Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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*wicked giggle* I loves to make you all type your little hearts out. :p But this thread really did need some attention. I like your answers for these questions, but I'm afraid they're giving me more ideas of things to ask...

I'll try to contain myself. :devil:

Oh, and pssst!!: The BC is in serious need of some love and tenderness people--I can't be the only one visiting, can I? :eek:

ETA: Heh heh, it looks like my avatar is talking about my banner--why would he think that's gross? Wrong and twisted, maybe, but not gross. ;) *ogles the banner*


ETA again: I changed my avvie and banner, so if you're curious, here's what I had before. :p


These are great topics for discussion Fay! :D

Who's apartment? - I think Flack's apartment would be the the most visited apartment for these two. They would go to Danny's place every now and then though.

Whed did they get together? - Well I'm not familiar with season 1 so I can't make any references to those episodes or anything, so I don't really know when Flack and Danny got together I guess.

How did they feel about this change in the relationship? - It was definitely a natural progression from friends to more-than-friends between them. Instead of thinking of it messing up their friendship I think they would think it would make the relationship between them stronger. I don't think either one of them have been a close enough friend with another male to really consider taking it past the frienship staus, so for both of them it was the first time they felt like it was ok to take their friendship into the more-that-friends zone.

Fanfic - Fanfic really has had an effect on how I see these two on screen. I also like looking out to see if there are sublte signs of jealous/possessive Flack whenever I see Danny, Flack, and Lindsay on screen together. :D
Springmoon said:

The 'Jackhammer' is a very inspired nickname. I've seen it used, but who came up with it?

*shifty eyes*

:devil: :rolleyes:

I dunno. Some crazy chick who's a real freak came up with it. Poor Flack. He'll never live it down.
ahh, at least I know it isn't just this thread that is quiet, another thread i frequent is also having a bit of a downer.

here's a question i asked there too; do you all ship Danny & Flack because you think there's "something" there? or just because they're 2 really hot guys and would be hot together?
just curiosity ;)
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
here's a question i asked there too; do you all ship Danny & Flack because you think there's "something" there? or just because they're 2 really hot guys and would be hot together?
just curiosity ;)

A little bit of both, actually. :lol:

They are two amazingly hot guys, and they look like they have the hots for each other. It's rare that any two characters have such great chemistry on screen and these two have had it from the first time they were together on screen. I have to admit, I didn't think of shipping them together until I read a certain mod's ships, but after that it seemed almost natural that they would get together... and stay together (Al Green floats through my head).
I think the whole board is moving along at a leisurely pace right now. :lol:

It's a good question you ask, though. ;) I'm a total slash whore, so I ship just about any pair of guys on NY (except Danny/Mac--can't get behind that one for some reason :p). However, no pairing compares to D/F for me. I don't exactly know why I started to ship these two (although they were my very first CSI ship ;)), maybe it did have something to do with the fact that they're both gorgeous. In the end, though, I don't think I would have stuck with it if I didn't feel that there was more there. I love the dynamic and the interaction between them. I love that there is the potential for a deep connection, but that there's also going to be obvious conflict. It all makes the relationahip more realistic, IMO. If all I was after was a few good fanfics and a heaping helping of smut, then I'd probably love Mac/Flack or Mac/Hawkes as much as I do D/F, but that's just not the case. ;) So there's definitely something that keeps me with this ship, although I don't know exactly what it is. ;)

ETA: I was posting as you were, Springmoon, but I think you're on to something with how you started to consider them as a good ship. I don't know if you mean the same person, but I totally blame Top! :lol:

Well, maybe I should thank her instead of blaming her. ;)
^We should definitely thank Top and Kimmy both for introducing us to the ship and teh introduction of The Jackhammer into the lexicon of D/F shipping.
do you all ship Danny & Flack because you think there's "something" there? or just because they're 2 really hot guys and would be hot together?

Well I must say for me I wasn't informed that they already had a friendship and everything when I started watching the show, so initally it was because they seemed like they would be pretty hot together, but shortly after that I saw a real connection between them and saw something great between them.
Hmmm. Toughie there. Yeah, Danny and Flack are both pretty but I doubt beauty alone could have dragged me screaming and yelling away from Danny/Mac. There's something there. The looks, the touch, the hellulva of subtext :devil: There's something real and raw - for a lack of better word - in the way Flack looks at Danny, and the way Danny acts around Flack shows that the feeling is mutual. Flack wants Danny, he cares about Danny. But Danny needs Flack. He could never have made it through the Minhas shooting incident without Flack. Thus temporarily ends my rambling on why Danny and Flack is the One True Pairing :D

Gonna head over to the BC now. Anybody coming? I meant... Oh, heck. I'm just a Gutter-folk through and through aren't I? :devil:
Hey, I'm new to these boards but definitely not new to Danny/Flack, hehe.

To answer the question, I originally just liked the idea of them together (this was before Blood Sweat and Tears) because they were pretty, since they never really had a lot of scenes together. Then I saw that episode and saw there was actually a lot of chemistry, and ever since I've squee-d over all their moments like the cafe scene in On the Job and pretty much all their scenes in Necrophillia Americana.

That turned out longer than I intended...
Welcome MyIronLung!

love the username :lol:
guarantee you'll enjoy it in the gutter with all of us and Danny & Flack of course :devil:

seeing as we never really leave and all...
Thanks for the welcome guys, I'm sure I'll enjoy it here.

And you know I've been in the gutter for years, Lost2MuchSpeed ;)
*huggles* It's always nice to see new shippers in the D/F thread! :D Welcome to the insanity MyIronLung. :lol: It's true that we never leave the gutter, but when it comes to these two, how can that be a bad thing? ;)

So you've been shipping these two longer than I have, technically. :lol: It's going to be fun having you around, I can tell. ;)
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