Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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Hey hey, intro'ing me... my screen name is dannys_texas, kind of a play on Danny calling Lindsay "Montana." Reason why I say "Texas" is because I lived there for most of my life before packing up and moving to Cali. Anyway, enough about me...

I've been watching CSI:NY since the first episode, and I always thought there was something about Carmine, but I find that I've fallen pretty darn hard for him lately (maybe it's the anticipation of a D/L hookup that's driving me nuts), but dangit, he's hot!

I've read that you can e-mail Carmine, and he does personally answer his e-mails. Has that happened with anyone lately?

Look forward to being here!
Posting news article attack!! *jumps in the middle of the conversation* Someone mentioned the SI Columbus Day Parade?

Clickage! Well.. It's a picture. The article isn't about him. >.>
I had to giggle at the expression on his face in lookaboomerang's picture. They snapped a photo right at the moment he looked like an evil dictator or something. :lol: And the sash isn't helping to make me think otherwise. :p
Welcome to the board, dannys_texas! If you find yourself falling hard for Carmine, you've come to the right place. You're in good company here. Enjoy yourself. :devil:

dannys_texas said:
I've read that you can e-mail Carmine, and he does personally answer his e-mails. Has that happened with anyone lately?
He hasn't responded to fan emails in a couple months, but if you email him and hang in there, you'll likely get a response eventually. He's a busy guy, but he is fantastic to his fans and he does respond.
MacsGirlMel said:
*wonders who's with him*
No need to fear he's nailing something two or three times the age of the average poster on this site. :lol: The woman with him in the pic is Jeanine Pirro, the Republican candidate for New York state Attorney General. She's got some controversy surrounding her candidacy due to alleged illegal wiretapping of her husband's conversations because she suspected he was cheating. Go Jeanine! :D
are there any pics around of carmine on his own at the parade? i went to the "clickage" link from a previous post, but it says ya have to log in.. lol
rachaelm said:
whats his email address-or are you not allowed to post it?
Here you go: carmine@carminegiovinazzo.com :)

We've found that he really appreciates episode feedback. And don't be disheartened if months pass and you don't get a reply--a bunch of us emailed him early in the year and heard from him in June. With a "sorry for the delay" included. He's a great guy to be a fan of. ;)
yeah i emailed him last month and i havent had a reply yet. I know i will get one soon enough hehe lol it jus takes time ;) He is such a busy man these days! hehe
True, true. Looking forward to the day we can start a new "Email Carmine" thread! :)

Chelliyah, where'd your icon come from? It's killing me! :lol:
I. Just. Had. To.


At this point, I am utterly convinced he is an evil overlord whose primary purpose is to take over the world by being a hunky, bad boy and wooing people via TV. Well, I see he is doing rather well in his mission so far. :p

(Heh, I'm also testing my webserver's anti-hotlinking. Feel free to let me know if the image doesn't show up.)
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