Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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^ yea. jack and ennis should've just got a ranch somewhere and lived happily ever after. this is one of the movies i wish had a fairytale ending....
i thought Ennis was called Anus when i first watched it :eek:

i wasn't paying enough attention clearly, probably thinking too much of "OMG WHEN DOES THE BOY SMEXING HAPPEN?!!!"
teehee. silly moi
^ anus and jack?! HAHAHAHhaha :lol: my friend thought his name was penis coz of how he says it with an accent. :lol: talk about an interesting name...

soooo, any good new DF fics for the plane and holiday?
The accents made it hard to understand them I had to watch it with the subtitles, but basically I got the movie to watch the action.
I've never really watched a film with subtitles, except when I need exact dialog for a fic or just quotes in general.

Be sure to tell us all about your trip when you get back, afrikana. And have a wonderful time. :)
^ yea, i'll be sure to tell you if anything interesting happens. :D

i had to watch Brokeback with subtitles, too! :D i like subtitles coz half the time i'm not paying attention and i miss what they say or they mumble and i turn it up to a deafening volume. :lol:
True. The Texan accent was pretty thick but to make it worse, the actors seem to mumble a lot. I don't know a lot of cowboys so I can't verify anything, but maybe that's the manly way to talk among cowboys or something? Where a cowboy when you need a ride, I mean, help :D :devil:
hahaha, yea i'm sure danny'a got the rodeo record on flack... :D :devil:

you know, i'd like to see a fic where flack rides danny...

feenx i'll miss you too. and i'll miss cracking up at the evil penguin banner :lol: muahahaha
I'd like to ride Danny. o_O;

Eer, I mean... XD

Anyways. Yeah. A Fic of Flack riding Danny would be cool. <3

Sorry I haven't been on here. I was dying at Drumline Practice...
Oh, Jack. Why did you have to die? In my own happy world, Jack and Ennis are both alive and happy together, spending the rest of their lives on their ranch at the foot of Brokeback Mountain

*weeps* I know! I didn't want Jack to die. :( Knowing how he died made it that much sadder. That movie was heartbreaking. If I were to choose the ending, Ennis and Jack would live happily on Brokeback Mountain just like you said. They deserve a happily ever after.
*laughs* I read Kimmychu's update and it's hilarious! :lol: I loved it! Hopefully there will be more possesive/jealous Flack in later chapters. I wonder how the case will work out with them.

Wonderful update Kimmychu! Thanks! Looking forward to the next chaper. :D
oh.my.fscking god.

i jsut read the supposedly authentic spoiler about danny confronting lindsay about the "chemistry" between them.
agh, i think i feel sick. THERE IS NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. did i mention that there is ABSOLUTELY FECK ALL?!

oh god sorry i'm getting out of control.
but it's made me so angry. it must. not. HAPPEN. i think it's a bit sad how they introduced a character just so carmine could have some sort of "love interest"


sorry for the excessive bitterness peeps
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