Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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It's The Learning Curve. He's very cute in this movie, and there are some naughty scenes... :rolleyes:
I love when he's sleeping in that flourish-floor :lol:
Radical618 said:
I'm cool and drwaing a blank-- what's the Baseball movie he's in called?

" For the Love of the Game ". I actually saw it again this morning...good thing it was near the end...when our lovely Carmine is at bat with those tight ass baseball pants! I love the baseball pants... :devil: :p
OK, here's a thought: if he were a major league ballplayer and not an actor, would we all have met on a forum dedicated to him? Probably not. So actually, we can thank him for becoming an actor and bringing us all together! :)Happy thought. Now if we can just get him together with all of us... :devil: :eek: :p
that's so true....it's funny that you mention that PrettyEyes, because i was wondering the same thing today, watching the movie.. how it would have been if he was a professional baseball player! not sure if i'd ever notice him...guess it would depend on what team he played on....(if his team ever played against the team i liked or maybe he played on my favorite team!...) but i do have crushes on baseball players! so i guess there is the possibility of me having a crush on carmine the baseball player...esp in the tight baseball pants... :p (sorry to bring up the baseball pants again!)
If he'd played on a team I followed, I'd have noticed him for sure. How can you not notice a guy that hot? But if you aren't into baseball then you probably would never have seen him. All things being equal I'm glad he is an actor.

I'll be watching "In Enemy Hands" and "Miracle" tonight. Also waiting for my writer friend to critique a fic I wrote this morning...!
I'm so happy he's an actor. Baseball is not famous here at all...it's sad because when I was at school, it was one of the game you had to learn playing...but then nothing :(
It's sad Carmine suffered a lot after injuring his back, but I hope he's happy now with his new job :)
^I'm glad he's in CSI. Baseball's not too big here either. Although I know how to appreciate a talented and not to mention very attractive athlete.

chaostheory08, I promise he'll be good and ready for your birthday!
Now, off to plot what to do with him on Wednesday
Lol, thanks! I'm not gonna plan for mine... I'll just play it by ear hahah... see what he likes.
Nim said:
If you go to wikipedia, there are a lot of meanings for the name of his cat... click HERE!

Maybe it's a good question for next emails... :)
Actually, that question has already been answered. His cat is named for Mookie Wilson, a former Mets player who was quite popular in the '80s. Random little bit of baseball trivia for you all. Most people have heard the tale of Red Sox first baseman Bill Buckner who allowed a ground ball to go through his legs during the bottom of the 10th inning in game 6 of the 1986 World Series, costing the Sox the series. Mookie was the batter who hit the ball to Buckner. ... Yes, I know way too much about baseball. Blame it on the man in my life. ;)
Thanks MrsG! Of course Mookie Wilson would probably be an idol to Mets-loving Carmine. MMM, loving Carmine :devil:...I digress. Sorry. :rolleyes:
MrsGiovinazzo said:

Actually, that question has already been answered. His cat is named for Mookie Wilson, a former Mets player who was quite popular in the '80s. Random little bit of baseball trivia for you all. Most people have heard the tale of Red Sox first baseman Bill Buckner who allowed a ground ball to go through his legs during the bottom of the 10th inning in game 6 of the 1986 World Series, costing the Sox the series. Mookie was the batter who hit the ball to Buckner. ... Yes, I know way too much about baseball. Blame it on the man in my life. ;)
:confused: i know nothing about baseball :confused:
hey peeps sorry to change the subject, and i dunno if anyone has ound this already( or if the page belongs to a talkcsi member?!) but i only jus came across this and its soooo cute!!! its dl to the max!!!!! enjoy! xx

** Link edited by MrsGiovinazzo **
[Sorry girls. Had to edit the link. We cannot link directly to videos. If you want to see the video, go to YouTube and type in "Danny Messer" or "Lindsey Monroe". - MrsG]
I love baseball. The end of For The Love of the Game was great. Carmine was so cute. That's cool that his cat is named after Mookie Wilson. I wondered where he got that name.

MrsG, you can never know too much about baseball, at least where Carmine is concerned. ;)

Ummm, I don't think we're allowed to link to videos.
Today I was at work, I sell shoes at Sears, and I went to find a pair of shoes for someone and we didn't have the one she wanted so I checked for that size in other styles and when I looked at the box to see what colour this one pair was it said: 'white/roseblush-carmine'.
I had to look twice cause knowing me I would have read it wrong but sure enough the bright red colour on the shoe is called 'carmine'. I don't think I'll sell any of those :devil:
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