Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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Danny should have been angry, I agree. It's rude not to call and just stand someone up, period. SimplyBlue, like you, I'm trying to like Lindsay, but she really makes it hard. :lol: She's just not a nice character much of the time.

Flack sounded heartbroken after Danny said "love run cold" and Flack replied "that'll do it." Poor Flack! :( He's smitten. I hope Danny turned to him and let Flack show him who he really belongs with. ;)

1CSIMfan, I want to know what happened between "Not What It Looks Like" and "Love Run Cold" because Danny underwent a complete personality change! No anger, practically begging Lindsay to go out with him...huh??? Who drugged Danny? :confused:
How about some pics to cheer some of us...

looks very young here.

i have no idea where this is from...

They've all got cell phones that would work underwater in the deepest parts of the Pacific and she couldn't send him a freakin' text message??!! "not coming out 2nite. c u 2morrow" or some such...

Very cute pics, feenx!!
I mean it's Danny...he doesn't wear the tiara for nothing.

OH YES HE DOES. My name is Tiara and my Carmine wears me anytime he wants / or I want :lol:

He's very comfy to wear too as he fits just perfectly inside my ... :devil: :devil: :devil:
Thanks for the welcome. :)

Anyways...I am a huge D/L shipper...but in these pics I say forget her...LOOK AT HIM! :eek: That's gotta be the hottest shirt, ever. :p


I agree, he's clearly wanting someone to take him...walking around in 'that'... :devil: ;)

Credit: CSI-Caps.com
^^ Lol I like how the random guy in that pic is on his cell phone...staring at Carmine and Anna. Apparently he wasn't informed that fliming was going on. For some reason he doesn't appear to be an extra. :lol:

Then the group of people on the other side of the street look to have the 'walk sign' (it looks like you can sort of make it out just above the guy's head) and they're just watching too. "You can, uh, cross now..."

But yes, lovely pictures people. :)

And as far as taking him, yes, wearing that provocatively spray-painted on clothing...he's just asking for it. :lol:
^:lol: Loving your observational skills, SimplyBlue. If I were there, you'd see someone running towards Danny in a mad frenzy! :D

While I have a long way to go before Season 3 begins, I can say that I haven't been much of a Lindsay fan from the start... I do like the idea of Danny having someone. It's unreasonable for a guy that hot to be lonely. But Lindsay? I'm with Top et al on this one. I just don't dig her. Trying, but there's something... lacking.
SimplyBlue said:
^^ Lol I like how the random guy in that pic is on his cell phone...staring at Carmine and Anna. Apparently he wasn't informed that fliming was going on. For some reason he doesn't appear to be an extra. :lol:

And as far as taking him, yes, wearing that provocatively spray-painted on clothing...he's just asking for it. :lol:

:lol: I noticed that too! To bad I wasn't just...walking by...Some people have all the luck! ;)

And Yeah, I know. Does he not realize the statement that shirt makes? :confused:

tala said:
If I were there, you'd see someone running towards Danny in a mad frenzy! :D

I'd be right behind you ;)
Springmoon said:
They've all got cell phones that would work underwater in the deepest parts of the Pacific and she couldn't send him a freakin' text message??!! "not coming out 2nite. c u 2morrow" or some such...

:lol: Priceless. And so very true.
Morning people!!!!!

In those street pics, it kinda looks like Danny n Lindsey are holding hands :confused: hehe

i havent seen the epi yet, but i am soo excited to see it!!! i have seen the Danny screen caps, and i still cant get over the fact that Lindsey stood him up! (even if there was a really good explanation ;))
but anyhoo... seeing as we been picciposting again... ;) i thought i would put up this picci ;)
i know... i mean, why?! lol i know i would snap him up at the drop of a hat! :lol:
especially seeing as he was wearing that green shirt ;)
jus have to add some Arm!P0rn!!!!
hehe ;) :p
Nice Arm!Porn Chelliyah! I'm gonna have to go dig up some of my own noww.... brb.

Well, I couldn't find any good arm!porn, but here's some tongue!porn for ya. :devil:


and some badge!porn


and from CarmineFan dot com

what happened to the dogtags? Looks like he finally crawled out of that man-jewelry rut. :lol:

lovin them piccis ;) i love the Tongue!Porn ... mmmm sooo good! :D
i love the way Danny is like, tightening his muscles in the arm!Porn picci... hot!!!
**drools!!** :lol:
what happened to the dogtags? Looks like he finally crawled out of that man-jewelry rut. :lol:

I was wondering that, too! I actually kinda miss them...in an odd way, it seems like a part of him is missing.
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