Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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chaostheory08 said:
Lookie at this: *************
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Oh my bad. Sorry :'(

Btw, I'm a bit lost in the conversation since I'm about to me manslaughtered by school work... especially this finals week. So.... I'll lay low for a bitty while until these tests decide my fate. Keep em pics coming so I'll have something to smile about.
ok... Here you go.


Regarding the E-mails, he's such a nice guy. I agree with tala, nice celeb to be a fan of. He makes it a point to answer most, if not all E-mail from his fans -- even if it's just a one-liner message.
Hi all!

I've been a memeber for quite sometime, but I've developed a new love for Carmine/Danny. I've always liked him, but he just keeps making me like him more and more! :p Last night's episode, he looked *SO* hot... :rolleyes: Anways, I think all of you guys seem really nice...and I look foward to posting here. :)

Oh and...the pics *sigh* thanks for sharing!
seeing as we are posting piccies..... hehe
here is a few hot piccies from last nights epi, which sadly i havent seen :(


**shakes head and waggles finger at Ms.Monroe...'Bad Lindsey!!! Bad Lindsey!!!!** :(
Really bad Lindsay...poor little Danny :( come to mommy, I will take care of you :p

Anyway, if I was walking with him in the street...

...I think I would have kissed him, no matter what!!!
Just look at him, he's...he's...
*look at the pic and sigh*
I know, I thought when Lindsay stood up Danny...he was going to go through the roof.

Well, maybe not get that angry, but I was expecting a little more anger. I mean it's Danny...he doesn't wear the tiara for nothing. <.<

But really, Lindsay, your excuse better be real good. I mean, you stood up that! *stares at the pictures* Despite his lack of what may be dating etiquette (aka the same t-shirt he proceeds to wear both at the fancy restaurant and the next day)...standing up Danny Messer just doesn't happen...at least get something out of it.
SimplyBlue, you're making me laugh!!!
I was scared when she took him near the door, "Hey, Montana! Don't break him!".
And about the shirt :D I love that shirt, really love that green shirt, he really looks good in it :) but it's true, it's not the perfect dress for that kind of restaurant (lab geek...LOL).
But like Danny said, he just wanted to hang out with her for a dinner...
Danny and Flack together again...
Flack> It was good
Danny> You like that?
Flack> Yeah
while looking Danny's back with that look... :devil:
These lines sounds hot in this way, uh? :lol:
^ if only TPTB meant it that way... :D

btw, i actually like lindsay's blue shirt. it's not granny-style anymore! :lol:
Nim said:
Anyway, if I was walking with him in the street...
...i'd take him right there! :devil: :D c'mon, he's clearly asking for it walking around in that! :rolleyes: ;) :D
Yeah...that...I think the blue shirt is that the second place now. Green one at first :)
Anyway, agree with you about Montana she looks cute, not grannie! :)

afrikana said:
c'mon, he's clearly asking for it walking around in that! :rolleyes: ;) :D
He wanted to eat something... :devil: Danny, you weren't angry, you just wanted to *censored* Lindsay :lol:
Just thought I'd let you all know that the screencaps are up on CSI Screencaps. Yeah! Lots of goodies!!!
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