Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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just talked to my sister...she had no idea about a parade or anything...nevertheless i told her to check the newspapers, i'm sure there's a write up or pics or something. i don't know why she doesn't think this is a priority!! :lol:

don't worry mrs g , i'll be spending another christmas in SI again this year.. (last year i had no idea who this man was, otherwise i would have been scouring the town for him!) carmine, if you ever read this, i'm not a stalker..just want to see your beautiful face in person, k? ;)

the town is full of giovinazzos...one of the doctors at her school is a giovinazzo, they call him dr. g., so maybe an uncle or something?!

anyone wanting to meet up with me in SI during the holiday, let me know... :p (yea, but you'll probably go there to look for carmine..so i understand! :p)
oooh, I watched Supply and Demand last night...who wants to form a line to take the place of the girl in the CPR scene? *drool* He can do CPR on me anytime he likes!

'Course, I know On The Job is next...poor Danny...he was a bad boy in that one. <wonders if we can punish him with the Robospanker>
Sounds like we need to plan another sleepover... ;)

I didn't even think about going to SI while I was in NY. Knowing Carmine was on the west coast I thought there was no use in walking around.
Er, Fay, why do you think that there is any less competition for you just because we're married??? I think you know us better than that.... take it back!! Take it back now!! I'd run my mother over for Carmine or Eddie or Hill!
Do you really think being married would stop us from [[censored]] Carmine? :eek: Get in line girl. :p

congrats on all these marriages- whats your secrets lol
Lots of being apart time. :rolleyes:
Faylinn said:
Grr! Angry!Danny

:lol: this reminds me of someone who described Danny as rodent-looking! :lol: :lol: i guess it's the teeth!
woohoo!!!! **runs and gives lookaboomerang a big hug!!!** i have spent most of the dahy tryin to find piccies of that parade!! hehehe he does look fit tho!!! ;) :devil:
1CSIMfan said:
Er, Fay, why do you think that there is any less competition for you just because we're married??? I think you know us better than that.... take it back!! Take it back now!! I'd run my mother over for Carmine or Eddie or Hill!
Do you really think being married would stop us from [[censored]] Carmine? :eek: Get in line girl. :p
Seconds that. I would gladly spend the next 10 years in marriage counseling as penance for a one-nighter with Carmine. ... *Gets in line to [censored] Carmine, despite wedding ring*

Thanks for the yummy pic, lookaboomerang. I love how SI loves their celeb boy. That's very cool.
I'd almost give up my Greek heritage for a night with Carmine. Anyway, I think he looks adorable in this photo:


He looks either really puzzled or really sad :lol:.
I'm so glad you found that piccy from the parade - I just knew there had to be a picture somewhere when I found the news item!
lookaboomerang thanks for finding and podting the pic :D

I'd almost give up my Greek heritage for a night with Carmine.
I'd give up my Mexican heritage for one nigth w/ Carmine.
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