Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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Yes the Mook is a pretty kitty, but I'd much prefer to STROKE Carmine :devil: :devil: :devil:

To all those having or about to have birthdays - happy birthday, but a word of warning girls.... the rest of us want Carmine back in one piece safe and sound.And I know the Candy machine may be working overtime but we all want some of those big, hard balls o' Carmine to suck on. So share round girls. :devil: :devil: :devil: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you go to wikipedia, there are a lot of meanings for the name of his cat... click HERE!

Maybe it's a good question for next emails... :)
I think "the Mook" was a character in one of his movies...the movie name is escaping me right now with all this talk of marrying Carmine and Carmine Candy balls. :devil: Carry on without me; I'll be in CandyLand! :p ;) :lol:
I'm here to bring back Carmine, he's in one piece but has a few marks on his back. last time im boring Lady Heather's wip :devil:
So good of you to bring him back to us in one piece. Glad you had fun with him. I'm sure he had fun too. Though it looks like you wore him out. ;)

^Lol... just as long as he's mine on the 17th! I don't care which timezone. Hahahaha...

His cat looks like my cat. But my little Minty isn't that big... yet.

Imzadi83 -- if that's a preview of what I'll be gettin... hell, waiting is overrated! Giv'im to me!!!!
chaostheory08, I promise he'll be good and ready for your birthday!
Now, off to plot what to do with him on Wednesday :devil:
I go a little OT...I mean, from the b-day's projects :)
I uploaded 3 clips about Columbo Likes Nightlife, a tv-movie with Carmine.
If you wanna see him, click HERE, and tell me what you think!
Like I say in those posts, I'm sorry for the quality of the clips... :( but let me know what you think!!!
^^ Hahaha.... thanks for posting Nim! It was so much better cuz I had no clue what they were saying. Except the "mmm mmm mmm" line. Classic.
:lol: Those clips were great! It was funny to watch because I had no clue whatsoever what was being said, but i did like watching Carmine dubbed in Italian, esp when he said 'Bella', I understood that one! :lol:

The man is sexy in any language! Thanks, Nim !

PS: A belated B-day to those that had them last week and any upcoming ones! I hope that Carmine was returned ok after my b-day last week, I kept him pretty busy ;)
Imzadi83 said:
So good of you to bring him back to us in one piece. Glad you had fun with him. I'm sure he had fun too. Though it looks like you wore him out. ;)

Hot DAMN what movie is that picture from? Man is it hot in here or WHAT!!! :devil:
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