Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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I love this thread. All the Flack and Danny love is contagious.

I am just waiting for s3 to start so we can watch Flack stare at Danny. I can't wait until they have cases together.
Yeah, I love this thread - we're all so very mellow and laid back from watching all of the D/F lovin'.

BTW, folks, it's co-ed nekkind twister! :lol: It gets to be really interesting when people are all contorted and can't hold the postition, and start to sweat and it turns into a slip and slide and that's as far as I go since this is a PG-13 board. :devil:
hey, just a thought, it may have already been mentioned, but danny tries asking linsday out in the third or fourth episode and gets shut down, right? and didnt carmine say in one of his interviews that the show was expandin on danny and flack's friendship and whatnot throughout the next season? well maybe this lindsay thing'll just bring the boys together closer, be it friendship or otherwise.
:eek: rollinsgirl! i've never seen you in here before, juut read your rather fab fics :D

i like your thinking though. maybe Danny will go to Flack about it and we'll see more of their relationship outside of work maybe. or even in working hours (but i'd prefer out of work ;) )
a bit like On the Job, in the cafe.

we just haven't seen enough of their freindship which I think is ashame even for non-shippers. it'd be nice for people to see a strong friendship between two characters, rather than 1)a simple working relationship or 2)a fscked up problematic thing ie. if this Danny and Lindsay thing is done.

They need some sort of good thing in their lives.
and i say GO WITH DANNY AND FLACK you fools!
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About spammy posts. We mods have noticed that spam-like posts have been increasing lately. While we understand that the boards can get slow with no new episodes on air yet, please refrain from constantly posting one-liners. Especially, those that have nothing to do with the 'ship or current discussion. If possible, use PMs rather than clogging up the thread. No one enjoys browsing through a thread full of irrelevant posts, eh?

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That's all from me. For now. :cool:
woah Kimmy's post has overtaken the whole board :eek:

i couldn't find this board! for a oment i thought all was lost, but i forgot about the 2 pages thing.

*head desk*
Excellent post, Kimmy--gotta get the message out and about, after all. :D

And let me second the welcome to rollinsgirl! *huggles you* It's great to see you on TalkCSI, myself and another poster were talking the other day and wondering if you were a member of the board. ;) I'm sure you'll find a great many fans in this thread in particular. :p

I like the idea of the (possible)D/L thing bringing out more of Flack and Danny's friendship. That would be something good to come out of a situation that I'm otherwise opposed to. :p I really want to see more of the friendship between these two because I know it's all we're going to get out of canon. Our fantastic fanfic writers can take care of the rest for us. ;)
Hey rollinsgirl! It's great to see you on the boards! :) Your fanfics are wonderful. You're right Fay. Being able to see more of the D/F friendship would be probably the only good thing to come out of the D/L possibility. Yep. The fanfic writers do a great job with these two.
Welcome rollinsgirl. I just want to say that I love your fics.

I have to agree that the only good thing about D/L would be if it brought D/F closer. Maybe Danny vents his frustrations to Flack and realizes Lindsay isn't right for him. Anything to get more D/F time.
1CSIMfan said:Maybe Danny vents his frustrations to Flack and realizes Lindsay isn't right for him.

Yesh. And Danny finally realizes that Flack is his one true love. And they pose romance-novel-cover style in front of a rising sun, while they passionately kiss and grope each other -

Whaaaaat? What do you mean that's too corny? :p
:lol: Kimmy

if it's Danny and Flack? to hell with it being too corny!

although i may die of over squee-ing. which would be embarassing.

"Cause of death?"
"I'm just not sure, but i think her brain imploded"
:lol: I'd die the same way L2MS! That would be great Kimmychu! :D Who cares if people think it's corny. What matters is that Danny and Flack are together in the end.
w00t! Bring on the corny, baby! :lol:

Female newscaster: Police all around the world are reporting a string of strange deaths. All (or most) of the victims are young women, and all died with a smile of glee on their faces. Doctors are stumped as to the cause of death, but it does seem that their brains simply imploded. No cause has been identified yet, but the families of the victims relate that each of them was watching the most recent episode of CSI:NY, in which two male leading characters declared their love for each other and began to grab-ass and make out...wait, am I reading this right? I missed Danny and Flack going canon?! OMFG! But they totally did?!?! *video clip shows* Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod it's f*****g kismet!! *brain implodes on live tv*"

Does that sound about right? ;)
oh my gawds thats great about the newscaster...i would almost worship the writers if they did finally come to their senses...ew...no danny and lidnsay for me *cringes*...no...never...ha, i finally wrote my first ficcie ever...or well...the first stupid chappie...hey i havent watched alot of the episodes and i was wondering...does it ever mention Flack's full name? is it just "Don Flack"...and do they ever mention his mother?...
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