Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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As for the thing on his ass, since he isn't wearing his glove in that pic, I'd assume it's dangling from his back pocket. While it looks odd from that angle, that's not an uncommon sight on a golf course.

How many gloves do they wear? I have no idea but if you look closely (since his glove blends in with his pants) he's holding his glove in his right hand. Extra one in the back pocket maybe? :confused:

Why I'm looking at his hand instead of that sweet ass is beyond me. :eek:
1CSIMfan, I think you're right. In fact, in the other pic, you see he has one glove on his left hand. And to play golf you need one glove only, right?

feenx, your turn, take the pipe :p
PrettyEyes said:
You ladies can have all the crack you want...I want CARMINE'S pipe! :devil: ;)
ROFLMAO! Nice one.

As for the glove, yeah, looks like you guys are right. He may have been holding the glove in his right hand in the pic where he's squatting down. No idea what the white thing on his ass is then. :confused: ... My tongue? Nah, that's pink. :confused:
Thanks for posting the great pics Nim!
MrsGiovinazzo said:
No idea what the white thing on his ass is then. :confused: ... My tongue? Nah, that's pink. :confused:
My guess goes to a pack of cigarettes falling out of his ass pocket.
^Good call... maybe it's like a scorecard or one of those course maps they give all the players usually....

Then again...Maybe it's the beer girl's number :lol:
PrettyEyes said:
You ladies can have all the crack you want...I want CARMINE'S pipe! :devil: ;)

LMAOPMP only you could come up with something like that huh!!! hehe :lol:
don't get him too exhausted tho eh?! am sure the rest of us would like a piece! :devil: :lol:
Here's some more pics. Damn, Carmine looks so freakin' gorgeous. :devil:



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