Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Oh my god I almost peed my pants laughing at your caption!!! That is beyond great! It goes with that picture perfectly. Priceless!!!
Ah, so I see you made your way to the D/F thread, lyne. Does this mean you're starting to 'get' slash, then? ;) Or maybe you're just testing the waters? I know you wrote that Mac/Flack fic... :)

Er...which caption are you talking about? Who wrote the caption? :lol: I'm so lost right now. ;)
1CSIMfan said:
Here's another pic of our boys together.

Yes ma'am, I know he's staring at me. He can't take his eyes off of me because I'm his very own kinka-poodle. So you might wanna back off. He can get a little jealous.

Probably the most lame quote in the history of quotes. :rolleyes:

Just goes to prove yet again that Flack can't get enought of Danny.

This is the one I was talking about. Too funny!!! I don't think the pic is going to show up though; this forum is sooooooooooooooooo hard to figure out as far as posting rules go!!!
It was post #859727. And yes, I'm taking off the prude poncho and loosening up here as far as the slash. One of the mods whom I've been talking to privately about my frustrations with the way this board works told me that Carmine and Eddie both know all about this stuff and are ok with it. I was embarrassed by it at first but now I see it's just all in fun. And I'd be a liar if I said I don't go read slash occasionally, although I like the stories that are less graphic and more along the lines of "hey wait, I'm not gay, why am I attracted to this guy" kind of plotline. My favorite DF story so far is one I read on ff.net by rollin'sgirl called "Escape Hatch". And the fic I wrote about Mac and Don was not supposed to be slash but many readers have said they thought it was. Go figure, eh!
Oh, that caption. :lol: It was funny. :p (And the image didn't show up because you don't have enough posts to put images in your messages yet. ;))

I know what you mean about the 'less graphic' slash stories. There aren't as many of those, but they're some of my favorites for the interaction between the two of them. I've been reading "Escape Hatch" and think it's great so far, so you have good taste. ;) :lol:

Shug, when you say Mac/Flack, people like me assume it's romantic because of the slash-sign between the names. :lol:

Anyway, I used to think slash was gross, but I didn't really understand it then. I'm not entirely sure when I realized that it was different than what I thought, but now slash is my favorite fanfiction. ;)

Don't be frustrated with the board, you'll get used to things. :p I'm curious though, was it mostly the slash stuff that bothered you? :)

By the way, you can edit your post if it's been less than 24 hours since you posted, so you can add things to what you already said. ;)
Thanks for the tip about the "/" sign. I didn't realize that at the time because I'm so new to all of this. And no, it wasn't the slash stuff that bothered me the most, it was that there are so many obscure posting rules on this forum that really aren't listed anywhere so that newbies can read them and know how to post without screwing it up. For example, I kept changing the subject line because I didn't know that was a no-no. Then a mod would have to go fix it and I'd get a PM about it. Well where does it say that? I'm used to being able to put in a sub-heading. One of the forums that I frequent and that I love the way it's set up is www.lampworketc.com. Obviously it's not a CSI forum but it is so easy to navigate and I never have any problems with it. I want to have fun while I'm here, not wrack my brain trying to figure out the right way to post! BUT, I have to say that I've had the mods be very patient and helpful with my frustrations and because of that, I've stayed. Anyway, back to D/F already!!! I'm STILL trying to find that picture someone posted of them together where I want to put little horns on Danny and Flack looks like a GOD!!!
^**gives lyne a hug in empathy**

It can be a little difficult to navigate, but we're here to help you! Have no fear! You should have fun while you're here - this should not be taken at all seriously. :D

Slash fiction is hysterical. I used to be really concerned that it was graphic and, quite frankly, a little weird :eek:, and then I was talking to the hubby about my little fanfic obsession and realized that it was all good. I also like the more "romantic" ones, where there is no jackhammer action, but a little jackhammer can be very entertaining as well. :devil:

Stick with us, there's never a dull moment around here, that's for certain!!! :lol:
I'd never told anyone about how I liked slash until fairly recently. Now I've corrupted lots of people :devil:

I find slash can be very useful. Nothing scares away people I don't wanna talk to on MSN like a good ol' "Yeah I'm just reading some man-on-man porn."

Seriously, it's very effective :lol:
I haven't found that pic online yet but I did download it the first time I saw it and I put it in the blog I just started. It's at Lyne's CSI New York Page

It's cropped from a pic that has all the main characters on it but don't you think it's almost a nod to us DF gals that they just happen to put Danny and Flack right next to each other? I love this pic of them together!!!!!
You know I'm studying that picture and there is a LOT of subtle innuendo in it, not just DF related though. Danny is standing a little in front of Don, as if to say, "this man is my best friend; you can't get to him except through me. Don't even try."

I also notice that Flack has his left hand in his pocket and his jacket pulled away from his left side, just where he was hurt. The producers are saying "yes, he's back at work, but don't forget about THIS..." Danny is looking to the right, Flack to the left. Looking one way shows a memory of something, the other means you're making up something but I can't remember which is which... ok that is getting a little obscure but hey, it's getting late. Does anyone else see any subtle messages?
I also like the more "romantic" ones, where there is no jackhammer action, but a little jackhammer can be very entertaining as well.

Yeah do I too. I've read some really good romantic ones too and they were great. That's true Springmoon! We're always having a good time. :D
lyne said:

Danny is looking to the right, Flack to the left. Looking one way shows a memory of something, the other means you're making up something but I can't remember which is which...

According to CSI Vegas, if you look to the left you're making something up. Catherine once solved a case that way, which I can't imagine Grissom would approve of...

Hehe, maybe Flack's making up fantasies for him and Danny to try out...
lyne said:
I also notice that Flack has his left hand in his pocket and his jacket pulled away from his left side, just where he was hurt. The producers are saying "yes, he's back at work, but don't forget about THIS..."

The only problem with that is that this is a season 2 promo. It's from the beginning of season two way before they shot the finale. Also, Flack is left handed so that could explain his hand in his pocket. ;)

Anyway, it does make a great picture for D/F fans. All I want is more D/F scenes in season 3. Can't wait for the "Flack stares at Danny when he shouldn't be" scenes. :devil: I'm sure there will be more of them. He just can't help himself. :pJust goes to show how intense he feels about Danny.
You naughty person!

Yeah, it is a season two promo. But it still makes for some fun speculation and yes it IS a great DF photo!

Although I watch all three shows religiously I didn't become emotionally attached to a character until I saw RSRD and COTP. Now I want to get CSI:NY on DVD so I can catch up on what I missed!
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