Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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Er, Fay, why do you think that there is any less competition for you just because we're married??? I think you know us better than that.... take it back!! Take it back now!! I'd run my mother over for Carmine or Eddie or Hill!
Hey! Wassup? I'm kinda new here, but OMG. I knew that they would be together from the start. I totally knew it. I hope they stay together :). it doesn't look like it though :(. it's ok. Danny's got plenty of girls here just wating for him :D!!
1CSIMfan said:
MrsG, you're not alone. Looks like I've been married the longest. **coughs**17 years**coughs**. :rolleyes:
17 years? Awwwww. Yay for you guys. :D

My husband just rolls his eyes at my Carmine and Eddie obsession. He also knows I'd be out the door if one of them showed up. But then again, if Emily Procter showed up on our doorstep, he'd be gone too. :p
My hubby and I have a similar agreement. Would I cheat on him with Carmine? Not even a freakin' question there. :lol: However, that goes both ways. Should he ever be so lucky as to score a night with Charlize Theron, I'd give the hubby props and not hold it against him.

Thanks for all your nice words and not thinking I suck for not telling you sooner. It's always the first thing I disclose when I meet girls from the board in person, but I don't really like having secrets from any of you. ;)
i'm with you feenx ...i'm afraid of marriage, well commitment i guess! shhh.... don't tell bf that!
It's not that scary it's just i don't see the point, my parents have been together for 21 years and their happy that way.
yea feenx, my parents have been married for 36 years! some of my friends are still amazed they're still together....since most of thier parents are divorced..

yes, a big YAY ! to you CSIMFan :)...sorry i didn't see your post earlier.. :eek:
Did anyone else see the news that Carmine was Grand Marshal at the Staten Island Columbus Day Parade yesterday? Couldn't find any pics but apparently he led the parade in a 1995 Pace car - Here's a quote from the Staten Island Advance: 'many who attended the parade cheered as Giovinazzo expressed gratitude for being honored. Ed Burke, Molinaro's executive assistant, requested his presence at the parade when he met the popular actor at the Staten Island Film Festival.

"It's a pretty amazing honor," the mild-mannered 33-year-old actor said before the parade began. "I'm from Staten Island ... and the fact that they care and know what I'm doing ... I'm honored."

Burke said he chose Giovinazzo as grand marshal to spice up the tradition of selecting politicians and borough leaders.'

Way to go, Carmine!
aww thats cute!!! i havent found anything about it that mentions carmine... but hopefully there will b sum pics soon :D
messinwithmesser ,gee...thanks!

I like the pic where he was wearing that green shirt...he looks hot...he shouldn't be no. 50...Are they blind or what?
Springmoon, you frighten me...But you know I loves you. :lol: (Not enough to share Carmine, though, but I love you. ;))

Carmine being the grand marshal? I'd run up and steal that car with him in it so fast y'all wouldn't know what happened before the tires were squealing and we were outta there! :lol:

Er, since this is a picture thread, I should probably fork over some pictures...let's just grab some of the good old favorites from me, since I'm too lazy to look for new pics. :lol:

Grr! Angry!Danny

Aww! Sad!Danny

I've probably posted those recently, but I don't think y'all genuinely care. :lol: I can't get enough, and I'm sure you can't either. :p
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Thanks for all your nice words and not thinking I suck for not telling you sooner. It's always the first thing I disclose when I meet girls from the board in person, but I don't really like having secrets from any of you. ;)
You have all my love for this, and my respect :)

And Faylinn, I asked you to marry me, but now we gotta fight for marrying Carmine!!! I'm single too!!! :lol:
^ Since you've got a sister in SI, my question is this: how come we haven't had a sleepover at her place yet? It sounds like Carmine has a pretty big family. Surely a good Giovinazzo hunt would yield something. I dunno, maybe someone can hook up with an ugly cousin or something and get us some inside dirt. :lol:
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