Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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So I just watched the pilot of Buffy again..... Carmine's death was pretty great. He went down like a playa.... trying to get some action.
1CSIMfan said:
BTW MrsG it looks like you almost got those jeans ripped off. Why'd you stop? :p
Turns out that rock hard object I was going for in his front pocket was his cell phone and he used it to call the cops, so I ran. :lol:

Happy b-day, ChaosTheory! Fully legal! Woo hoo!!! :devil:

messinwithmesser - You're killing me with pics you're posting. Going for my favs. Now I'm all hot and bothered. :(
So I just watched the pilot of Buffy again..... Carmine's death was pretty great. He went down like a playa.... trying to get some action.

Yeah, that was pretty funny.

Girl: We might get in trouble!
Carmine: I hope so!

:lol: Playa to the end! And didn't even get listed in the opening guest credits!
He looked so young, but very hot.

Girl: We might get in trouble!
Carmine: I hope so!

Playa to the end!
:lol: See what happends when you try to get some loving, the girl turns out to be a vampire :lol:
yeah lol poor guy. he was in the end credits as "boy" or something I think.

I wonder if I'm alone wishing Darla had turned him just 'cause he'd have made a sexy vamp <g>

Some photo goodness Screencaps

One here

More scrreencaps

I can't post the pics here but you can view them. The ones on page two and three you have to search a bit for but they're there, two of them...even if he is playing a corpse by then lol.
Mel23 said:
I wonder if I'm alone wishing Darla had turned him just 'cause he'd have made a sexy vamp <g>
You are not alone my dear friend, i would have so let him take a bite from me :devil: :lol:
PrettyEyes said:
Happy 18th, Chaos! Sounds like you're creating, what else, chaos for Carmine. :eek: :lol: Don't bruise Big Daddy now. :devil: ;)

Yeah, chaos! Hahahahaa..... just living up to my name. He and Flack are havin' fun though hahhaha.

lol well you sure know how to celebrate ya 18th!!!! :> good on ya gal!

Lol -- didn't have all those expensive parties with ball gowns and all. So I just have to make due with what was given or lent to me hahahah...

Do I have to give him back now? *sniff* Nah, s'ok -- we've had our fun for one day.

lol wouldnt it have been great tho if it was the other way around.... i would offer my neck on a plate to him!!!! :D hehe :lol:
here is a pic to start off season 3... 2 more days ladies... :D

The spot on his belly is my drool...in fact he's showing my pic to Flack

Flack> the creepy girl?
Danny> yeah...look at those eyes, she has the look of a killer, uh?

^ LMAO, Nim! Actually, I believe that pic was taken one day when I snuck onto the set and had a rendevous with Carmine in his dressing room. The spot on his shirt is of the same substance found on Monica Lewinsky's dress. :eek: :lol:
MRS G!!!! lol i hope you are not implying what i think you are! :lol: :devil:
his biceps are lookin mighty hot in that pic ;) boy, what i wouldnt do to get my hands on him.......
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