Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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:D Yummy pics ladies! Just seeing Carmine gives me such dirty, dirty thoughts :devil:

I am so excited for the premiere next week!!!!!
whee ... Im back...from the three days without internet and all I have to do is to study ( and anyway it was useless for I failed my quizzes...)

and to look at Carmine's pic was a relief from all the stress and tension throughout the day....
lol i jus love the pic where he walkin along with his cup in hand, omg
er... I'm not even gonna think about typing it here. Lol -- let's just say that I have been spending far too much time in the gutter...

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Can't believe I was so distracted by the hotness of Carmine on the golf course that I forgot to address the more pressing issue of Danny/Flack video links. :eek: You can't link directly to videos on another site, but you can tell us what site they're on and let us know how to find them. ... Double bonus points if they're ... um, home video ... if ya know what I mean. ;)

Hmm... home videos? Paris Hilton-ish, you mean? Hahahahahah! Well, they all come from one user profile. Or can I post the link here but mangle it like this:


You ladies can have all the crack you want...I want CARMINE'S pipe!
What 'crack' are we talking about here anyway? :devil:
Nim said:
I love how he's dressed. All dark...and look at the golf glove... :rolleyes: and I gotta stop looking under the belt... :devil:

Omigod, I was thinking the same thing...
chaostheory08 said:
Or can I post the link here but mangle it like this:

Totally fine to refer people to YouTube. We just can't post links to videos. Fine to let people know which site they should visit though. *runs there now*
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Totally fine to refer people to YouTube. We just can't post links to videos. Fine to let people know which site they should visit though. *runs there now*
well MrsG if ya find any interesting videos <<wink,wink>> please lets us know.
^ Still waiting for those D/F home videos to surface, but believe me, the moment they do, I'll come running over to let you all know.
Forget D/F home videos...I want to see, well never mind what I want to see. Don't want to be considered a stalker now, do I?

ETA: I almost forgot to mention: Entertainment Tonight will be doing a story on CSI:NY tomorrow night. They promo-ed it tonight.
I wanna see some D/F home videos and I'm not talking YouTube either. :devil:

We wouldn't actually be stalking them, would we? Just watching them. :p
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