Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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Lol, Nim. I was quite fond of him in the green shirt too. In fact, this picture has been my 'guh' picture since it first showed up. So I was more than thrilled when I realized what he was wearing for the first day and a half of the episode. :D

But still, I do not excuse it for the restaurant. He has nice looking clothes -- we've seen him. He was looking spiffy in the previous seasons, something in his closet could have worked, lol.

But yeah, it was just for 'dinner'...so hopefully Lindsay had a decent excuse. He's one who shouldn't be seen sitting all by his lonesome.
I think it's all because of the dog.
He's a puppy, maybe he ate all Danny's clothes...or worse...
And poor Danny gotta use the old shirts and shoes... :rolleyes:
In fact, he's got new glasses, he can afford a dinner in a posh restaurant. :)

Doggy, why didn't you eat ALL the clothes??? :devil:
True, it could have been the dog.

But hey, look at it this way, if the writers do intend for D/L to actually establish a relationship...then we might luck out with a shirtless Danny scene. From the sounds of it, there are plenty of opportunities in coming episodes for whatever reason...but if say, D/L were to have a romp one time, there might be a shirtless Danny. We've gotten a shirtless Mac and Stella in a bra (wasn't it?) and shower.
OMG, you're right... :eek:
Now I'm thinking at Stella and the shower scene of S1. She take a shower because she couldn't solve the case, and she was angry and sad.
Maybe because of Montana, Danny could take a shower...he's angry and sad, I think :devil:
:eek: lindsay stood danny up?! :eek: man i'm feeling so behind here... i'll probably only get to watch love run cold next year... :(
how can she do that.... :( :( :( i don't know if i can handle a romp between danny and lindsay (bleh!... no offense to d/l fans), even if it involves a shirtless danny scene... tuh.... wonder if i'll think differently when i'm more awake. :(
I've missed you guys! I love me some Danny, yeah baby! So I'm thinking that he wasn't wearing the shirt the next day...he told Mac he was sorry he was late...I'm thinking Lindsay stood him up before work. Just my supposition. But dang did he look good in green!!! :eek: :devil:
Welcome to the newbies! Looks like we've got a couple new faces around here. :D There's always plenty of room in the gutter for Danny fans. Enjoy it here!

SimplyBlue said:
I know, I thought when Lindsay stood up Danny...he was going to go through the roof.

Well, maybe not get that angry, but I was expecting a little more anger. I mean it's Danny...he doesn't wear the tiara for nothing. <.<
No kidding! I was a little disappointed by that belief little clip, followed by not much of a discussion regarding what happened the next day at work. I mean, c'mon, this is Danny we're talking about here. Wouldn't he have blown a freakin' gasket over that???

But really, Lindsay, your excuse better be real good. I mean, you stood up that! *stares at the pictures* Despite his lack of what may be dating etiquette (aka the same t-shirt he proceeds to wear both at the fancy restaurant and the next day)...standing up Danny Messer just doesn't happen...at least get something out of it.
Lindsey's excuse was about the lamest, most tired cliche thing I've ever heard. :rolleyes: And, seriously, she's an adult. Can she really not manage to pick-up the phone to let him know she's had a change of heart? You don't just stand someone up. Show some damn respect. Either call him or show up and tell him during dinner that she likes him, but a relationship isn't gonna happen. I thought the episode was disappointing on many levels.
Not calling was bad! I agree, Danny's much better off with Flack. :devil: ;)
Yes, Danny should just give up on her completely. No one puts Danny in a corner!!!
Flack was extremely interested in Danny last night - I hope Danny went home to cry in his arms.
Unfortunately, the worst thing to come out of the restaurant ordeal, is how rude it made Lindsay come out to be. Granted, I could understand that she perhaps thought she had moved passed an issue and when it came down to it it turned out she hadn't. But the fact when Danny quite calmly brought the subject up, she seemed to brush it off. I think I was more disappointed with that than anything else. I'm trying to like Lindsay -- I want to like her, but it's things like these that make me curl my nose. Hell, if I had been Danny I would have been upset that she hadn't enough respect to call. It didn't sound like whatever 'caught her up' was especially dire.

But meh. I did expect Danny to bring out some drama over that. He seems to just roll over whenever people hurt him and take it, not make much of a fuss.

Lol kasmith, Danny did look to be the mature one in this episode. Excluding his whining about wanting to get a bite to eat, he took the entire situation rather calmly. I kept waiting for his usualy theatrics to come waltzing out. :rolleyes:
Springmoon said:
Yes, Danny should just give up on her completely. No one puts Danny in a corner!!!
Flack was extremely interested in Danny last night - I hope Danny went home to cry in his arms.

You know, in my little world, Danny did go home to cry in Flack's arms and he made sure Danny forgot all about that horrid day.

I was very disappointed that we didn't get to see Pissy!Danny when he asked Lindsay why she stood him up. He was so out of character. I would have expected him to lash into her not practically beg for her answer.

And when she brushed him off at the end. So un-Danny like to yell to her that he'd be there if she needed him. She couldn't get away from him fast enough.

I'd like to know what went on with Danny and Lindsay after the last episode. What was the time span between Not What It Looks Like and Love Run Cold?
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