Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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1CSIMfan said:
We wouldn't actually be stalking them, would we? Just watching them. :p
stalking them would mean to follow him a very where he goes, but we just be camped out in his backyard so were not following him so were not stalkers... i think i confused myself :confused:
How pathetic. I just realized Carmine is my own personal Pavlov. Every time I see a Carmine/Danny pic, I start panting and drooling. How utterly Pavlovian is that? :)
Oh my, thanks for the new images! You know what I like most about him? That he isn't one of those Hollywood cookie-cutter pretty boys. Ya know ... he's a guy who's regular and yet, hot. Dunno how else to explain it, but I hope you guys know what I mean. :lol:

And what is this about D/F videos on Youtube? I have found nada. :eek:
:lol: hi guys... this is my 1st time posting here...
well, none of the 'home video' sort of D/F videos on youtube, but at least there's this one:

*link edited by MrsGiovinazzo*
[Please do not post links to videos on other sites. Unless the site is owned by you, it's a copyright issue. It's fine to refer people to YouTube, but give the name of the video or the search terms to enter. Do not link to it.]
awww i checked that one out already... i love that one lol
i also found some other danny & lindsey ones on there.. they so cute!!! ;)
Kimmychu said:
Ya know ... he's a guy who's regular and yet, hot. Dunno how else to explain it, but I hope you guys know what I mean. :lol:
I know what you mean :) maybe this is why I'm so in love with him... *faints*
Thank you chelliyah :)
This man is driving me crazy...where's the crack pipe?
Uh, well, if it's busy, I think I can use Carmine's one...if it's not busy with Mr G :devil:
lol hey be sure to pass it around!!! i wanna hit! lol
if Mr G busy wit it, i hope he appreciating us all!!!! ;) hehe :lol:
My bad, to a little longer with the crack pipe here ya go.
That man drives everyone crazy here.
i know we say it a lot, but that should be a crime him looking so hot.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Still waiting for those D/F home videos to surface, but believe me, the moment they do, I'll come running over to let you all know.

^ uh, yeah, once you find the D/F home videos, let me know. I have been having some D/F withdrawal lately and need my fix! :D
Just when I was getting excited about all the CSI:NY videos that are popping up on YouTube, looks like CBS put an end to that. :( If you try to access them, you get this message: "This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner CBS because its content was used without permission." :( What a buzz kill.
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