Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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We are hot-blooded women, of course we are going to look at the package! It's a lovely package, no doubt about that. One that our fingers are itching to open... oh crap, I need a cold shower! He is just the kind of hot that you can't help having naughty fantasies about. Just almost too hot...
I was goig to say Flack's there to make sure they don't arrest Danny, but then i remebered your 18 so you go girl!!!
If anybody needs me i'll be in Mac's office :devil:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Looking below the belt right now. :devil: Darn, now I feel kinda bad that I ripped his jeans so badly while trying to get in them. :lol:

:lol: MrsG , Please do not feel bad for ripping that man's jeans while trying to get into them. I know that I wouldn't :devil: Shoot, I would rip the heck out of them to get to the prize :devil: and I wouldn't stop until I have won ;)

Happy Birthday, Chaos ! Enjoy the man today! That sexy man needs some lovin ;)

PS: I usually look below the belt first anyway :devil:
Happy birthday, chaostheory08! :D Enjoy the day...and your prize. ;) :devil:
I think he has a habit of putting his cigarette behind his ear...and the smoking habit? I agree he should stop...he should have seen the difference of a lung of a non-smoker and a smoker...it's really eww and ugh...

anyway...he still looks hot on that pic...
Happy Birthday chaos.

Have fun with Carmine. I just hope he'll be good and ready for my birthday in December.

I too wish he'd quit smoking. :( He stated previously in TV Guide that he wanted to be healthier by working out and eating better. Wouldn't it make more sense to stop smoking?

BTW MrsG it looks like you almost got those jeans ripped off. Why'd you stop? :p
Happy birthday Chaos!

*is happy at the chance to see young Carmine again today...but sad he dies so darn quick in Buffy* The part he's in is the first half, which airs at I think 6pm central...7 Eastern.

hey, Feenx, get outta my way, we already discussed this, Mac is mine! I just share him with Stella lol. So, hands off! :devil:
Springmoon said:
Happy Birthday chaos!! Do us a favor and get rid of that pink bracelet, will you?

Hahaha, sure thing! I should be the one wearing the pink. And maybe I should keep the ciggies from him just for this day.

feenx -- just keep Mac from the ME's office.

As for Flack, I'll keep him there. After all, it's my 18th so I can have two hotties to celebrate with me.
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