Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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chaostheory08 your not the only one, i haven't seen any of those movies either. Only Black Hawk Down, and i live in CA and can't find any of those here :(
People in the video shops here don't even know what they're selling. It's very ironic actually....

But I hope HBO Asia replays In Enemy Hands. AXN Asia (the same channel that airs CSI:NY in Asia) just aired Black Hawk Down ... again.
You ALL need Netflix! :lol: That's where all my Carmine flicks come from because a lot of his movies aren't in the video stores. The Learning Curve, Black Hawk Down and In Enemy Hands were all available, but everything else came from Netflix. I cannot stress enough how much I love Netflix for finding his films other people have looked at me crazily for, curled their upper lip and have said, "No...I've never heard of that one."

And yeah, Radio Days is a waste of time. He was in the scene at the zoo, and if you're fastfowarding too fast, you can miss it because the entire scene is about 45 seconds long. I did see a group of boys on the side of the enclosure opposite of the side the main characters, but the faces are impossible to make out. Trust me, I did it frame by frame, really slow mo, everything.

And it's about damn time Players or Pledge of Allegiance, whatever the title is this week, is coming out! That movie has been on my queue for MONTHS. I'm really excited for this one. Now all we need is Shasta on DVD and we'd be set. :D
lookaboomerang wouldnt it be great if shasta came out on dvd!!! it is a must. i used to really enjoy watching that!!! :lol:

ThisIsMe aww thanks for those pages!!! i shall check them out a bit further on later!!! i soo wanna see carmine in billy's hollywood screen kiss.. ive only seen the boat bit where he takin a leak lol :lol:
lookaboomerang said:
Now all we need is Shasta on DVD and we'd be set. :D
No kidding! Seriously, every crap show ever made has found it's way onto DVD. Where's Shasta, damn it? It looks funny as hell. I think I'd laugh my ass off even if I weren't watching for love of Carmine.

I've gotta second that Netflix recommendation too. It's a must for all Carmine fans. They've got the goods you'll never find at Blockbuster.

BTW - I just went over to YouTube to watch the most recent installment of The Hill Harper Show and noticed that a couple key clips from The Learning Curve and Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss have been viewed quite a few times. Like 1,300 and 2,000, respectively! Jeez, anyone wanna see the guys butt or what? :lol:
Thanks Mrs G and all the girls for the info, I'll definitely be getting Carmine's Big Brass Ring :devil: :lol: and yes I meant that in the dirty way :lol:

We should send a petition to the network that put Shasta on air. We could put all our names on it and beg for the show to be released on dvd box set. Then if they get enough they might do it. What do you say girls? :lol:
Darkroomdanny said:
As the new guy round here, I don't know if this has been posted but here is a nod towards Carmine in 'Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss'.

It's on You Tube!! Search under Carmine Giovinazzo' and look for the title of the film.

CAUTION: It has nudity in it. Carmine nudity. Yee-haa!!! (Take this as my 'new neighbour with pot roast' gift)

There is other bits and bobs on You Tube for CG so have a look-see.

EDIT: Check out You Tube for the brief but incredibly cute 'Carmine in photobooth' moment!! Search under 'Carmine Giovinazzo' and look for CSI: NY promo.

I know, I saw it but I didn't click on it. I might never look at Danny the same way again. I want him pure and sacred. (Maybe tomorrow. hahaha!)
^Just make sure to keep Danny and Carmine separate and you'll be fine. There's something sweet about Danny's very potent sexuality, but Carmine's is...different. The TV Guide-picture-in-the-cheap-hotel-room-on-the-skanky-bed-if-you-catch-my-drift different. :lol: :devil: ;)
is that pedition for danny with glasses going, because i'll join lol.
does any one know if his character kit in providence was the one that crashed the car and killed that girl?- i loved providence and only seen carmine in balck hawk down and for the love of the game- didn't even know he was in it until he spoke and i recognised that gorgeous accent lol
feenx said:
Yeah i really need to get Netflix, can't find any of Carmine's flick in my video store.

Netflix doesn't have service here. And another boo for loser me, I don't have a credit card. :( I'm hopeless.
awwwww bless u huni **hugz chaostheory** im sure you will be able to see them at somepoint :D

I have managed to gain a copy of billy's hollywood screen kiss :D yay! at last!!! lol and i got the big brass ring comin tooo :D lol

Top i have to say.. danny has totally evolved since the first season, more than what i thought he would! lol... he has grown up alot, and is no longer the young csi we are used to seeing! :D but i think it is for the better... ;) he looks hotter every epi hehe and i jus LOVE the buzz cut he has been sporting this season lol i jus wish he would keep his glasses on!!!!! hehe ;)
Hey :)
Yesterday i was flipping throught the channels and came across TV guides 50 sexiest men on tv guess who was # 50!!!!!!!!! :eek:
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