MyIronLung said:
I tend to get people telling me my MSN pictures are "a bit gay" to which I always say "Uh... kinda the point!" :lol:
Yes we love Danny/Flack and we also know they love each other but
NO..they are not gay. Ok, maybe I've read too much fanfic but they acknowledge that they have a thing for each other but not for
ANY other man. I don't know why, help me out D/F fans, but it makes sense to me. They're straight guys who like each other.
BTW, everyone will have to bow down to the original slash whore
Fay. She is the queen.
I think it's time for more pics
Flack offscreen-Dan, Do.Not.Move. I'm on my way.
No way..You cannot go out with Danny...Get outta here.
Flack thinking - Does he even know how adorable he is and how bad I wanna do him right now?
So about coming over tonight,
's needing some lovin? Danny**nodding yes**: Can't wait.