Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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See, this is one of those guys that inspires sexyness even if he's just sitting there doing nothing... :devil:
Love all this blue... :rolleyes:

And this one makes me laugh everytime

He looks so bored :D
Nim -- Vincenzo? Always reminds me of Horatio for some reason. I mean, I can hear the way he would say it. Hahahahaha! My grandma (who watches CSI, believe it or not) addresses him with the Italian pronunciation of his name -- Carminio. Suits him really. :)

*blue pic ... that's one of my favorite sequences of Danny, him assembling the writings on the vic's body. Silhouette shots.... showcases his ass-ets. Hahahah!

feenx - third pic... he looks like Gary there.
chaos, and the story of the name isn't over!!! :lol:

Last night, before sleeping, my sister...
Miki> Mom told me she was so happy that you two thought at the same thing watching Colin Farrell
Nim> Oh really? (mom still thinking at Carmine?! S**t! :mad:)
Miki> Yeah, she was laughing about that Vittorio thing...
Nim> Vittorio?! :confused:
Miki> Yeah, Vittorio aka Carmine...
Nim> Aah, Vincenzo!

Dude, I need a new brain... :rolleyes:


Danny> No, you gotta find a life, mate
Danny running that guy down, Danny jumping across teh fire escape, Danny jumping on the guy in the alley. All very very sexy and brought him back up to the top of my list after last week's absolute fiasco.

But my favorite heart-tugging moment of the evening was the scene in the car. Carmine executed those lines with the perfect amount of feeling and it was so well-played, I almost cried. I think that we might, just might, see a little more of the Louie storyline, but it did sound like he didn't make it. I hope I'm wrong.
Hahahahah! Nim, I have a caption for that pic you posted.... get my damn name right! Hahahahah!

*as i'm typing this, my lovely gramma went past and pointed out 'carminio' on the screen hahahah*
My favorite moment, too. And same feeling, the little tear on my cheek :)
But we are not sure yet if his brother is alive or not...

Love all the pics, hey at least your parents call him by a name my dad calls him "The one with the glasses, and the tattoo o yeah and memeber how he was crying like a little b*** at the end of that one episode":mad:
^ at least your parents know who carmine is!! i have to describe him to my mum EVERY TIME even though she watches csi every week! :eek: :lol:

but then again, she's a "the bold and the beautiful" type of person :lol: :lol:
Here's a pic from last night's episode. Danny looked adorable when that guy metioned he should be shopping at Barney's instead:


I think the stylists really like the look of that green shirt on him 'cause I know I do :devil:.
chaostheory08 said:
My grandma (who watches CSI, believe it or not) addresses him with the Italian pronunciation of his name -- Carminio. Suits him really. :)

Yeah, we pronounce the name Carmine a little differently here so it was kind of weird for me when I was in the US. Sometimes I use it when I have to describe him to someone but the English pronunciation is sexier... ;)

Btw, this thread is almost done. Do we have a name for the next one?
Orison said:
Btw, this thread is almost done. Do we have a name for the next one?
This thread is done. Time for a new one. I believe everyone was in agreement on a new title. "Danny/Carmine #12: Ya Like That?", right?
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