Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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I'm not much of a writer but if someone else hasn't written the story I have in my mind I may have to give it a try!

lyne, don't worry too much if you find that somebody else has written a story you have an idea about. No two writers write the same. You could give the same basic outline to a dozen different writers and they'd come up with two dozen different interpretations of it.
If you have an idea for a story, just go for it and see what the characters do. It's more fun that way!

As for Danny/Flack angst, for some reason I prefer to write Danny/Flack fun fics and save the angst for Mac/Flack <g>
A bit off topic here but do any of you know who is handling that Carmine Birthday Scrapbook thing? I may be too late but I think I could whip out a quick portrait of him and email it to whoever is putting it together...?
Well, I emailed her my portrait that I did of Carmine but she hasn't gotten back to me so I don't know if she took it or not. It turned out pretty good...I still have the original.
Well, she's made an announcement on her website that she'll make a list of everyone who's submitted. If your name's not on it, then you've got something to worry about.

And uh, lyne, I hope your image will fit in a 12"x12" page ... or she's going to distort it to fit one. Distortion for portraits = Not good. :p
She should be able to print the portrait out on 8.5x11 paper and affix to a scrapbook page. If it didn't make it in, no big. Next year!
I heard back from her and my portrait made it in, and she's going to send the original along as well. So cool!!!

Hey what is our ship doing on the second page!!! Have you all seen those new pictures from that event over the weekend? Carmine is driving me crazy with the way he looks. There's a link to it in one of the Carmine threads and lots of talk about getting in line to spank Carmine for his birthday.:devil:
lyne said:
lots of talk about getting in line to spank Carmine for his birthday.:devil:
should i take a number :lol:
i've just asked if anyone wanted to jump out of the cake so far one person has voluntered....i wonder if Flack would volunter?
Bloody hell. I actually had a nightmare about my Carmine Scrapbook page. I dreamt that the organizer distorted my page and made it look awful because I sent the image in at the exact print resolution of 12"x12" ... and she could only print at a different size.

:eek: :lol: Ah well, if that really happens ... I'll just send the page via email directly to the man himself.

And what the heck has happened to our beloved D/F thread?! Why has is become so quiet? :eek: What, do I need to pimp stories to get things revving, hmmm?
ahh tis quiet yes.

i've not been on in a couple of days. shock horror! i know! i'm usually always on.

im just being safe here, but i'm reaally pleased about the 3rd season spoilers. i mean, it's the start of the season and we alrady get a danny/flack scene! there is a god somewhere!!
I have some ideas for some DF stories but nothing I could put here!!! Right now I'm more into doing some more drawings and I want to do a DF portrait of some kind.
Yeah, I guess everyone has stuff going on. Hopefully as we get closer to the premiere, we'll get some more activity. :)

Really? I don't remember reading that particular spoiler...did they say the two of them would have a scene? I remember reading about there being a moment between Flack and Mac...are you referring to something that Eddie said in the interview he did the other day?

Edit: Ooh, D/F portrait? Fay likes! :p
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