Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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messinwithmesser said:
umm...yea, someone over at TV guide has a major crush on him too! :p with that you'd think he'd be ranked #1!! :lol:
My guess is that as soon as he puts out for the girl at TV Guide, he will be ranked #1. :lol: ... Everyone knows what it takes to make it to the top in Hollywood. ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:

My honey used to get all disturbed by the amount of Carmine viewing I subjected him to (enduring The Learning Curve nearly killed him, or so he claims), but he's since realized that me getting all hot and bothered actually works to his advantage. ;) I mean, so what if I'm thinking of someone else -- lovin' is lovin' no matter how you slice it, right? :lol: :devil:

See, this is what I keep trying to tell my husband, he just doesn't get it yet. Oh well, his loss I guess ;)

BTW, Mrs. G, I luv your new avvie... *drool*

And just for general purposes:


:devil: :devil: :devil:
kasmith : did ya have to go and put that pic up again?! **droooooolsss!!** the eyebrow jus does it for me ;) :devil:
now how about this one.... ;)

i love that picci lol ;) :p
^ oooh, chelliyah... that's a good one. Yeah, I feel the need to randomly drop Carmine pics. Can't go wrong with the black and white one....

How 'bout this one...


mmmmm, I want to do naughty things to that man. And he can leave the glasses and badge on. :devil: :devil:
Thanks for all these beautiful pics, ladies. Keep 'um coming! I seriously cannot get enough of that black and white one. Those arms! OMG!

kasmith101 said:
mmmmm, I want to do naughty things to that man. And he can leave the glasses and badge on. :devil: :devil:
Amen. I wanna do naughty things to that man utilizing as many props as possible. The gun and handcuffs are at the top of my list. :devil:

BTW - Time for a random and off-topic MrsG confession. I always feel a little guilty when I see people reference their husbands, as both kasmith101 and springmoon have done today. From day one, I've refered to my "boyfriend" or used any one of a number of cutesy terms for him, but I am in fact married and have been for almost 9 years. My reason for not describing him as such all along is essentially that I'll freely disclose any information regarding myself - my full name, pics, age, occupation, email addy, even home address are all on this site in various places - but I chose to keep my family private when I started posting. Anyhow, I've been on this board long enough now that I feel I should refer to my significant other accurately. Just a random FYI.

Now back to the topic at hand -- Danny / Carmine pics. *drools*
Mrs G aww bless ya!! thanks for sharing that info wit us :D some people might think that there was no point in you putting that here, but i think there is!
i see this forum as a place where you can be what ya want!as long as ya sharing the love right?! :lol: lol and hopefully no one will judge ya for it! hehe I jus think its useful to know! :D
and no need to feel guilty!!! why should ya when you can see these gorgeous piccis.... speaking of which..... ;)

i love ^^ that pic hehe

:devil: :devil:

(pictures courtesy of carmine fansites :D)
^ I can understand that. ;) I've only been married for 2 years, so I guess he's still technically my "husband in training", but husband is just easier to remember.

I think Carmine's probably too high maintence for everyday use... he's more like "fancy dress." But damn, a girl can dream. :D

Here's the butt pic just for you Mrs.G

Cheers to you. 8 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days :lol: but who's counting :devil: As long as they understand the need for eye candy, I'm all for it.

Back to the matter at hand.... That black and white pic is my absolute fave. Makes me want to drag him into the corner. A dark one. With ropes. And feather ticklers.
I know, I saw it but I didn't click on it. I might never look at Danny the same way again. I want him pure and sacred. (Maybe tomorrow. hahaha!)

Gosh, I saw it and boy.... I needed a shower after the first video. Whew! Thinking about it now, makes me wanna have another shower. Lol....

Well, thanks to YouTube I saw clips -- very specific clips -- of BHSK and TLC. Since I am living in the former planet Pluto... is it possible if you can burn me a copy of those movies? I'll pay you back maybe in cash or kind... pwetty pwease.... *bats eyelashes*

MrsG, you're not alone. Looks like I've been married the longest. **coughs**17 years**coughs**. :rolleyes: Also have two boys, 8 & 10. My husband just rolls his eyes at my Carmine and Eddie obsession. He also knows I'd be out the door if one of them showed up. But then again, if Emily Procter showed up on our doorstep, he'd be gone too. :p

Love the butt picture. Can never see enough of that.

Danny pure and sacred. :eek: That's hilarious. :p
Don't lie, Rhonda--if Emily Procter showed up on your doorstep, you'd fight your husband over her...and then I'd run up and steal her while you were trying to get him in a headlock, and we'd run of together into the sunset...

/girlcrush :lol:

I'm not married, nope nope nope. :devil: So you know, that means I really only have limited competition in this thread. Goodie. :p

By the way, I love the pictures, everyone! *licks the screen* That black and white picture? Guhhh.... And the butt shot? *taps* :lol:

Oh, and to echo Rhonda--pure and sacred Danny? Uh, not a chance. :lol:
whatcha' lookin at??


i'm with you feenx ...i'm afraid of marriage, well commitment i guess! :confused: shhh.... don't tell bf that!

i admire you mrs g ...9 years of marriage! you've got something good there! :)
So there's some more commitment-phobes (or whatever the proper term is) here? Nice to know. *is one herself*

But man, that one picture of him on page. 19 in the sunglasses and green t-shirt. Guh. I always stop there and kind of just stare. Then I see the wife beater he's wearing underneath and fleetingly wish that Mac keeps letting up on that dress code. ;-)
Lookie at this: *************
*** Post edited by MrsGiovinazzo. ***
[Please do not link to videos on other sites. It's great to tell people to go to YouTube, but you need to describe how to find the video by it's title or search terms. No linking. Sorry. It's a copyright thing.]
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