Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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Flack's name is "Donald Flack Jr." (cause his Dad's 'Sr.' of course ;)). They've never mentioned Mama-Flack though...
Faylinn said:
w00t! Bring on the corny, baby! :lol:

Female newscaster: Police all around the world are reporting a string of strange deaths. All (or most) of the victims are young women, and all died with a smile of glee on their faces. Doctors are stumped as to the cause of death, but it does seem that their brains simply imploded. No cause has been identified yet, but the families of the victims relate that each of them was watching the most recent episode of CSI:NY, in which two male leading characters declared their love for each other and began to grab-ass and make out...wait, am I reading this right? I missed Danny and Flack going canon?! OMFG! But they totally did?!?! *video clip shows* Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod it's f*****g kismet!! *brain implodes on live tv*"

Does that sound about right? ;)
ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:, ow... my head hurts gotta clam down or my brain will explode
and i wanna be able to watch the new season.
^ feenx I ***LOVE*** that exploding head icon! And I love your penguin slapping banner too.

And I'd love to die with a look of pure glee on my face. Just point me in the right direction...
Sofftpurr said:
oh my gawds thats great about the newscaster...i would almost worship the writers if they did finally come to their senses...ew...no danny and lidnsay for me *cringes*...no...never...ha, i finally wrote my first ficcie ever...or well...the first stupid chappie...hey i havent watched alot of the episodes and i was wondering...does it ever mention Flack's full name? is it just "Don Flack"...and do they ever mention his mother?...

Is it a D/F fic? Have you posted it anywhere?
What's your name on ff.net, sofftpurr? I'd like to read your story. ;)

By the way, I'm here to drop off a little message from 1CSIMfan: 51 days until the premiere!!

That's all. See ya later. ;)
omg...51 days is so loooooooongs away...
clownboy...is the name...yay!...
What is this?!

The beloved Danny/Flack thread is on the second page?!


By the way, ladies (and the odd gentleman), please try not to make posts with less than 3 sentences from here on out, okay? That's going to be one of the new Shipper Central rules. Just giving you guys a heads up, since I luvs you all. ;)
Yes, O Great One!

It's been a little bit slow in here today, I guess, but heck, I'm home, there's beer and I just got done watching All Access. I can't say that I liked it any better the second time around, but this isn't the place for that discussion. It is, however, the episode that brought us the beloved kinkajou aka kinkapoodle in Dannyspeak. I couldn't help but laugh out loud when he said it the first time! :lol:

I hope that Danny and Flack are still using that cute little pet name for each other!
Oh, I'm sure Flack will call Danny 'Kinkapoodle' until he finds a better nickname--which probably won't be for a while! :lol: I mean, after all, Flack is still the 'Jackhammer' after who knows how long. :devil:

I'm not sure why this thread has been so inactive, maybe it's just a product of it being the summer time. ;) I wasn't a member last summer, so I don't know if this is a common situation or not. ;) Hopefully things will pick back up as we near the premiere (*marks September 20th on her calendar* ;)).

So, here are some new topics for discussion that will hopefully jumpstart the thread again. ;) I know we've talked about this stuff before, but it never hurts to revisit old conversations later on (especially since we might have new shippers). ;)

~Who's apartment?
Fanfics aside, where do you think these two usually end up? Does Danny usually make his way to Flack's place, particularly after the events of "Charge of This Post" or does Flack go over to Danny's apartment?

~When did they get together?
At what point do you think that these two became more than just best friends? Was there a romantic flavor to the relationship from the very beginning? Did it just develop recently? Can you place the change at a certain point in the CSI:NY episodes themselves?

~How did they feel about this change in the relationship?
Do you think they both felt that it was a natural progression from friends to more-than-friends? Or maybe one of them was afraid to make the change? Were they afraid that it would ruin their friendship, or did they know that things would be okay? Do you think that one or both of them experienced a similar situation in the past with a male friend becoming more than that? Would this have an effect on how they look at the current relationship?

Has fanfic had an effect on how you view the relationship between these two? Since the ship exists primarily in the form of fanfics, it's probably a sure thing that all of us have formed many of our ideas about them from what we've read. ;) Is there something that you feel about their relationship that you've never seen in a fanfic? Or something that you wish you could read about? Have you seen something which seems to be generally accepted as fact in the fanon that you disagree with?

Well, talk away children. :p (Oh, and discussion is encouraged in the BC as well. ;))
Wow, Faylinn I feel like i have to do some studying before starting up the discussion!

Faylinn said:
Oh, I'm sure Flack will call Danny 'Kinkapoodle' until he finds a better nickname--which probably won't be for a while! :lol: I mean, after all, Flack is still the 'Jackhammer' after who knows how long. :devil:

The 'Jackhammer' is a very inspired nickname. I've seen it used, but who came up with it?

~Who's apartment?
Fanfics aside, where do you think these two usually end up? Does Danny usually make his way to Flack's place, particularly after the events of "Charge of This Post" or does Flack go over to Danny's apartment?

Whomever's they're closest to. If they're that hot for each other, the patrol car is the likeliest spot, or the lab's broom closet, but I suspect that Danny's place is the most likely scene of the ahem, crime.

~When did they get together?
At what point do you think that these two became more than just best friends? Was there a romantic flavor to the relationship from the very beginning? Did it just develop recently? Can you place the change at a certain point in the CSI:NY episodes themselves?

Definitely just before On the Job. That scene in the diner had all of the nuances of a lovers' quarrel about it. Hopefully they went home, kissed and made up/out.

~How did they feel about this change in the relationship?
Do you think they both felt that it was a natural progression from friends to more-than-friends? Or maybe one of them was afraid to make the change? Were they afraid that it would ruin their friendship, or did they know that things would be okay? Do you think that one or both of them experienced a similar situation in the past with a male friend becoming more than that? Would this have an effect on how they look at the current relationship?

Definitely a natural progression from an easy friendship to more than just friends. It probably happened in a romantic way (I can't help it, I'm a hopeless romantic, even when I'm sending decidedly un-romantic gifts of g-strings in the mail to Hill Harper :lol:) I'd bet that this was the first such relationship for both of them and they're having more than a little fun discovering the nuances.

Has fanfic had an effect on how you view the relationship between these two? Since the ship exists primarily in the form of fanfics, it's probably a sure thing that all of us have formed many of our ideas about them from what we've read. ;) Is there something that you feel about their relationship that you've never seen in a fanfic? Or something that you wish you could read about? Have you seen something which seems to be generally accepted as fact in the fanon that you disagree with?

Fanfic has corrupted me utterly. I see the relationship in every second of screentime that they spend with each other - especially those episodes where it totally looks like Don is checking Danny out south of the border. :lol:
woo! discussion! this thread has been infested with tumbleweed for too long.

question 1 - i don't think they plan it, whoever's is closest, or jsut wherever the heat of the moemnt takes them :devil:

question 2 I think the attraction would've started when they first met. But I reckon Danny would have thought he couldn't let it get in the wa as he had a reputation to get rid of, being a Messer and all, so had to concentrate on sheeping Mac ;)
Flack probably tried to go along with it but when Blood Sweat & Tears came around, he said "Fuck it" and just decided to stare at him as much as possible.
Danny was probably still trying to squash his feelings, but when On the Job came round, he realised that really, what was the point? So of course he called Flack (which he wasn't supposed to do but Flack came anyway :D ) to come to his aid.

I think the reason for Flack's silence was partly because he wasn't supposed to be there. But probably wanted to say that he had more than jsut Danny's back, and woudl like to [CENSORED] and just [CENSORED] to within an inch of his life.

question 3 It was a while before we really saw anything, but we saw a more relaxed Danny in s2, maybe because he realised what a good idea it was to be with Flacky ;) and when Necrophilia Americana swung round, both men were now comfortable with each other to comment on clothing, waving, suggesting "golf" sessions ;). man, they were like an old married couple!

question 4 :eek: sometimes i worry about the effect fanfic has on me! ahem, like Flack obviously likes to take control in the bedroom :devil: silly things though, stuff that probably couldn't be proved on the TV show itself sadly :eek: fanfic makes me see the dirty onscreen a lot more now ;) especially when these 2 are on the scene, together obviously.

jeeeez, this was a MASSIVE post! Fay you and your provoking me with your questions you so know i need to answer! my little scroll thing at the side is TEENY! :D
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