Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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i agree w/ you Lost2MuchSpeed, i like Lindsay/Anna in more ways than one, but that relationship i don't see it.
I have no idea where this so-called spoiler is coming from but I'm not happy. I've already done my fair of ranting about it and now I'm just gonna sit in my corner wearing my " I <3 Danny/Flack " T-shirt and sulk :rolleyes:
If the D/L ship does happen I'm gonna throw something, like a walnut :lol:. Seriously though even Carmine noted the lack of chemistry that his character of Danny has with Lindsay. I mean, there's a difference between flirting and being friendly. Even if I wasn't a D/F shipper it would still make me mad. It's best to stay away from cannon ships as it'll make everyone go at each other's throats. All I gotta say is that Flack is gonna be majorly pissed off. He's gonna want hurt someone. And he will probably just get out of the hospital at that time. *shakes head*
I refrained from posting in the spoiler thread at risk of being accused of whining :lol: :lol:

I absolutely concur - there is *so* no chemistry between them. It would highly annoy me if this actually became canon. But, I do also love Kimmychu's analysis of the situation, and I hope that they leave it where it ends - with her rejecting him (ohpleasegodpleasegodpleaseletithappenthatway) - thus appeasing both sides of the aisle.

How many days until the new season starts? I still can't hardly wait! And even that potential ship won't make me stop watching... unless it degenerates to what ER did with everyone sleeping with everyone else. That was when I stopped watching, it was starting to turn into co-ed naked twister in the break room. :eek:
Co-ed naked twister? That might be kind of fun in a fanfic, at least. :devil: So long as Lindsay's keeping watch outside and not participating, of course. I don't have anything against the character (mostly), but I'm not big on thinking about her having sex with anybody. :eek:
Co-ed!naked!twister! :lol: Oh, yeah. Don is gonna have his hands full with that. I mean, with Danny being a tease and all about it. What were you thinking, you horndogs you ;) :devil:
Heh heh, if Hawkes, Stella and Mac are playing as well, they'd better be careful they don't get between the Jackhammer and his Kinka-Poodle--Danny will just tease and tease until Flack finally loses it, and I'd hate to be the one in the way when that happens! :lol:
53 days is too long. but just think of how immense it'll be to have it all back when it gets here. it'll be even better don't you think?

i'm trying to forget about the D/L stuff, and trying to focus on how happy i'll be when i see the show again.

but it's so hard when i read all this danny/flack fic :lol:
it gives me cravings!
Ah, Carmine. Doing your impersonation of Popeye, eh? *agkagkagkagkagk* :lol:

I think you guys might have guessed that things have not been nice for the Shipper Central mods with TBonz's latest announcement here? Ah, my D/F thread. How happy I am that you're not one of the nasty-crazy ones. *hugs*
Yeah, must be pretty heated in the shipper thread for TBonz to come down here. At least this thead is great though. We stay so kind and civil here. No fighting breaks out here. I love that we get along well. *hugs*
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