Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

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it doesn't matter coz they'd have a glass apartment
:lol: OMG, Gutterville is spreading! :lol:

ETA: the fic they were discussing is called "You Got Me What?" and it involves a bit of semi-public sex and a tiny drop of voyeurism on Lindsay's part. I'll PM the link if you'd like. ;)
yooohooo, new fic up on ff.net, rollins'girl
go check it out!
but weirdly, no smut, no kissing, or anything!!

edit: oh just found another one...off to read
^^I'll bet there will eventually be smut and hopefully one person heading back to Montana. :D Danny will always be Flack's and nobody will ever change that. :p

Those new condos in the gutter sure are being neglected. Fay and I have the boys all to ourselves. :p

Anybody wanna join us? Glass walls, two way mirrors, wired for sound...it's a nice place to be and all the D/F you can handle.
Faylinn said:
it doesn't matter coz they'd have a glass apartment
:lol: OMG, Gutterville is spreading! :lol:

ETA: the fic they were discussing is called "You Got Me What?" and it involves a bit of semi-public sex and a tiny drop of voyeurism on Lindsay's part. I'll PM the link if you'd like. ;)
please, and thank you.
The fic is on it's way, feenx.

*sigh* I guess we get all the space to ourselves, Rhonda. Really, I'm surprised that everyone seems to be on vacation away from the gutter right now. :p
i miss the gutter. im 'working' rigth now, im a nanny, so i have to stay away from the gutter that's something i should not think about while taking care of children.
thanks Faylinn.
Oh man, I am so glad I'm not working now. I could just imagine myself serving somebody at diner while thinking, "OMGFLACK&DANNYHAVINGSEXRIGHTNOW!" Yeah, I'd end up spilling beer on some poor guy 'cause my mind is elsewhere.

I wonder who sets up when they go camping. I'm sure Danny loves to pitch a tent if ya know what I mean :devil:.
^ the camping reference took my mind straight to the 1st sex scene in brokeback mountain :D

anyways my little DF smut addicts, i have some bad news. well it's not really all that bad but whatever. i'll be gone for a WHOLE MONTH! :( *cries* and i don't know if i'll have an internet connection in south africa so MWAH
i'll miss this thread the most, coz it's simply the best! :D but life calls, lol.

yar mateys! i'm trusting to keep the ship afloat. ( i KNOW it'll never sink!)
I got Brokeback Mountain (the movie) for my birthday as a present from my mom. I loved the book, though. One of my favorite short stories.

Someday I want to write a D/F fic in the spirit of that little novella. *le sigh* It would be very hot and angsty and lovely.
afrikana, I hope you have a good time in Sounth Africa. An entire month with out the forums and internet would make me crazy, so I feel for you. Hope you get to have internet though. :D Take care.

That movie is awsome! I bought Brokeback Mountain a while back and I love it! Happy birthday too! :D
i saw brokeback mountain this past weekend, the guy at video store gave me this wierd look,ok. i think it was ok, it was long could have used a few more sex scenes, but that's just me thinking.
Fay, Rhonda, The Gutter is in much need of lovin'. Don't worry overmuch. It's still early days. The rest of the world will the error of their ways and all join our 'ship, hurray! Erm, someday :p

I loved Brokeback. Breaks my heart everytime :( Oh, Jack. Why did you have to die? In my own happy world, Jack and Ennis are both alive and happy together, spending the rest of their lives on their ranch at the foot of Brokeback Mountain :D Ahhh, if only.
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