Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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afrikana said:
kasmith101 said:
duh duh duh.... sex dressed in a wifebeater:

*sniff* do i smell a potential thread name? *coughrhondawriteitdowncough* :p but thanks for the sexy pic kas!! :D yummy yummy carmine!

Rahr! Yeah... I love that!
I really dig his new look -- rough, bad boy look = hot!

Good thing, I watched a truckload of CSI vids on YouTube some months ago.... too bad they're taken down.
kasmith101 said:
Alright ladies, in honor of me *finally* being able to post pictures, and the fact that we haven't seen this luscious photo in like 5 pages, I'm bringing.... duh duh duh.... sex dressed in a wifebeater:


kasmith101 , thank you for the lushious picture of our boy, Carmine. That picture is reason 1,021 as to why I need to move to LA so I can have Carmine sightings all of the time! :lol:
i LOVE that pic - i always look at his arms when i see his pics hehe they look a lovely colour, and ya can sooo tell he been working out hard for this season!!! and what with all that golf hehehe ;) :D
Yep, does look like he's been working out hard this summer. I wonder if the rest of him is as, er, fit looking as his upper body?

The pink bracelet looks like one of those things they give you at a big party to show that you're over 21 instead of carding everyone at the bar every time.
This must be recent. He's got that sunburn. He's got beautiful hands. I always notice men's hands and Carmine's are really nice. I for one wish he'd stop smoking so he doesn't die of lung cancer when he's way too young. Maybe it's because I'm older but where other fangirls say "ooh, I love the cigarette behind his ear!" I'm thinking "oh Carmine, baby, stop smoking so you'll live longer and be healthier!" I read somewhere that he is a chain smoker. Not good. But he sure looks yummy in this pic!
Yeah, he'd better quit smoking...I was laughing at the cigarette behind the ear, because it's like in RSRD :)
Lovely pics to wake up to, girls! Thanks! As for the pink bracelet, gotta second what's already been said. I'm sure that was either an "over 21" bracelet or a VIP bracelet some club doorman slapped on him. No way our hottie would be out on the town wearing a pink bracelet ... unless he was also accessorized by Eddie on the other arm. ;)
*geeheeheehee* Pink.

Now that I've gotten the immaturity out of my system (hah), that's a nice picture of him. :) I admit it, I laughed when I saw the pink bracelet ... mostly because he really looks like he's showing it off in the image. :lol:

"Look at my pwetty pink bwacelet! Isn't it so pink? And Eddie has a matching one too! *squee*"

If you're reading this, Mr. G, that was just a joke. Really! :p
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