Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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Alright ladies, in honor of me *finally* being able to post pictures, and the fact that we haven't seen this luscious photo in like 5 pages, I'm bringing.... duh duh duh.... sex dressed in a wifebeater:


now back to our regularly scheduled programming, which I believe was something about full-body licking? Oh wait, that was the other thread.... it's all runs together. Full-body licking, D/F, you know same thing really. :lol:
kasmith101 said:
duh duh duh.... sex dressed in a wifebeater:

*sniff* do i smell a potential thread name? *coughrhondawriteitdowncough* :p but thanks for the sexy pic kas!! :D yummy yummy carmine!
I like to call that particular photo the Eyebrow. :lol:

As for the video, I got to see it before it was taken down. To be honest, you won't be missing anything if you've seen both Charge of this Post and Run Silent, Run Deep. The video is just a compilation of clips from both episodes. :) However, what made it a D/F video was the way the clips were put together.

Uhm, lemme describe the D/F bits, if I remember them correctly ... One part showed Danny in front of a laptop, looking out for Mac and Flack, and he touches the screen when a hand shows up on camera. In the video, it's supposed to be Flack's hand, see? ;)

The ending was the best. It starts off with Danny at the hospital, looking pensive as doctors and nurses are working on someone who's hurt. It shifts to Danny walking outside the hospital, all teary-eyed. Mac shows up. Danny breaks down and cries, and Mac comforts him. The way the clips were arranged, it was meant to show that Danny was crying about Flack being injured in the bombing. So, after the crying bit, the scene changes to somebody holding Flack's hand while he's unconscious on the hospital bed. Annnnd the clip ends with Flack squeezing person's hand. :D

Of course it was Danny's hand, what do you mean it wasn't? :p
I am sure you've all seen this pic by now:

I notice they are evolving Danny into a more rough-cut guy; the T-shirt is frayed, and he's not shaving regularly. I can't help noticing that he is becoming more in contrast to Don's suit and tie. I have to say I love that, as a D/F shipper. Opposites attract, huh? I know, wrong thread, but the boys are looking mighty fine. I don't like Danny's new glasses though, but I'm sure I'll get used to them.
I like the rough looking Danny. Just my type of guy. :D I like the tattered shirt and I noticed in the picture thread that the wifebeater is on underneath it. Maybe that shirt will get caught on something and ripped off and we'll be forced to drool over the wifebeater. :p

afrikana, writing it down as we speak.

Nim, I wanna run my hand through all his hair. His head, his face, his chest, his **censored**. :rolleyes:

Kimmy, I totally agree. That was Flack that Danny was crying over and it was Danny who was holding his hand. Yeah, that sounds about right. ;)
Is anyone going to rewatch or watch Carmine's Buffy the Vampire Slayer ep this Sunday night? The WB's last hurrah reairing of the pilots thingy. I know I'm gonna be like "see there he is, one of the guys from CSI NY"

I wish he'd turned...he can nibble on my neck anyitime he likes <g>
omg i love that pic!! he jus looks rough, ready, and on the lookout - so dont mess with him!!! lol mind you, i wouldnt mind.... :eek: ;)
i think his new hair style is very sexy. he always looks soo good in wat he wears on set!!! mmmmmmmm!!!!**DROOLS**
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