

I like your idea of Flack getting ahold of Hawkes on the cell phone to get help with first aid for Danny. Whether Hawkes knows about their relationship or not, he'd be hip to Flack freaking out about how Danny's hurt and losing a lot of blood and "oh god what do I do!" I mean, duh, Flack has to know basic first aid, doesn't he? But if the situation is really serious and Don is freaking out about losing his friend he might be a little less level-headed than he usually is. Someone as cool as Hawkes would be the perfect one to get Don back on an even keel so he can keep Danny alive. In the context of the show, we could maybe see Danny delirious and talking to Flack and alluding in some small obscure way how much their friendship means to him. Whether or not he remembers what he said later is also food for thought. Kind of like in Return of the King when Frodo wakes up and everyone is laughing, Merry and Pippin are jumping on the bed with Frodo and then Sam comes to the door and they just sort of look at each other and just barely smile, because that's all that's needed. They know, even if no one else does. That pairing by the way is one of the few that has ever made sense to me, aside from D/F. Of course, I didn't "get" slash until very recently.

I guess what it boils down to for me, and this is a female viewpoint I know, is that there's so much more to the relationship between Danny and Don then just sex. We know that men express their emotions much more physically than women do so that may mean more sex, but sex is only part of a love relationship. I like to know what is going on in people's minds, not just what their hormone levels are!!!
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