Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Heh, for me I didn't get emotionally vested in any CSI NY character until I heard about COTP and after that I couldn't get enough of Flack! (same thing happened with CSI LV. It wasn't until Nicky got a gun pointed in his face that I 'clicked' with him <g>)
COTP started it for me too. I'm watching this thing unfolding and trying to get my popcorn and get the cats settled so I can watch the show and all of a sudden, BOOM!!! and I see Flack lying there all bloody and I'm like "no! You can't kill Flack!!!" I am anxiously awaiting that ep in rerun so I can tape it. No Tivo or any of that for me. I have to do it the old fashioned way - VCR!!!
i'm afraid to say that i'm not really emotionally attached to any of them, even though it's meant to be the character driven part of the CSI franchise.

i mean, i feel terrible for Flack, and i think i may have cried. I was a tad scared for him yeah, but i still don't feel attached to any of them.

Although i'm quite sure Danny is very much attached to Flack :devil:
Heh. I haven't posted in here in a bit. :eek:

Personally, I don't think I'm necessarily emotionally attached, but when it comes to tv shows, this is the closest I get. :lol: I think I'm probably more invested in these two characters in particular, but mostly from reading fanfic. There's just not that much from the show itself, it almost seems to supplement what's in the fiction, if that makes sense. Not that I'm complaining, because CSI is a forensics show and it's not meant to be all about the people, even if NY is supposed to be more character driven. The point is, I think fanfic writers portray more of their personal thoughts and feelings, and that's what draws me in. Reading a ton of fanfiction (much of it smutty, but I loves that too ;)) is what solidified my desire to follow this ship. The stuff from the show is more subtle and there's more subtext involved, but that means more now that I understand the whole point of slash, you know?

Damn, I don't think I'm making a whole lot of sense here. :lol: I love the characters, most especially our boys, and I cry at the drop of a hat so I was feeling their pain at the end of this past season, but it's the excellent fanfiction for this pair that draws me into their relationship. :D
I didn't cry at CotP, mostly because I have no willpower and knew all the spoilers before I saw it, so I knew Flack was gonna be ok. I came close to crying at RSRD but I don't think I did...

Actually, of the three CSI shows, I feel least emotionally attached to the NY characters. No idea why... But Danny and Flack are my favourites, apart or together (but I think you know which I'd prefer ;))
Emotional attachment is relative of course. I'm fully aware that they are fictional characters. But I think what happens in becoming vested in the characters is that it allows us to explore facets of our own personality through them. Things that maybe we don't want to look at in our real lives. Of course that too is relative. Whatever, it's fun. I have to say though that I've become quite fascinated with the Danny/Flack dynamic and am fast on my way to becoming a slash whore!!! Thanks Faylinn!
aHA! a slash whore. i have to warn everyone on lj communities nt hings that i am indeed a slash whore and that's why i want an icon that has ________ checking out ______ :lol:
I tend to get people telling me my MSN pictures are "a bit gay" to which I always say "Uh... kinda the point!" :lol:
yeah!! "uhh why are there two guys in your pic with little love hearts between them. "OMFGZZZ U R MKNG THM GAYYY??!!11ONE1ELEVEN11"

however i tend to go down the "ignoring" them route. because if they dont understand teh slash then they're obv not worth talking to ;)
MyIronLung said:
I tend to get people telling me my MSN pictures are "a bit gay" to which I always say "Uh... kinda the point!" :lol:

Yes we love Danny/Flack and we also know they love each other but NO..they are not gay. Ok, maybe I've read too much fanfic but they acknowledge that they have a thing for each other but not for ANY other man. I don't know why, help me out D/F fans, but it makes sense to me. They're straight guys who like each other.

BTW, everyone will have to bow down to the original slash whore Fay. She is the queen.

I think it's time for more pics

Flack offscreen-Dan, Do.Not.Move. I'm on my way.

No way..You cannot go out with Danny...Get outta here.

Flack thinking - Does he even know how adorable he is and how bad I wanna do him right now?

So Danny..how about coming over tonight,
's needing some lovin? Danny**nodding yes**: Can't wait.
XD 1CSIMfan you posted my favourite ever pic of danny/flack moments! your last one!

it's the LOOK OF LUST!

makes me think of such inappropriate but oh so hot things :devil:

and you have the same syndrome with me. fanfic obsession ^_^
although i think you're prob right, they don't seem to be gay, otherwise we'd have a lot more pairings in the show :lol:
Yes we love Danny/Flack and we also know they love each other but NO..they are not gay. Ok, maybe I've read too much fanfic but they acknowledge that they have a thing for each other but not for ANY other man. I don't know why, help me out D/F fans, but it makes sense to me. They're straight guys who like each other.

Danny and Flack love each other and are in a serious relationship, but they're not gay and don't classify themselves as such. For them, being in a relationship with each other is another layer of their friendship and the kind of relationship they have and how it started and develpoed for them is unique and for them doesn't fit in a box labeled "gay" or anything. They probably haven't felt so strongly towards any other man except each other and that makes their love and friendship so much stonger. They're two best friends in love. Plus they have no need or want to sleep with any other guys because they are happy with each other and probably want a monogamous relationship. That's my take on it anyways.
Love those captions! :lol: Danny should know better than to bend over when Flack's around. :devil: I wanna see Flack beat up the cop who's hitting on his Danny. ;) And Flack's so darn cute in that third pic! :p

I know what you mean about them not being 'gay,' Rhonda. I think too many people try to label sexuality as just being 'gay' or 'straight,' and the fact is that sexuality isn't that cut and dry. One of my favorite things about reading slash, and this pairing in particular, is the fact that so many writers touch on this subject. I love to read the stories where they are trying to acknowledge their feelings for each other and understand why they feel the way they do about a man when they've previously been only with women. Now, granted, some writers describe them as having had relationships with other men in the past, but I think you know what I mean if you've read enough D/F fanfiction. ;) There's nothing wrong with being 'gay,' I'm not saying that--I just think that, when it comes to this particular pairing, it's not the case. :D

Besides, slash is generally, by definition, the pairing of two male characters who are (or who are assumed to be) straight in canon. ;)
Dudes. Look what Eddie said in his latest interview with Top41 ...

In "On the Job," that scene that Carmine [Giovinazzo, Danny Messer] and I had, which I loved, was another great moment. I don't think it was so much babying that [Flack] had a sense of [the fact that] Danny was at a moment in time that [he may have needed] a little more encouraging. People spin out in various ways, and [in that scene] Carmine's character was at a moment where the second he got up from that table, something was going to be done either way, and it looked like he was going to go the bad way. That was actually fun, too, to play that moment, and it was the first time on the show that I felt like--and it was an interesting feeling, for a character on a crime show where we tend to get the bad guy all the time--that in that moment in time, [Flack] lost a little bit or wasn't quite sure if he got what he wanted. When Danny got up and took off, it left a little bit of unfinished business, and that was great. [Flack] was at a loss.

Awwwwwww. :D

And this!

It's funny you brought it up because that moment with Louie in "Run Silent, Run Deep"--and it was the only moment--where he says, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to be here," that was so telling. And so small--nothing really happened, it was really a statement of action--that's the kind of stuff that I love.

I think [Flack] probably empathizes with [Danny]. I think in some respects, Danny is Flack's id. I have friends like that in my life where it's like, "I get it, I want to do the same think you want to do" but the character of Flack keeps a hint of distance between what he wants and what should be done. What I want to do and what's best for the outcome might be two different things--two different ways of going about the same process. So I think in some respects, he's just as much of a hot head, but he does something else. There's something there that keeps him practical, or keeps him focused. I don't think [dealing with Danny] is ever frustrating--I think he understands it. That's the way I've always taken it, working with Carmine--I get it.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :D :D :D

But, uh, what does he mean with Flack being Danny's 'ID'?

And wait! Wow, the best bit of the interview is ...

I don't think the show necessarily runs the risk of becoming a love story. It's the equivalent of in "On the Job" when Flack sits down with Danny to try to reign him in, to show that someone has a special care for another character. I think it's beautiful.

WOOHOO! Eddie! *flails pom-poms*
Kimmy, that just goes to show how much Eddie loves him some Carmine. **woops, I mean Flack loves him some Danny** :rolleyes:

BTW, I have no idea what the id means. Maybe some secret code only they know. (ideal dude??) ;)
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