Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Awww!! Eddie is so wonderful! Seems even he's rooting for more D/F interactions! :D I love how he has so much admiration for Carmine. Yep, that makes it official, these 2 are in love. :)
But, uh, what does he mean with Flack being Danny's 'ID'?

It's actually Danny being Flack's 'ID'.

According to wikipedia.org
(and I'm not really sure I understand this)
but the ID is sort of the unconscious side of things
in effect, the reservoir of need-gratification impulses such as the primitive instinctual drives of sexuality and aggression.

I'm still not sure what Eddie was meaning by it, but I'm impressed that he knows about stuff like that!
I think what it means is that Danny's aggression and all of that are what Flack wants to do at some deeper part of himself, but he says that Flack chooses to do things a different way--"he's just as much of a hot head, but he does something else". Flack makes a conscious effort to do what's best for the situation, whereas Danny just reacts to everything without the same restraint. To me, that's saying that Flack can identify with what Danny's feeling, just that they express their aggression, etc. differently from one another. Very interesting. ;) I also like the possibility that, at some point, Flack could allow himself to act a bit more like Danny and not do the 'practical' thing. :p

Of course, maybe he's just saying that Danny is the 'reservoir' of all of Flack's 'primitive instinctual drives of sexuality.' :devil: Teh Fay likes that more, I think. ;) :lol:
Does anyone happen to have a copy of "On The Job" I could have? I'll pay for it even. I'm dying to see this ep and there aren't even screencaps of it anywhere that I've been able to find!! Pretty please with Danny and Flack on top? Of each other... oops! :devil:
I'd be happy with a vhs copy as long as it's the kind that will play on US machines. There's gotta be someone out there who has or can make me a copy of this episode. Please!!! ;-)
I hate that moving has kept me away from this thread for so long. :( I love this thread! :D

I'm glad you guys like the Eddie interview. :D He's an awesome, sweet person. I think both he and Carmine know we love Danny/Flack. ;)

Pics! :D

1CSIMfan said:
[Flack offscreen-Dan, Do.Not.Move. I'm on my way.

Flack knows how to appreciate a good view. ;)

No way..You cannot go out with Danny...Get outta here.

If that wasn't a 'don't go near Danny, ever!' lesson, I don't know what it was! Flack takes protecting his Kinka-poodle very seriously. :devil: Makes me wonder if he's going to take Lindsay down for trying to get a piece of his action. ;)

Flack thinking - Does he even know how adorable he is and how bad I wanna do him right now?

Danny often seems totally unaware of his own desirability! Flack looks completely smitten. :D

So Danny..how about coming over tonight,
's needing some lovin? Danny**nodding yes**: Can't wait.

The look on Flack's face is pure lust. :devil: He's thinking about getting his baby alone tonight...or earlier. ;) And is his hand in his pocket...? ;)

1CSIMfan said:
Kimmy, that just goes to show how much Eddie loves him some Carmine. **woops, I mean Flack loves him some Danny** :rolleyes:

BTW, I have no idea what the id means. Maybe some secret code only they know. (ideal dude??) ;)

:lol: Ideal Dude...I like that! :D Maybe that was the subtext... :lol:

Faylinn said:
I think what it means is that Danny's aggression and all of that are what Flack wants to do at some deeper part of himself, but he says that Flack chooses to do things a different way--"he's just as much of a hot head, but he does something else". Flack makes a conscious effort to do what's best for the situation, whereas Danny just reacts to everything without the same restraint. To me, that's saying that Flack can identify with what Danny's feeling, just that they express their aggression, etc. differently from one another. Very interesting. ;) I also like the possibility that, at some point, Flack could allow himself to act a bit more like Danny and not do the 'practical' thing. :p

I actually think Danny brings it out in Flack a bit. When he pushed that cop in "On the Job," that was a very primal, protective moment. I think if Danny was threatened or in danger, we'd see a much less practical, controlled side of Flack.

Of course, maybe he's just saying that Danny is the 'reservoir' of all of Flack's 'primitive instinctual drives of sexuality.' :devil: Teh Fay likes that more, I think. ;) :lol:

I like that, too. :devil: I think Danny is definitely Flack's reservoir for his baser, more carnal desires. ;) I think Flack loses that control around Danny, and that he's able to let go around Danny in a way that really excites him. :devil:
you silly muffin for being away! love that you're back now :D

i must agree that Flack becomes very primal around Danny! tis a good observation indeed.
i love how he seems to lose his professionalism around him too a lot of the time. ahem the look of lust picture :devil: he seems to forget that the walls are in fact transparent!
lyne said:
I'd be happy with a vhs copy as long as it's the kind that will play on US machines. There's gotta be someone out there who has or can make me a copy of this episode. Please!!! ;-)

VHS? I would, but i don't know how to do that if some can explain to me id be glad to send you a copy and we both live in California.
yes, a copy made on the vcr. Oh please! I must see this episode!!! Let me know. Thanks!
I looked on ebay and there are lots of boxed sets of season one up for grabs. I just need to get one of my friends to get one for me because I'm in a little dispute with ebay right now so I can't bid or buy anything there. But I have a paypal account so the money part is no problem. I did find some caps of the episode, though, on past my shoulder, s/he's got caps that the CSI screencaps site doesn't have.

Faylinn you and I need to have a private discussion about Danny and Flack...
Top, you really must try to stop by more. ;)

I think it's definitely true that Flack loses a bit of his self-control where Danny is concerned (or more than a little bit if they're alone, *wink wink*). I'd love to see Flack abandon his usual cool demeanor in favor of freaking out over Danny being in trouble. :lol: (What I wouldn't give to see the drive over to the panic room in "Trapped" when Stella and Flack came to rescue the damsel in distress. :lol: We wondered why they got there so quickly--Flack probably hopped the curb, sped straight through Central Park, ran over little old ladies... :lol::lol::lol:)

*shifty eyes* A private conversation about the boys, lyne? Why's that? ;)
Story ideas, Fay. And some questions that can't be asked on a public forum.

Does anyone know where I can find high resolution scans of these guys? Particularly as their characters. I want to do some more drawings but I need really high quality pics to draw from.

And if anyone can point me to some stories that are more romantic/angsty and less graphic/sexual that would be great. I want to see if anyone else has written what I've got in my head... I'm not much of a writer but if someone else hasn't written the story I have in my mind I may have to give it a try!
Well then, I'll send along a PM to you. ;)

I don't personally have that many high resolution photos of the boys, but I know there are OMGreallybig! promos floating around here somewhere. :lol: My banner is a link to my Photobucket Account, so if you want to brave that relatively-organized jungle of pics, you can take a gander at what I do have of them. ;)

Let's see...most of the fics I have links for are in the smutty category. :lol: (And my organization really sucks at the moment. :p) If I come across some good romantic/angsty ones, I'll pass them along, though. ;)
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