Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Lost2MuchSpeed said:
ahh tis quiet yes.

i've not been on in a couple of days. shock horror! i know! i'm usually always on.

im just being safe here, but i'm reaally pleased about the 3rd season spoilers. i mean, it's the start of the season and we alrady get a danny/flack scene! there is a god somewhere!!

Where'd you hear that? I hadn't heard it. I'd love it though. :p
Man, I get deprived from porn for 8 days(family vacation) but I come back happier then ever reading some season three spoilers about our loverboys. If they get a scene it better be a sex scene. Ok, maybe they cannot show it but it would be pretty flipping sweet if Flack strolled by Carmine & whispered, "Last night was worth it!". Just give us something to show that Flack is active again from his time spent in the hospital. How else is Flack gonna get all limber and back in shape? I mean, you can't exactly move when you're in a coma. On second thought....

Yes Fay, I want to put them together on the same drawing, just have to find the perfect head shots to use that go together well. Right now I'm working on a portrait of Carmine from the new pics but I'm having a challenge with it because I'm using an illustration board that is awfully rough in texture. I think I will stick to the good paper that I've been using. But yeah, a DF portrait is in the works!
Pssst, lyne, maybe you can make them at least shirtless in the picture? I'm sure a whole bunch of us here would really appreciate you for it :D :devil:
Re: Shirtless portrait...That could be fun, but in portraits you really only see from the shoulders up so shirtless would be lost there. And they only time I've seen Eddie shirtless as Flack is when he was unconscious after surgery in COTP. A portrait of them, to me, has to be something that even non-shippers would relate to. Of course, I can always do special orders for people; have pictures, will draw!!!
ahh the spoiler? don't you remember?

the scene where there's something to do with a car, and Flack is impressed by it, then Danny says he learned it from Aiden. I can't remember the exact details, but they get a scene! *dies*

and Shirtless portrait :eek:
y'know what i'd love to see? and it isn't a portrait sorry, but i'd love to see the 2 of them meeting for the first time, being introduced to each other. i'd love to see the handshake (as there would have to be boy touching :D )
just an image that popped into my head for some reason!
Boy-touching, w00t! :lol:

*sigh* A shirtless, or more, drawing would be sweeeet. :p But I guess I can settle for just the two of them in the same picture. ;)

that[/i] spoiler. *smacks forehead*]Don't know why I forgot that part of Eddie's interview. :rolleyes: I hope that scene has Flack smirking like "that's my man...heh heh." I mean, I'm glad they're going to bring up Aiden (and I'm very curious what she taught Danny that impresses Flack ;)), but I have to say I'm much more interested in the boys. :p And of course, after Danny remembers Aiden he'll be a bit sad and in need of affection, and after being impressed Flack will want to tap dat ass, so perhaps our loverly fanfic writers will supply us with a suitable after-the-show story...heh heh. ;)

Oh, and L2MS, have you read the story where they meet in the bar and go back to one of their apartments (forget which) and we see something unusual from our Danny-boy and then they realize something about each other? That's a fun first-meeting story, if you like the porniness. :lol:
oh! i don't know if i have! and helLLO Fay of course i love teh porn!!

*sobs* in all of my shows except House MD, my slash pairings are dying deaths! it's really rather depressing!!
i mean think. every single show has done a romantic nale/female thing. but what drama show has ever explored male/male? hmm?
Fay, I read that story and it was really cute, well done too. Me likey... yeah, it's official. From prude to first class D/F slash ho in what, a week? Is that some sort of record?
Lost2MuchSpeed, how annoying is it? I'm hoping the writers drop the D/L "chemistry" and just realise that sometimes the real chemistry's between two men. I mean, if it was a man and a woman with all the subtext Danny and Flack do, the writers would always be willing to explore it further :rolleyes:
It does bother me that shows aren't willing to take the leap and do a male/male pairing, but I guess they're afraid it would piss people off. :rolleyes:

Well, I'll send you the link, L2MS, just in case. ;)

Yep, that's one of the ones I sent you lyne--it doesn't take long to set out to sea on this ship. :lol:
Hah, the only primetime show that has ever openly displayed two police guys kissing is, interestingly enough, in the United Kingdom. ;) It was some British tv series about a local cop and his life. It was in the local news or something. But it was hardly a big deal. I think nobody even blinked when it aired. :lol:

I have to admit, man. Sometimes the UK can be surprisingly more open about certain issues than the US.
Faylinn said:
It does bother me that shows aren't willing to take the leap and do a male/male pairing, but I guess they're afraid it would piss people off. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, it does. I talk to these people on a regular basis and they think the world would come to an end should such a thing happen. Sigh. Why must they mess with my happiness?

it doesn't take long to set out to sea on this ship. :lol:

Nope. And once you're on the ship, there's no getting off! It's worse than Davey Jones' ship :lol:
Ah, but unlike on The Flying Dutchman, we actually enjoy being on this ship. Especially if Flack and Danny decide to put on a show on deck with a bottle of sunblock :D :devil:

lyne, erm yeah, portraits are shoulders and above eh? Silly me! :p But I'm sure you could at least put the boys in an intimate position? A little offtopic, but how long does it take for you ti draw a portrait?
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