Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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^ What's this? Is that a current list that's about to come out? Should we be looking for our hottie in an upcoming issue?
Well, now I'm going to have to channel surf just to find that episode. The hubby is already annoyed at me because he's seen "Summer in the City" 3 times now - and now he's going to have to subject himself to more Carmine hotness :devil:
^ Ignore him. *lol*

They usually resign themselves to their fate. If not, they'll get the hint and leave you alone, which isn't that bad either... ;)
Springmoon said:
Well, now I'm going to have to channel surf just to find that episode. The hubby is already annoyed at me because he's seen "Summer in the City" 3 times now - and now he's going to have to subject himself to more Carmine hotness :devil:
My honey used to get all disturbed by the amount of Carmine viewing I subjected him to (enduring The Learning Curve nearly killed him, or so he claims), but he's since realized that me getting all hot and bothered actually works to his advantage. ;) I mean, so what if I'm thinking of someone else -- lovin' is lovin' no matter how you slice it, right? :lol: :devil:
I think he is slowly getting to the resignation phase of things. Last night I got off with only a heavy sigh. I took the opportunity to remind him that there are *two* tvs in the house if he was that put out by it :lol:
well, my bf knows that i'm dropping him like a hot potato if carmine comes calling! :devil: hehehe...he thinks it's the reason why i'm moving to LA...oh boys! like he wouldn't drop me if salma hayek came calling...yea, whatevah! :rolleyes:
messinwithmesser hehe i wish i was moving to LA!!!!! lol my boyfriend knows the deal with me n carmine too lol if michelle rodriguez from LOST came a knockin... man would i not see him for the dust!!!! :lol:
adslkfje! #50?! Am I the only one who sees a problem with that? 50 sexy men and Carmine's like, 'scraping the bottom of the barrel'? Does the committee who decides these things have a collective lazy eye or something? And yeah, keep us updated on if it comes out in the magazine. I don't have my hookup to tell you all the goods 4 days early anymore. :lol:
You're definitely NOT alone. I was just about to post that there has to be something wrong if Carmine is only #50. We should do something about it... ;)
orison im totally with you on that one!!! there is no way that there are another 40+ guys that are hotter than our Carmine!!!!
the person who put that poll together must not have had his glasses on!!!!!!!! :lol:
I agree that #50 does seem really far down the list for our hottie, particularly since this is a list of TV hotties so guys like Brad Pitt don't even qualify. Are there really 49 hotter guys on TV? :eek: I think not! ... However, is it just me or will anyone else roll their eyes if the man appears in TV Guide one more time? I mean, seriously, who is it at TV Guide that wants him as badly as we do? Instead of interviewing the guy like every other month, why doesn't his TV Guide contact just ask him out?

NOTE: After rolling my eyes at his inclusion in yet another issue of TV Guide, please know that I will be hightailing my butt to the store to get a copy. :lol:
umm...yea, someone over at TV guide has a major crush on him too! :p with that you'd think he'd be ranked #1!! :lol:

mrs g , i'm right behind you with getting the issue... ;)
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